


温伯格(Gerald Weinberg)(1933-2018)。对软件业影响巨大的几个人之一。

Gerald Weinberg-探索需求2006-UMLChina讲座-音频_bc

Gerald Weinberg-探索需求2006-UMLChina讲座-音频_ci_02





(10:03:45)[*umlchina_seminar]与所有人说:[*JerryWeinberg] 进来了



(10:04:30)*eastsurfer与所有人说:welcome you,mr weinberg:)

(10:04:35)*umlchina2与所有人说:Professor Weinberg arrives!请大家欢迎







(10:05:10)*iAmSinboy与所有人说:welcome ,Mr weinberg







(10:07:35)*umlchina2与所有人说:方帅 How to capture requirement








(10:10:37)*eastsurfer与所有人说:what's wrong?












(10:14:36)*umlchina2与所有人说:Question2: 钟平声 How to understand the client's requirement exactly?




(10:17:26)nlstone与所有人说:对一个轻量级的项目而言,如何对需求进行管理? 换言之,最简单有效的需求管理工具/方法/流程是怎么样的?




(10:19:46)tyinpo与所有人说:Within the phase of requirements analysis:

(10:20:05)tyinpo与所有人说:- To what degree are the requirements so-called clearly defined?

(10:20:10)tyinpo与所有人说:By what we think the model and documents are enough?

(10:20:28)tyinpo与所有人说:- How to classify the pre-defined requirements

(10:20:32)tyinpo与所有人说:and how is this classification relevant to requirements change control hereafter?


(10:24:11)nlstone与所有人说:ok, i see



(10:27:20)xuehu与所有人说:Could you please compare XP and UP in terms of requirement management?


(10:28:03)*umlchina2与所有人说:Caihaihong: If mgmt in hardcopy, how to deal with the requirement change?


(10:28:37)tyinpo与所有人说:In short, it is decided by customers' need. Right?

(10:30:45)tyinpo与所有人说:Are there so-called best practise of Mr. Weinborg with requirements classification?




(10:35:46)*umlchina2与所有人说:Now Question from Caihaihong

(10:36:31)gabor_564与所有人说:unified process

(10:36:44)*umlchina2与所有人说:xuehu与所有人说:Could you please compare XP and UP in terms of requirement management?

(10:38:27)xuehu与所有人说:Yes, that answers it. Thanks a lot.

(10:39:12)*umlchina2与所有人说:张雪虎 How do you see the future for the poor (mostly overworked) software developers in china?


(10:42:47)nlstone与所有人说:大家还能听到吗? 我好像断了


(10:44:17)*umlchina2与*jacobchin说:For ICP like Yahoo,Google, their online function needs to be updated frequently.

(10:44:44)*umlchina2与*jacobchin说:If we put each updateq as a project, the cycle will be about 2 weeks.

(10:44:57)*changde2与所有人说:How we can find requirement if our user can't tell us? Generally speaking, if we divide software

(10:45:04)*umlchina2与*jacobchin说:How we review the requirement for this kind of projects?

(10:45:49)*changde2与所有人说:into two type: automation and future software. Automation means we just try to automate all manual

(10:46:24)*bubblebaby与所有人说:I have no earphone.is the talking going on?

(10:46:43)*changde2与所有人说:work into system. This kind of software may meet current user requirement but may out-of-date soon.

(10:47:23)*changde2与所有人说:Future software means we just see the business opportunity and try to pre-prepare the software

(10:47:37)*changde2与所有人说:then, how we can find those requirements?

(10:49:15)*fbbobo与所有人说:how to deal with requrement by means of System Science?

(10:49:40)*umlchina2与所有人说:Now is the question fm *jacobchin


(10:53:47)*umlchina2与所有人说:now the question from )*changde2

(10:54:21)*rainman1970与所有人说:Is the voice or video available?

(10:54:56)*umlchina2与*rainman1970说:audio is open now, no video

(10:55:23)pocean与所有人说:no slide download before this presen?

(10:55:59)*changde2与所有人说:how to open audio?


(10:56:28)*umlchina2与*rainman1970说:now answer the question:*fbbobo how to deal with requrement by means of System Science(thinking)

(10:57:29)nlstone与所有人说:System Science(thinking)? 中文是?

(10:58:04)*changde2与所有人说:how to be a quolified requirement analyst? which skills must have?



(11:00:50)*umlchina2与所有人说:how to be a qualified requirement analyst(engineer)? which skills must have?

(11:02:08)pocean与所有人说:i've read the book"Exploring Requirements",the method is very useful

(11:02:11)pocean与所有人说:, is there some tools support it

(11:02:43)hong_sea与所有人说:系统思想 is a good book!


(11:04:38)*umlchina2与所有人说:辛卫金 How to foresee the requirement change?

(11:10:32)*rainman1970与所有人说:What if my project Manager does not know anything about technical stuff?

(11:11:43)bj_luoyg冲所有人叫:How to get the full infomation of the requirement? Can you detailed describe the model or flow?

(11:12:15)*umlchina2与所有人说:now a short break for 3 minutes

(11:13:30)citizen2yy与所有人说:Thank Jerry.

