






  网易在07年的表现则显得平淡无奇,从营收规模上并无大幅增长,这和网易两款老游戏《大话西游 Online II》以及《梦幻西游Online》趋于饱和,而9月中正式运营的《大话西游3》给网易带来的收入很有限。在07年《梦幻西游Online》最高在线人数又创新高,达到150万人,一方面它为网易带来了不菲的收入,另一方面则暗示这款游戏增长潜力几乎到达极致。网易急需开发替代性的游戏以满足持续的增长。





I have read one article which is titled as “the Wall Street revalues the perspective of On-line Games”. It expressed the problem of market for the On-line Games in the future. However, I think the key factor is financial report. For the sustainable growth of the market, the key factor is strategy. So, now let’s analyze the financial reports of the three top Internet corporations.

 Short introduction of financial reports

 Now, SNDA, Giant and NetEase are the top enterprises which master the market of On-Line games in China. In the fourth quarter of 2007, we can obtain the financial report as follow. Because NetEase owns the business of online advertisements, so let’s cut off this part.

 Financial report analyzing 

Evidently, SNDA has grasped most market and the income is at the largest scale. Although the net income of SNDA is not highest, but given the new measures for example Plan of FengYun and so on. These measures provide more opportunities for SNDA to develop. And they also solve the problem of the period of games. At the same time, the income has reached more than 100 million. It is a milestone for online games field.

 In 2007, Giant has a large growth. As we know, Giant has gone public in New York Stock Exchange. Although the income has increased at a large scale, the stock price is just 10.71dollar. That is lower than the issue price. So Giant is at an early period of high growth. It needs more time to suit the market.

 There is few highlight for NetEase in 2007. From the scale of income, it hasn’t large growth. The two oldest games of NetEase have little capacity to grow. The new game named “Xiyou three” can just bring limited income. The oldest game “Menghuan Xiyou” has hit the new record of more than 1.5 million players are online at the same time. On the first hand it brings more income for NetEase, on the second hand it suggests that the growth is limited. So NetEase has to developed more games to take place of it.

 The perspective of the enterprises

 The stock prices of the three enterprises are SNDA 34.89, Giant 10.71, NetEase 20.85. Just as Yuzhu Shi and Jun Tang said, the capital market doesn’t have enough confidence for online game market. So, comparing with Baidu and Alibaba, not only NetEase but also Giant and SNDA, the PE has been undervalued. The factors are policy risk and market risk.

 The policy risk can’t be avoided. But from the strategy of “Home Entertainment”, we can know SNDA has prepared for risk. But both of others have no measures. But the portal of NetEase can low the risk.

Based on the response for the financial reports, we can know the undervaluation is objective. From the risk of the market, the free mode of SNDA has lowered the market risk. The risk of Giant is big. Whether NetEase can maintain the sustainable growth or not, that rests with the operation of the new products, and after Giant’s rapid growth, it will be in a new period of steady growth.