
SAP MM ME51N 创建采购申请单据时候,采购申请单据的计量单位永远取物料主数据基本计量单位


1>MM03 to see the Base UoM and other UoM for material,

 ​[转载]SAP <wbr>MM <wbr>ME51N <wbr>创建采购申请单据时​​
[转载]SAP <wbr>MM <wbr>ME51N <wbr>创建采购申请单据时

2>ME51N to create a PR document, input material code, plant, qty etc,

 ​[转载]SAP <wbr>MM <wbr>ME51N <wbr>创建采购申请单据时​​

The UoM is KG (base UoM), cannot be changed!


3>ME51N to create PR document, we input UoM PC first,


[转载]SAP <wbr>MM <wbr>ME51N <wbr>创建采购申请单据时

Then we input material code, qty, plant,

 ​[转载]SAP <wbr>MM <wbr>ME51N <wbr>创建采购申请单据时

We click ‘Enter’ key,

 ​[转载]SAP <wbr>MM <wbr>ME51N <wbr>创建采购申请单据时

The UoM was changed into KG automatically!



We got below information to explain this phenomenon.



You are using transaction ME51 or ME51N to create a purchase requisition (PRreq). For an item with a material number, the base unit of measure (UoM) is always transferred to the UoM field of the item (EBAN-MEINS), even if an order unit for the affected material is maintained in the material master.
This also applies to transaction ME25, which technically runs the same programs.


Reason and Prerequisites

The system is programmed this way (this is not an error); the base UoM field from the material master (in MT06E-MEINS) is transferred to EBAN-MEINS.



There are none. This function is not provided and is also not included in later Releases.



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