摘 要



[关键词] 爬虫,Spark,大数据,MySQL,电商数据



With the rapid development of the e-commerce data industry, in-depth analysis of a large amount of e-commerce data has become particularly important. Data analysis has become the core of various industries, and in the field of e-commerce data, it plays a more critical role. Understanding consumer preferences, consumption time, e-commerce data brand popularity, and other information is crucial for the operation and provision of better services in the e-commerce data field. This study aims to construct an analysis and prediction of e-commerce sales data based on Spark, in order to help the industry better understand consumer behavior, optimize service processes, and provide strong support for business decision-making.

This article first explores the background and significance of analyzing and predicting e-commerce sales data based on Spark, and then delves into common technologies such as crawler principles, acquisition strategies, and information extraction. Subsequently, the system was developed using Python and built on a MySQL database to achieve the crawling of e-commerce data. Detected, visualized, analyzed, and predicted database query results, and effectively managed the front-end interface of the system. By analyzing the crawling results, present e-commerce data in the form of a large screen display. Finally, comprehensive testing was conducted to ensure the implementation of functions such as data crawling, storage filtering, data visualization analysis and prediction, and system management.

[keywords] Crawler, Spark, Big Data, MySQL, E-commerce Data


目  录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

1 绪论 3

1.1 课题背景 3

1.2 课题意义 4

1.3 国内外研究现状 5

1.4 研究内容 6

2 相关技术介绍 7

2.1 系统开发环境 7

2.2 网络爬虫概述 7

2.3 Python技术 8

2.4 MySQL数据库 8

2.5 Spark技术 9

3 系统需求分析 11

3.1 可行性分析 11

3.1.1操作可行性 11

3.1.2经济可行性 11

3.1.3技术可行性 11

3.2 功能需求分析 11

3.2.1爬虫功能需求分析 11

3.2.2数据可视化功能需求分析 12

3.3 非功能需求分析 13

4 系统设计 15

4.1 系统架构设计 15

4.2 系统总体功能设计 16

4.2.1数据采集功能设计 16

4.2.2数据分析预测功能设计 16

4.3 系统详细设计 17

4.3.1数据采集流程设计 17

4.3.2数据处理与预处理 19

4.3.3模型构建与训练设计 19

4.3.4电商销售数据预测设计 20

4.4 数据库设计 21

5 系统实现 29

5.1数据爬取的实现 29

5.1.1电商数据网站分析 29

5.1.2电商数据爬取实现 29

5.2数据存储 30

5.2.1电商数据清洗 30

5.2.2电商数据存储 31

5.3数据分析与预测 32

5.3.1电商数据查询 32

5.3.2电商数据价格预测 32

5.3.3电商数据品牌分类 33

5.3.4电商数据分类展示 34

5.3.5电商数据词云图 34

6 系统测试 36

6.1测试目的 36

6.2功能测试 36

6.3测试总结 37

结    论 38

参 考 文 献 39

致 谢 40




