


本医院管理系统小程序,后台采用Spring Boot框架,MYSQL数据库设计开发,微信小程序用微信开发者工具开发,充分保证系统的稳定性。系统具有界面清晰、操作简单,功能齐全的特点,使得医院管理系统小程序管理工作系统化、规范化。本系统的使用使管理人员从繁重的工作中解脱出来,实现无纸化办公,能够有效的提高医院管理系统小程序管理效率。

关键词:医院管理系统小程序;Spring Boot框架;MYSQL数据库



With the deepening and extensive application of information technology in management, the implementation of management information systems has gradually matured in technology. This article introduces the whole process of the development of the small program of the hospital management system. By analyzing the shortcomings of the small program management of the hospital management system, a program of computer management of the small program of the hospital management system was created. The article introduces the system analysis part of the hospital management system applet, including feasibility analysis, etc. The system design part mainly introduces the system function design and database design.

The small program administrator functions of this hospital management system include personal center, user management, doctor management, scheduling information management, doctor information management, department information management, department appointment management, medical record information management, physical examination report management, system management, etc. Doctors can manage, schedule, process appointment information, physical examination information, medical record information, etc. Users can register, log in, make appointments, etc. So it has a certain practicability.

The small program of the hospital management system uses the Spring Boot framework in the background, the MYSQL database is designed and developed, and the WeChat small program is developed with WeChat developer tools, which fully guarantees the stability of the system. The system has the characteristics of clear interface, simple operation and complete functions, which makes the small program management of the hospital management system systematized and standardized. The use of this system frees managers from heavy work, realizes a paperless office, and can effectively improve the efficiency of the small program management of the hospital management system.

Keywords: Hospital management system applet; Spring Boot framework; MYSQL database


1系统概述 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2研究目的 1

1.3系统设计思想 1

2相关技术 2

2.1微信小程序 2

2.2 MYSQL数据库 3

2.3 uni-app 3

2.4 Spring Boot框架简介 4

3系统分析 4

3.1可行性分析 4

3.1.1技术可行性 4

3.1.2经济可行性 5

3.1.3操作可行性 5

3.2系统性能分析 5

3.2.1 系统安全性 5

3.2.2 数据完整性 5

3.3系统界面分析 6

3.4系统流程和逻辑 7

4系统概要设计 8

4.1概述 8

4.2系统结构 9

4.3.数据库设计 9

4.3.1数据库实体 9

4.3.2数据库设计表 11

5系统详细实现 16

5.1 管理员模块的实现 16

5.1.1 用户信息管理 16

5.1.2 医生信息管理 17

5.1.3 排班信息管理 17

5.1.4 科室信息管理 17

5.2 医生模块的实现 18

5.2.1 科室预约 18

5.2.2 病历信息 18

6系统测试 19

6.1概念和意义 19

6.2特性 20

6.3重要性 20

6.4测试方法 20

6.5 功能测试 21

6.6可用性测试 21

6.7性能测试 22

6.8测试分析 22

6.9测试结果分析 23

结论 23

致谢语 23

参考文献 24






