摘  要






With the rapid development of information technology, the demand for computer professionals is increasing day by day, and traditional learning methods can no longer meet the needs of modern education. Mobile learning platforms, with their characteristics of convenience, flexibility, and personalization, provide a new solution for the learning of core courses in computer science. This platform enables students to access high-quality educational resources anytime and anywhere, breaking the limitations of time and space, and improving learning efficiency. At the same time, the platform can also provide personalized learning paths and recommendations based on students' learning progress and interests, which helps cultivate their self-learning ability and innovative spirit. Therefore, the construction of a mobile learning platform for the core courses of computer science is of great significance for promoting the modernization of computer science education and improving the quality of talent cultivation.

This article first outlines the development trend of online education and the current application status of intelligent technology in the field of education, pointing out the challenges faced by traditional education models and the potential advantages of online teaching. The system adopts Java as the backend programming language, MySQL as the database, and is designed in combination with WeChat mini program development mode. Implemented the management of teaching resources, course management, personalized learning tracking, and real-time evaluation of learning outcomes. At the same time, the platform also provides functions such as online interaction, course management, and learning support, providing teachers and students with a more convenient and efficient teaching and learning experience. Finally, the paper summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of mobile learning platforms for core courses in computer science, and proposes directions for future development and improvement. This platform will play an increasingly important role in improving teaching quality, promoting educational equity, and promoting educational reform.

Keywords:online teaching; WeChat Mini Program; MySQL; Online learning


目 录

摘  要 I

Abstract I

1 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究的背景 1

1.2 课题研究的意义 1

1.3 国内外研究现状 2

1.4 论文组织结构 3

1.5 本章小结 3

2 系统开发技术 4

2.1 微信小程序 4

2.2 SpringBoot框架 4

2.3 MySQL数据库 5

2.4 本章小结 6

3 需求分析 7

3.1 可行性分析 7

3.1.1 经济可行性 7

3.1.2 技术可行性 7

3.1.3 操作可行性 7

3.1.4 社会可行性 7

3.2 功能性需求分析 8

3.2.1 管理员用户需求分析 8

3.2.2 教师用户需求分析 10

3.2.3 学生用户需求分析 11

3.3 本章小结 13

4 系统设计 14

4.1 系统结构设计 14

4.2 系统功能设计 14

4.3 数据库设计 15

4.3.1 E-R图 16

4.3.2 数据库结构 17

4.4 本章小结 32

5 系统实现 33

5.1管理员端功能实现 33

5.1.1管理员登录功能实现 33

5.1.2教师信息管理功能 33

5.1.3学生信息管理功能 34

5.1.4公告信息管理功能 35

5.1.5交流讨论管理功能 35

5.2教师端功能实现 36

5.2.1我的课程管理功能 36

5.2.2课程资源管理功能 37

5.2.3课程视频信息管理功能 38

5.2.4课程签到信息管理功能 38

5.2.5课程问题信息管理功能 39

5.2.6课程成绩信息管理功能 40

5.3微信小程序功能实现 40

5.3.1小程序首页界面 40

5.3.2课程在线学习 41

5.3.3个人信息维护 41

5.3.4课程签到功能 42

5.3.5我的课程成绩功能 43

5.3.6在线讨论功能实现 43

6 系统测试 45

6.1 测试目的 45

6.2 测试用例 45

6.3 测试结论 47

7 总结和展望 48

7.1 总结 48

7.2 展望 48

致 谢 49

参考文献 50






