在使用YourSQLDba做数据库备份、维护时,像其它软件一样,版本升级是不可避免的。因为YourSQLDba一直在不停更新版本、扩展功能。下面介绍一下升级YourSQLDba时的具体步骤和一些注意事项。下面案例,YourSQLDba原版本为YourSQLDba version: 5.0.2 2012-06-12,升级到YourSQLDba。


步骤1: 首先查看服务器对应YourSQLDba的版本信息。因为不同版本的升级可能有所区别。要做的工作可能不一样。


Exec YourSQLDba.Install.PrintVersionInfo


YourSQLDba version: 5.0.2 2012-06-12





    这个步骤,主要是因为我们在不同程度的扩展了YourSQLDba的一些功能。另外,有可能你对YourSQLDba_FullBackups_And_Maintenance等作业做了一些修改、变更。所以在升级前对变跟的地方有所了解,记录整理,方便升级后做出对应的修改。 如果你没有对YourSQLDba做任何修改、扩展,那么可以忽略这个步骤。


SELECT j.job_id                                       AS JOB_ID            
      ,j.name                                         AS JOB_NAME          
      ,CASE WHEN [enabled] =1 THEN 'Enabled'
                              ELSE 'Disabled' END     AS JOB_ENABLED       
      ,j.category_id                                  AS JOB_CATEGORY_ID
      ,c.name                                         AS JOB_CATEGORY_NAME
      ,[description]                                  AS JOB_DESCRIPTION   
      ,date_created                                   AS DATE_CREATED      
      ,date_modified                                  AS DATE_MODIFIED
FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs j
INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.syscategories c ON j.category_id = c.category_id
WHERE   job_id IN( SELECT job_id
                  FROM    msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps
                  WHERE   database_name = 'YourSQLDba' )
 ORDER BY j.name





If databasepropertyEx('YourSQLDba','status') IS NOT NULL -- db is there
  -- save data about some YourSqlDba tables
  If object_id('tempdb..##JobHistory') is not null Drop table ##JobHistory;
  If object_id('tempdb..##JobLastBkpLocations') is not null Drop table ##JobLastBkpLocations;
  If object_id('tempdb..##JobSeqCheckDb') is not null Drop table ##JobSeqCheckDb;
  If object_id('tempdb..##TargetServer') is not null Drop table ##TargetServer;
  If object_id('tempdb..##JobSeqUpdStat') is not null Drop table ##JobSeqUpdStat;
  If object_id('tempdb..##NetworkDrivesToSetOnStartup') is not null Drop table ##NetworkDrivesToSetOnStartup;

  -- If table exists in previous version save its content
  If Object_id('YourSqlDba.Maint.JobHistory') IS NOT NULL
    Select * Into ##JobHistory From YourSqlDba.Maint.JobHistory

  If Object_id('YourSqlDba.Maint.JobLastBkpLocations') IS NOT NULL
    Select * Into ##JobLastBkpLocations From YourSqlDba.Maint.JobLastBkpLocations

  If Object_id('YourSqlDba.Mirroring.TargetServer') IS NOT NULL
    Select * Into ##TargetServer From YourSqlDba.Mirroring.TargetServer

  If Object_id('YourSqlDba.Maint.JobSeqUpdStat') IS NOT NULL
    Select * Into ##JobSeqUpdStat From YourSqlDba.Maint.JobSeqUpdStat

  If Object_id('YourSqlDba.Maint.JobSeqCheckDb') IS NOT NULL
    Select * Into ##JobSeqCheckDb From YourSqlDba.Maint.JobSeqCheckDb

  If Object_id('YourSqlDba.Maint.NetworkDrivesToSetOnStartup') Is NOT NULL
    Select * Into ##NetworkDrivesToSetOnStartup From YourSqlDba.Maint.NetworkDrivesToSetOnStartup


-- if the table doesn't exists create the latest version
If object_id('Maint.JobSeqCheckDb') is null 
  Declare @sql nvarchar(max)
  Set @sql =
  Create table  Maint.JobSeqCheckDb
    seq         int
  Insert into Maint.JobSeqCheckDb values(0)
  Exec (@sql)

