



框的标注格式为(cx, cy, w, h, ang)


根据需求,需要将其转为四个角点的旋转框(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4),并保存为txt格式。

import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
from xml.dom.minidom import Document
import xml.dom.minidom
import numpy as np
import os
import math
import sys
import glob

def coordinate_convert_r(box):
w, h = box[2:-1]
theta = -box[-1]
x_lu, y_lu = -w/2, h/2
x_ru, y_ru = w/2, h/2
x_ld, y_ld = -w/2, -h/2
x_rd, y_rd = w/2, -h/2

x_lu_ = math.cos(theta)*x_lu + math.sin(theta)*y_lu + box[0]
y_lu_ = -math.sin(theta)*x_lu + math.cos(theta)*y_lu + box[1]

x_ru_ = math.cos(theta) * x_ru + math.sin(theta) * y_ru + box[0]
y_ru_ = -math.sin(theta) * x_ru + math.cos(theta) * y_ru + box[1]

x_ld_ = math.cos(theta) * x_ld + math.sin(theta) * y_ld + box[0]
y_ld_ = -math.sin(theta) * x_ld + math.cos(theta) * y_ld + box[1]

x_rd_ = math.cos(theta) * x_rd + math.sin(theta) * y_rd + box[0]
y_rd_ = -math.sin(theta) * x_rd + math.cos(theta) * y_rd + box[1]

convert_box = [x_lu_, y_lu_, x_ru_, y_ru_, x_rd_, y_rd_, x_ld_, y_ld_]

return convert_box

def read_xml_gtbox_and_label(xml_path):
:param xml_path: the path of voc xml
:return: a list contains gtboxes and labels, shape is [num_of_gtboxes, 9],
and has [x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, label] in a per row

tree = ET.parse(xml_path)
root = tree.getroot()
img_width = None
img_height = None
box_list = []
for child_of_root in root:

if child_of_root.tag == 'Img_SizeWidth':
img_width = int(child_of_root.text)
if child_of_root.tag == 'Img_SizeHeight':
img_height = int(child_of_root.text)
if child_of_root.tag == 'HRSC_Objects':
box_list = []
for child_item in child_of_root:
if child_item.tag == 'HRSC_Object':
label = 1
# for child_object in child_item:
# if child_object.tag == 'Class_ID':
# label = NAME_LABEL_MAP[child_object.text]
tmp_box = [0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]
for node in child_item:
if node.tag == 'mbox_cx':
tmp_box[0] = float(node.text)
if node.tag == 'mbox_cy':
tmp_box[1] = float(node.text)
if node.tag == 'mbox_w':
tmp_box[2] = float(node.text)
if node.tag == 'mbox_h':
tmp_box[3] = float(node.text)
if node.tag == 'mbox_ang':
tmp_box[4] = float(node.text)

tmp_box = coordinate_convert_r(tmp_box)
# assert label is not None, 'label is none, error'
# if len(tmp_box) != 0:
# box_list = coordinate_convert(box_list)
# print(box_list)
gtbox_label = np.array(box_list, dtype=np.int32)

return img_height, img_width, gtbox_label

def mkdir(path):
if not os.path.exists(path):

if __name__ == '__main__':
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cv2 as cv
from shutil import copyfile
src_image_path = './AllImages'
src_xml_path = './Annotations'
txt_path = './labelTxt'
out_img_path = './images'

src_imgs = glob.glob(f'{src_image_path}/*.bmp')

for img_path in src_imgs:
ori_image = cv.imread(img_path)
x_path = img_path[:-3].replace('AllImages', 'Annotations') + 'xml'
img_height, img_width, gtbox_labels = read_xml_gtbox_and_label(x_path)
if len(gtbox_labels) == 0:

# for gtbox_label in gtbox_labels:
# tl = np.asarray([gtbox_label[0], gtbox_label[1]], np.float32)
# tr = np.asarray([gtbox_label[2], gtbox_label[3]], np.float32)
# br = np.asarray([gtbox_label[4], gtbox_label[5]], np.float32)
# bl = np.asarray([gtbox_label[6], gtbox_label[7]], np.float32)
# box = np.asarray([bl, tl, tr, br], np.float32)
# box = np.int0(box)
# cv.drawContours(ori_image, [box], 0, (255, 255, 255), 1)
# plt.imshow(ori_image)
# plt.show()
# print(gtbox_labels)
name = os.path.split(img_path)[-1][:-4]
for ann in gtbox_labels:
with open(f"{txt_path}/{name}.txt", 'a+') as f:
f.write(f"{ann[0]} {ann[1]} {ann[2]} {ann[3]} {ann[4]} {ann[5]} {ann[6]} {ann[7]} ship 0\n")
cv.imwrite(f'{out_img_path}/{name}.png', ori_image)