摘 要






The rapid development of information technology has had a significant impact on people's clothing, food, housing, and transportation. More and more people are accustomed to and rely on information technology and intelligent forms to handle various daily things. In order to meet the needs of managers to manage chain restaurants and adapt to the needs of modern chain restaurant management, it is decided to develop a chain restaurant management system. Help administrators quickly manage online, improving efficiency.

This system is developed using an object-oriented Java language and designed using the SpringBoot framework. It uses a relational database MySQL to store data, and performs real-time analysis of various data in the catering chain store system, such as catering information and price information. Using the B/S development method, store employees only need to access the system through a browser to obtain food and beverage information from food and beverage chains, and they can also register online, realizing scientific information management and query statistics. This article first proposes the significance of developing a food and beverage chain store management system through research on relevant systems, and then uses current mainstream technologies to develop it to meet the technical requirements of the food and beverage chain store management system. It analyzes and designs the functions that the system needs to achieve. Sort out the business process, design the database according to the function, and finally implement it through coding, introducing the key algorithm logic implemented. During the testing phase, test cases are used to ensure that the system can operate normally and achieve the objectives required in the early stage. The implementation of the system facilitates the management of food and beverage chains, and the perfect application of information technology in the food and beverage management system of food and beverage chains makes food and beverage management of food and beverage chains faster and more efficient.

Keywords: Java; database Catering chain stores; Catering reservations; Cashier system



在Java语言问世以后,越来越多的人在计算机编程领域开始使用Java,Java已经有多年的历史,相对于其他语言易于理解,是面向对象的一种,因为他比较基础,有着良好的安全性和跨平台性,可应用的领域越来越多,被广泛使用,所以使用Java的人越来越多,Java就开始变得普遍起来。Java是在1995年推出的高级编程语言(面向程序设计语言)和 Java平台的总称[7].

MySQL是一个小型关系型数据库管理系统,是一种关联数据库管理系统,关联数据库将数据保存在不同的表中,而不是将所有数据放在一个大仓库内[12]。近年来,MySQL已经从一个主要适用于web应用程序的开放源代码数据库发展成为其付费竞争对手(如Oracle和SQLSERVER)的一个更重要的替代方案,尤其是在一些小型的企业试图降低成本的时候。而且MySQL数据库是人事和业务中部署最多的dbms(数据库管理系统)之一[13]。MySQL数据库作为一个服务器运行,提供对多个数据库的多用户访问。MySQL数据库也可以部署为人事数据库、中小型企业和包括企业在内的组织。MySQL数据库还有一个分布式处理和分布式数据的版本,名为MySQL Cluster。MySQL集群打算用于更高性能的处理,并且可以扩展容量。同时在个人计算机上部署MySQL集群,可以动态降低硬件预算成本,也可以显著降低软件许可成本[14]。因此选择MySQL数据库可以显著降低系统开发的成本,对于系统预算而言这是一个非常好的选择[15]。



