


    <p>Place the flour in a large bowl, make a well in the centre and pour in the milk and eggs. Give the liquid mixture a quick whisk before incorporating the flour. Continue to whisk until you have a smooth batter.</p>     <p>Now add 1 tbsp vegetable oil and whisk thoroughly.</p>    

  <p>Take a crêpe pan, or large frying pan, dip some kitchen roll in the oil and carefully wipe the inside of the pan. Heat the pan over a medium heat for one minute.</p>   

   <p>Add just under a ladleful of batter to the pan and immediately start swirling it around the pan to produce a nice even layer.</p>   

   <p>Cook the pancake for approximately 30-40 seconds. Use a palette knife to lift the pancake carefully to look at the underside to check it is golden-brown before turning over. Cook the other side for approx 30-40 seconds and transfer to a serving plate.</p>




    body {

         counter-reset: steps;



         color: #242424;

         font-size: 16px;

         line-height: 20px;


    p:before {

         counter-increment: steps;

         content: "Step " counter(steps) ": ";

         font-weight: bold;

         font-size: 18px;


    在浏览一下看看效果如何?每行之前都有了一个步骤的数字标注,很神奇吧。   这个属性自CSS2.1起开始写入规范,目前大多数主流的浏览器都可以支持,唯一不支持的就是IE7了。   这个特性看起来简单,但是如果我们能够合理的使用,效果还是非常好的。  


1、Learn to count with CSS