Topic 1: AI

The most recently big AI news have been Google achieving another milestone: AlphaGo beat the human players at the game "Go", which is many times more complex than chess.

Essentially, the big worry is that with continued improvements in AI we will eventually hit what has been dubbed "The Singularity"-the point where AI becomes so smart that it is smart enough to improve itself. It will be scary then our puny organic brains could not even begin to comprehend what computers are doing or how they are doing it.

There are enough reasons to concern the runaway of AI. "One can imagine such technology out-smarting financial markets, out-inventing human researchers, out-manipulating human leaders and developing weapons we cannot even understand," wrote physicist Stephen Hawking and his colleagues in the Independent, adding "Whereas the short-term of AI depends on who show his opinion that controls it, the long-term impact depends on whether it can be controlled at all.

Also, most of the world's largest tech companies are currently working hard at engineering ever more intelligent machines. Google Now and Siri already combine a number of complex technologies, such as natural language processing and semantic text recognition. Most importantly, the continued exponential increase in computing power, cloud computing and increased storage have enabled the development of advanced "neural networks" which simulate the same kinds of connections we have in our brains.

I don't think it is necessary to worry about the robot taking over, for the decision on whether to inflict that damage will probably be made by a human instead of an algorithm. The AI contributes to the Forth Industrial Revolution, which is based on the Internet industry, industrial intelligence, industrial integration as the representative, with artificial intelligence,clean energy, unmanned control technology, quantum information technology based on a new technological revolution. In my judgment, the AI has the potential to change all of the stripes on a scale equal to the First Industrial Revolution.A report from the 2016 World Economic Forum calculated that the technological changes underway likely will destroy 7.1million jobs around the world by 2020.It is clear that no one will escape the effect -negative and positive-of this economic and technological revolution.

Topic 2: Creative Thinking

As Einstein says, the mere formulation of a problem is far more essential than its solution, which may be merely a matter of mathematical or experimental skills. To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard oldproblems from a new angle require creative imagination and marks real advancesin science. So it is vital to develop our ability to think creatively.

It is time to wake up your dormant creativity. As author Michael Drury argues, creativity is not the special gift of a favored few. Actually, each of us can think like a genius. The word “creative” does not have a wall around it, which many of us thought it would be. It is not an aptitude but attitude that matters. Only if you have the conscious can you get closer to a creative thinker.

There are three levels in this course. Firstly, you need to have the desire to do something with what we feel and know, using your empathy. You will probably see a different scenery of the world. Secondly, to take action with modest things but calls for delight, curiosity, inventiveness. You will never develop the ability if you just spend all day watching TV shows and become couch potatoes. On the heels of the desire is the day by day sustained effort. Most importantly, ask more “Why?” whatever the place you are. In this way, not only will you have a chance to think by yourself, but also force you to enhance the skills to fix it.

You need to take the initiative to think about why rather than passively accept the established content. When confronted with a standard answer, you can think about “Is that true?” “Is there any other ways to get theconclusion?” “How to resolve the problems simulated to that question?” instead of straightly copied it down without any thinking.

Be creative will contribute us to having a productive and meaningful future.

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Topic 3: Happiness

Most of the shadows of life are caused by standing in our ownsunshine. Everyone in the school is keeping busy with the school courses andtheir requirements. Some students who have a schedule full to brim even complainedthat they have no time for breathing! Maybe, that’s the way it is. It is truethat most of us live in time segments by class schedule. We tend to betime-driven and generally rushed. We have to put up with the fast pace of society.We are more likely to be fussy when we are under so many things to deal with.

As a result, we are likely to act hastily, ignore the obvious beauty of the sun rise and set, the fresh and moist air we breathe in on arainy morning and even lose control. Therefore, it is important to appreciate the little happiness in our daily life.

Concerning the tight schedule, time management will help you to freeyourself. One principle to manage time is first thing first. Do bear this in mind would help you recognize what is the most agent and important thing to do. Happiness has much to do with the quality of life. All men pursue pleasure, which forms one of the fundamental values of all human existence. It is no good working, working and still working. Take time off for yourself to smell the flowers, feel the wind whispered in the trees, stay physically active in social engagements and interactions and you will be happy enjoying every minute.

Topic 4: Turning Points of Life

Asthe writer of "ordinary world" Lu Yao said, although the road of lifeis long, but it usually only a few critical steps. I think the turning points of life are bound with the big events with superficial meaning. We are alwaysmaking choices so it is you who decide where you are. Among these choices,there are several turning points which have obvious influence of our life.

For me, it is my first long-term away from the shelter of home when I was in HighSchool. I have to take care of myself and live with 7 roommates. In thisperiod, I learned to do the chores myself and communicate with different kindsof persons. Then it is the college entrance examination which I was makingevery effort to adjust to a totally different environment. I used to make clear-cutand well-defined plans about my future. I will stand firm in my career fieldbefore my 30s. I will work hard right up to when I save enough money to open anantique book store full of classic elements. As a social human being, I will definitelyset up a home near my parents and take the responsibility of a wife, mother anddaughter-in-law.

Topic 5: The Beauty of Imaginary

My first book of enlightenment is threehundred of fables, which involves many imaginative stories. In my childhood, through a lot of rich imaginations of the fairy tale, I gradually have a general picture of the world. Imagination not only can help you explore your own thinking and have deeper thoughts but also contribute to continuous innovation.

Thecommon use of imagination refers to the process of forming in the mind newimages which have not been previously experienced, or at least only partiallyor in different combinations. Some typical examples are: fairy tale, and a form of verisimilitude often invoked in fantasy and science fiction which invitesreaders to pretend such stories are true by referring to objects of the mind froman imaginary world. For instance, Liu Cixin once wrote the three-body, which combines both the science knowledge andcivilization.

Imaginationhelps us to put our goals in perspective and it enhances our creativity. We must have the freedom to imagine because only through imagination can we bringour thoughts and dreams to fruition. Without imagination, we shall never come to realize our full potential, and therefore, never experience the happiness wewere meant to enjoy. By using our imagination to the fullest, we will make thisworld a better place to live in while improving social and economic conditionsfor ourselves and others.