摘   要






With the rapid progress of information technology and the increasing perfection of management systems, many enterprises and institutions have adopted diversified management systems to improve work efficiency and reduce the shortcomings of traditional manual operations. However, the traditional management model of tutoring services is no longer able to meet the growing learning needs of modern students, especially in terms of service quality and efficiency. We have developed a tutoring system based on the SpringBoot framework, which implements hierarchical management of tutoring teachers. Through intuitive data display, it helps users filter and ultimately complete orders and collect fees, forming a comprehensive management process.

The tutoring system based on SpringBoot was developed using the SpringBoot framework and a web application was constructed. In terms of data storage, MySQL database was chosen, and the front-end was designed using Vue technology. In the development process, a detailed requirement analysis was first conducted, and the various functions that the system should have were thoroughly explored. Based on this, a reasonable database structure was designed. Subsequently, the coding work of the system was completed using mature development techniques, and strict testing was conducted before going live to ensure the stability and reliability of the system. Finally, the front-end and back-end functions of a tutoring system based on SpringBoot were implemented, covering multiple aspects such as student information management, appointment management, and tutoring service management. Through collaborative work between the front-end and back-end, real-time data transmission and updates have been achieved, providing users with a more convenient and efficient tutoring service experience.

【Key words】:tutoring services, Java language, MYSQL database, service appointment


目 录

摘   要 3

Abstract 4

1绪论 7

1.1 研究的背景和意义 7

1.2 国内外研究现状 7

1.3 研究内容 7

2系统技术 7

2.1 数据库技术 7

2.2 Vue技术 7

2.3 JAVA技术 7

2.4 SpringBoot架构 7

3系统分析 7

3.1 可行性分析 7

3.1.1 经济可行性 7

3.1.2 技术可行性 7

3.1.3 操作可行性 8

3.1.4 时间可行性 8

3.2 需求分析 8

3.2.1 非功能性需求 8

3.2.2 功能性需求 8

4详细设计 9

4.1系统架构设计 10

4.1.1 表示层 10

4.1.2 业务逻辑层 10

4.1.3 持久层 10

4.2 系统功能设计 10

4.3数据库设计 12

4.3.1数据库ER图设计 12

4.3.2数据库表设计 12

5 系统实现 22

5.1管理员管理功能实现 22

5.1.1登录功能 22

5.1.2学生管理 22

5.1.3公告管理功能实现 23

5.1.4课程分类管理功能实现 23

5.2家教老师功能实现 23

5.2.1家教老师主界面实现 23

5.2.2个人中心功能实现 23

5.2.3教师教学功能实现 23

5.2.4家教服务订单审批实现 24

5.3会员功能实现 24

5.3.1系统主界面 24

5.3.2家教服务预约 24

5.3.3服务评价 24

6系统测试 24

6.1测试说明 24

6.2测试用例 25

6.3系统测试结果 27

结论 28

参考文献 29

致谢 32




