CRI=China Radio International
Round the clock 连续24小时,日夜不停。
Fairy Tale 童话,神话故事,也指谎言(比较委婉的话法)。
Cross talk 相声,两个人交替地说。例句:A cross talk show has two speakers making many jokes and funny conversations.
Comments and suggestions are always welcome. 欢迎提出意见和建议。
Taiwanese 台湾人,
Hongkonger 香港人,
Mainlander (Mainland Chinese) 大陆人,
Chinese 都是中国人。
Tea house /Tea room/Tea shop茶馆
black tea,green tea,scented tea,milk tea Scent是气味,香味的意思,scented tea就是花茶,因为花茶通常指的就是茉莉花茶(jasmine tea),有香气。
Right vs Privilege
enough is enough