(11:13:47)bj_luoyg冲所有人叫:can you give us a detailed example(telecom field is better)


(11:15:17)flylifei与所有人说:the meeting is very important in exploring requirements,then how can we make it beter?


(11:15:55)tangkd与所有人说:Does this meeting have vision

(11:16:04)flylifei与所有人说:what should we do before meeting,in and later meeting

(11:16:54)*umlchina2与pocean说:What kind of tools are you looking for ?

(11:16:55)citizen2yy与flylifei说:let it be more free, more safe, and more iterative

(11:18:22)*umlchina2与所有人说:14)nlstone: When with shortage of labour resources, for example if there is no requirement

(11:18:34)*umlchina2与所有人说:engineer, who will do the job of requirement?



(11:20:20)flylifei与citizen2yy说:we shuold tace the quetions that hadn't been soved in meeting ,what shuold we do?







(11:23:37)citizen2yy与flylifei说:作为 需求探索者,我们首先必须做客户的朋友。


(11:23:55)sunrise_yeh与所有人说:In our Corp. CMM define the 3 levels requirement.

(11:24:23)sunrise_yeh与所有人说:: Business Requirement, System Requirement and Software Requirement.

(11:24:43)*umlchina2与所有人说:now answer the question from bj_luoyg



(11:25:29)sunrise_yeh与所有人说:We are too boring to write so many documents, 你怎么看待这种多层需求问题?需要这么多层次吗?


(11:25:49)flylifei与citizen2yy说:good idea



(11:26:59)*umlchina2与所有人说:Now anwer the question fm sunrise_yeh









(11:31:31)citizen2yy与flylifei说:比如,你自己也是 需求工作的客户。



(11:32:13)*umlchina2与所有人说:俞瑜杰 How to become a leader?

(11:32:39)*umlchina2与所有人说:Question now:Should a technical leader be firstly technically outstanding?

(11:34:19)*changde2与所有人说:How to balance the documentation work?Not detail enough, then useless, too much detail, then higher

(11:34:27)*changde2与所有人说:maintenance cost

(11:35:55)*changde2与所有人说:and you know, people like to create new things, but lazy to maintain


(11:37:24)*rainman1970与所有人说:How to extract requirement when re-factoring an existing product which do not have a good reqt doc?


(11:39:24)pocean与所有人说:it's over?


(11:39:46)pocean与所有人说:why no voice?

(11:39:59)*umlchina2与pocean说:something wrong at your side.





(11:42:15)pocean与nlstone说:it's ok,thank you!

(11:42:34)tangkd与所有人说:How to balance the requirement from serval stakeholders in common cause?

(11:46:45)*umlchina2与所有人说:石红生 How to organize and manage the testing team to perform effectiveness?

(11:48:43)*umlchina2与所有人说:戴晅 How could a software developer turn to be a consultant?

(11:48:44)*changde2与所有人说:what's different emphasis of requirement in each software developing stage?

(11:49:00)*umlchina2与所有人说:Is 戴晅 here?

(11:51:44)*umlchina2与所有人说:Prefessor, would you please introduce your new book "Fieldstone Method"

(11:51:45)tangkd与所有人说:In usually,we must deliver two various requirements to customer and developer

(11:52:10)tangkd与所有人说:then what kind document will be understood by customer and developer

(11:54:10)*changde2与所有人说:what kind of document will you use to confirm requirement with customer?

(11:54:33)*changde2与所有人说:Is it different document from which you pass requirement to developers?

(11:55:39)tangkd与所有人说:to developer ,we use uml ,and to customer,we use work flow to describe

(11:56:51)*changde2与所有人说:but work flow is very general, without detailed information

(11:57:55)*changde2与所有人说:yes, that's what we do now

(11:58:35)*changde2与所有人说:but the problem is when we show mockup screens to customer, they focus to those fields, lables..

(11:58:56)*changde2与所有人说:sometimes we think the mockup screens also mislead our customers

(12:00:59)*umlchina2与所有人说:now about: "Fieldstone Method"

(12:03:08)tangkd与*changde2说:could you tell me,what is mockup screens


(12:03:41)sunrise_yeh与所有人说:Is the "Fieldstone Method" is a new book?



(12:04:23)nlstone与所有人说:ok,thank 温伯格¨china_*


(12:04:30)tangkd与*changde2说:It's very wonderful,I hope it isn't last,thanks

(12:04:38)shiningxyy与所有人说:thanks. jerry.

(12:04:49)sunrise_yeh与所有人说:ok, thank u.

(12:04:54)[*umlchina_seminar]与*umlchina2说:2006年3月2日(周四)上午10:00-12:00 David S. Frankel--"模型驱动业务流程平台"讲座

(12:05:05)*changde2与tangkd说:something like prototype

(12:05:22)*changde2与tangkd说:worry for my absent minded

(12:05:25)tangkd与*changde2说:yeah,thank you




(12:06:03)tangkd与*changde2说:IC,thank you

(12:06:09)*changde2与tangkd说:with pleasuer


(12:06:25)tangkd与*changde2说:where are you from?

(12:06:28)nlstone与所有人说:good i will continue joining in this kind of meeting!

(12:07:13)nlstone与所有人说:bye everybody see u!
