

Beyond the Basics
It covers:
• Descriptions of additional editing facilities, with a review of the general command
• Additional ways to enter vi
• Making use of buffers that store yanks and deletions
• Marking your place in a file


More Command Combinations
Table 4-1. More editing commands
Change Delete Copy From cursor to...
cH dH yH Top of screen
cL dL yL Bottom of screen
c+ d+ y+ Next line
c5| d5| y5| Column 5 of current line
2c) 2d) 2y) Second sentence following
c{ d{ y{ Previous paragraph
c/pattern d/pattern y/pattern Pattern
cn dn yn Next pattern
cG dG yG End of file
c13G d13G y13G Line number 13
(number)(command)(text object)
number is the optional numeric argument. command in this case is one of c, d, or y. text object is a movement command.

Advancing to a Specific Place
$ vi +n file
Opens file at line number n.
$ vi + file
Opens file at last line.
$ vi +/pattern file
Opens file at the first occurrence of pattern.
注意:If you include spaces in the pattern, you must enclose the whole
pattern within single or double quotes:†
+/"you make"
or escape the space with a backslash:
+/you\ make
当查找的模式中含有空格的时候,建议直接使用双引号,反斜杠加空格(/ )在windowsgvim中不起作用
Using +/pattern is helpful if you have to leave an editing session before you’re finished.You can mark your place by inserting a pattern such as ZZZ or HERE.Then, when you return to the file, all you have to remember is /ZZZ or /HERE.

Read-Only Mode
To look at a file in read-only mode, enter either:
$ vi -R file
$ view file
You can override read-only mode by adding an exclamation point to the
write command:

Recovering a Buffer
$ ex -r
$ vi -r
you will get a list of any files that the system has saved.
$ vi -r practice --恢复practice的buffer
You can force the system to preserve your buffer even when there is not a crash by using the command :pre (short for :preserve).

Making Use of Buffers
d x y content is saved to buffers,we can use p or P to put the text back.
vi also allows you to place yanks (copied text) into buffers identified by letters. You can fill up to 26 (a–z) buffers with yanked text and restore that text with a put command at any time in your editing session.

Recovering Deletions
To recover a deletion, type " (double quote), identify the buffered text by number, then give the put command. To recover your second-to-last deletion from buffer 2, type:
"np 即为恢复倒数第n次的内容
"1pu.u. --依次增加地恢复删除的内容,u(撤销).(点为重复),每重复一次其对应的缓存数字会依次增加一个(若"np中的n为1,则增加到2,若"np中的n为2,则依次增加为3、4、5 etc)

Yanking to Named Buffers
To yank into a named buffer, precede the yank command with a double quote (") and the character for the name of the buffer you want to load. For example:
"dyy Yank current line into buffer d.
"a7yy Yank next seven lines into buffer a.
After loading the named buffers and moving to the new position, use p or P to put the text back:
"dP Put the contents of buffer d before cursor.
"ap Put the contents of buffer a after cursor.
"a5dd -- Delete five lines into buffer a
Delete from cursor to end of current sentence and save in buffer z.
Move two sentences further on.
Add the next sentence to buffer z

Marking Your Place
In command mode:
Marks the current position with x (x can be any letter). (The original vi allows only lowercase letters. Vim distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase letters.)
(Apostrophe.) Moves the cursor to the first character of the line marked by x.
(Backquote.) Moves the cursor to the character marked by x.
(Backquotes.) Returns to the exact position of the previous mark or context after a move.
(Apostrophes.) Returns to the beginning of the line of the previous mark or context.

Review of vi Buffer and Marking Commands
Table 4-2 summarizes the command-line options common to all versions of vi. Tables
4-3 and 4-4 summarize the buffer and marking commands.
Table 4-2. Command-line options
Option Meaning
+n file Open file at line number n.
+ file Open file at last line.
+/pattern file Open file at first occurrence of pattern (traditional version of POSIX -c).
-c command file Run command after opening file; usually a line number or search (POSIX version of +).
-R Operate in read-only mode (same as using view instead of vi).
-r Recover files after a crash.
Table 4-3. Buffer names
Buffer names Buffer use
1–9 The last nine deletions, from most to least recent.
a–z Named buffers for you to use as needed. Uppercase letters append to the buffer.
Table 4-4. Buffer and marking commands
Command Meaning
"b command Do command with buffer b.
mx Mark current position with x.
'x Move cursor to first character of line marked by x.
`x Move cursor to character marked by x.
`` Return to exact position of previous mark or context.
'' Return to beginning of the line of previous mark or context.

