摘  要







With the rapid development of information technology and network technology, human beings have entered a new information age, traditional management technology has been unable to efficiently and conveniently manage information. In order to meet the needs of The Times and optimize management efficiency, a variety of management systems have emerged. All walks of life have entered the information management era. Hospital information management system is one of the products in the information era.

Any system must follow the basic process of system design, this system is no exception, also need to go through market research, demand analysis, outline design, detailed design, coding, testing these steps, based on Java language design and implementation of the hospital information management system. The system is based on B/S browser/server mode, the application of Java technology, MySQL as the background database. The system mainly includes home page, personal center, user management, doctor management, department management, doctor information management, registration information management, cancel registration management, consultation record management, ward management, pharmacy management, administrator management and other functional modules.

This article first introduced the hospital fuse technology development background and development of the status quo, and then follow the routine software development process, first of all, in view of the system and the selection of suitable language development platform, according to the requirement analysis module and database structure design, and then based on the system's overall function module design rendering system function module chart, flow diagram and e-r diagram. Then, design the framework and write code according to the designed framework to achieve each functional module of the system. Finally, the preliminary completed system is tested, mainly functional test, unit test and performance test. The test results show that the system can achieve the required functions, and the running condition is fair and there is no obvious defect.

Key words: Hospital information management; Java; The MySQL database