  If Object_Id('tempdb..##JobSeqCheckDb') IS NOT NULL
    Insert Into Maint.JobSeqCheckDb (seq) 
    Select Seq
    From ##JobSeqCheckDb
    Drop table ##JobSeqCheckDb







    首先,在YourSQLDba升级过程中,脚本并不会更新这两个作业。在前面的几个版本中,都不需要重新新作业YourSQLDba_FullBackups_And_Maintenance等,因为即使版本不一样,但是作业功能基本是一致的。但是像这样两个版本差别大的时候, 作业里面执行的存储过程的参数都不一样了。例如5.0.2,里面全备的执行的存储过程为

exec Maint.YourSqlDba_DoMaint
  @oper = 'YourSQLDba_Operator'
, @MaintJobName = 'YourSQLDba: DoInteg,DoUpdateStats,DoReorg,Full backups'
, @DoInteg = 1
, @DoUpdStats = 1
, @DoReorg = 1
, @DoBackup = 'F'
, @FullBackupPath = 'M:\DB_BACKUP\FULL_BACKUP\' 
, @LogBackupPath = 'M:\DB_BACKUP\LOG_BACKUP\'  
-- Flush database backups older than the number of days
, @FullBkpRetDays = 1 
-- Flush log backups older than the number of days
, @LogBkpRetDays = 2
-- Spread Update Stats over 7 days 
, @SpreadUpdStatRun =1
-- Maximum number of consecutive days of failed full backups allowed
-- for a database before putting that database (Offline). 
, @ConsecutiveDaysOfFailedBackupsToPutDbOffline = 9999 
-- Each database inclusion filter must be on its own line between the following quote pair
, @IncDb = 
-- Each database exclusion filter must be on its own line between the following quote pair
, @ExcDb = 
-- Each database exclusion filter must be on its own line between the following quote pair
, @ExcDbFromPolicy_CheckFullRecoveryModel = 


但是6.2.5.1里面,执行的存储过程如下所示,多了参数 @SpreadCheckDb,参数@ConsecutiveDaysOfFailedBackupsToPutDbOffline名字变了,如果不做修改,那么作业就会报错。

exec Maint.YourSqlDba_DoMaint
  @oper = 'YourSQLDba_Operator'
, @MaintJobName = 'YourSQLDba: DoInteg,DoUpdateStats,DoReorg,Full backups'
, @DoInteg = 1
, @DoUpdStats = 1
, @DoReorg = 1
, @DoBackup = 'F'
, @FullBackupPath = 'M:\DB_BACKUP\FULL_BACKUP\' 
, @LogBackupPath = 'M:\DB_BACKUP\LOG_BACKUP\'  
-- Flush database backups older than the number of days
, @FullBkpRetDays = 1
-- Flush log backups older than the number of days
, @LogBkpRetDays =2
-- Spread Update Stats over 7 days 
, @SpreadUpdStatRun = 1
-- Spread Check DB without 'PHYSICAL_ONLY' over 7 days
, @SpreadCheckDb = 7
-- Maximum number of consecutive days of failed full backups allowed
-- for a database before putting that database (Offline). 
, @ConsecutiveDaysOfFailedBackupsToPutDbOffline = 0 
-- Each database inclusion filter must be on its own line between the following quote pair
, @IncDb = 
-- Each database exclusion filter must be on its own line between the following quote pair
, @ExcDb = 
-- Each database exclusion filter must be on its own line between the following quote pair
, @ExcDbFromPolicy_CheckFullRecoveryModel = 




EXEC YourSQLDba.[Install].[InitialSetupOfYourSqlDba]  
  @FullBackupPath = 'M:\DB_BACKUP\FULL_BACKUP\' -- full backup path destination 
 ,@LogBackupPath = 'M:\DB_BACKUP\LOG_BACKUP\'   -- log backup path destination 
 ,@email = 'xxx@xxxx.com'                  -- Email recipients (or distribution list)
 ,@SmtpMailServer = 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx'             -- Mail server that accept SMTP mail 
 ,@ConsecutiveDaysOfFailedBackupsToPutDbOffline = 9999 
