摘  要







With the advancement of technology, various management systems have gradually integrated into every corner of society, greatly improving work efficiency and saving time. In the field of pet store services, there are multiple links involved, including case treatment processing, information file viewing, treatment processing, pet health knowledge dissemination, and beauty styling. Traditional manual management methods are both time-consuming and prone to errors. Therefore, the introduction of a pet store management system has become necessary, as it can comprehensively optimize the diagnosis and treatment process and improve the efficiency of pet health management.

This article first provides an overview of the current situation of a pet store management system based on Springboot, and delves into the mainstream technologies relied upon for developing this system. Among various technical solutions, Java's SpringBoot framework and lightweight relational MySQL database were ultimately chosen. Subsequently, system requirements analysis, functional design, and database design were conducted, and coding implementation was completed. This system mainly includes two parts: front-end and back-end. The front desk is mainly responsible for information display and user interaction, such as information browsing, beauty business viewing, and medical treatment viewing; The backend is responsible for managing functions such as doctor management, file management, and beauty and styling management.

This system not only provides a convenient and efficient health management method for pet owners, but also greatly facilitates people's lives. At the same time, it also helps pet store staff to quickly diagnose and treat pets online, as well as perform pet grooming, significantly improving the efficiency of pet store work.

KeyWords: pet store; Pet health; Springboot; Treatment treatment; Pet grooming and styling


目  录

摘  要 I


1 绪论 6

1.1系统开发背景 6

1.2系统开发意义 6

1.3研究内容 7

2 相关技术介绍 9

2.1 Java技术 9

2.2 SpringBoot框架 9

2.3 MySQL数据库 10

3 系统分析 11

3.1可行性研究 11

3.1.1操作可行性 11

3.1.2经济可行性 11

3.1.3技术可行性 11

3.2需求分析 11

3.2.1  管理员用例图 12

3.2.2  宠物医生用例图 12

3.2.3  美容师用例图 13

3.2.4  会员用例图 14

3.3非功能需求分析 15

4 系统设计 17

4.1系统架构设计 17

4.2系统功能设计 17

4.2.1系统管理模块设计 17

4.2.2用户管理模块设计 19

4.2.3预约挂号管理模块设计 20

4.2.4宠物美容造型管理模块设计 22

4.3数据库层的设计 22

4.4.2  数据库逻辑结构设计 22

4.4.3  数据库物理结构设计 24

5系统实现 37

5.1前台首页的实现 37

5.2用户登录模块实现 37

5.3系统管理模块的实现 38

5.4用户管理模块的实现 39

5.5挂号预约管理模块的实现 40

5.6公告资讯管理模块的实现 41

5.7宠物美容造型的实现 42

6系统测试 45

6.1测试目的 45

6.2测试用例 45

6.3测试分析 48

总结 49

致谢 50

参考文献 51







