摘 要 针对目前大学生求职竞争压力大的现状,提出开发大学生勤工俭学系统,让大学生在学习之余参与工作,以获取一定的经济收入和实践经验,帮助大学生减轻经济负担,提高自身综合素质,促进学生的全面发展。 大学生勤工俭学系统分为求职者用户和人事用户,以及管理员等角色,公司用户登录后进入管理中心,可以发布个管理招聘信息,求职者用户登录系统可以查询招聘信息。该勤工俭学系统前台使用Java技术,采用MySQL数据库进行开发,系统后台使用SpringBoot框架进行开发,具有低耦合、高内聚的特点。主要实现了系统注册、用户管理、公司管理、简历管理、招聘管理等模块设计。 大学生勤工俭学系统对于促进大学生的就业和社会发展具有积极的意义。


Abstract With the development of information technology, computer network services play an important role in society. The emergence of various management systems not only helps people solve daily management tasks, but also provides a lot of information and data. In the current competitive job recruitment environment, college students can effectively increase work training through work-study, accumulate experience for real employment, and also increase some income to exercise themselves. Whether in universities or in social job recruitment, our college student work-study system can serve it. The enterprise publisher publishes job information, job seekers improve their resumes, and communicate on the college student work-study system. The platform provides both parties with a very convenient operating experience. This system uses Java technology and MySQL database for development, while the system background uses the SpringBoot framework for development, featuring low coupling and high cohesion. This article elaborates on requirements analysis, system design, system implementation, and system testing. The development of the system helps administrators effectively manage job recruitment information and improves the development efficiency of job recruitment. Finally, the university student work-study system was tested to check the system's functionality, load capacity, and system compatibility. The results showed that the system met practical requirements and completed the predetermined requirements.

Keywords: college students, user job hunting, recruitment, work-study, Java



  1. 会员用户添加和管理。
  2. 新闻公告添加和管理。
  3. 管理大学生勤工俭学系统的企业信息。
  4. 系统管理。 大学生勤工俭学系统人事用户:
  5. 浏览大学生勤工俭学系统的所有信息。
  6. 添加招聘信息。
  7. 管理招聘信息。查看简历信息,对简历进行管理。 大学生勤工俭学系统针对会员用户:
  8. 可以浏览大学生勤工俭学系统的招聘,新闻等信息。
  9. 投递简历,可以查看企业反馈来的简历状态信息,查看历史投递记录。
