摘  要






With the development of information technology, management systems are becoming increasingly mature, and various enterprises and institutions use various types of management systems to improve work efficiency and reduce the drawbacks of manual labor. The traditional mode of household service management cannot meet the modern people's pursuit of life, service quality, and service speed. With the development of the concept of Internet plus, in order to provide users with convenient and fast housekeeping service channels, create comfortable housekeeping services; The household service platform based on WeChat mini program is a comprehensive management platform that manages service personnel in a hierarchical manner, displays data to users, allows them to make choices, and ultimately forms the entire process of order collection fees.

The paper first introduces the current status of the current home service platform based on WeChat applet, then investigates and develops the mainstream technology of this system, and finally chooses to use the lightweight relational MySQL database to store data through WeChat applet, Vue.js framework, and Java background development. Then proceed with the process of system requirements analysis, overall functional design, and detailed design. The home service platform based on WeChat mini programs mainly includes two parts: front desk appointment and backend information management. The household service platform based on WeChat mini programs can provide efficient appointment methods for household services, provide convenient appointment channels, and improve appointment efficiency.

Keywords: WeChat mini program, housekeeping service, appointment, MySQL database







