



​智能优化算法​​​  ​​神经网络预测​​​ ​​雷达通信 ​​​ ​​无线传感器​

​信号处理​​​ ​​图像处理​​​ ​​路径规划​​​ ​​元胞自动机​​​ ​​无人机 ​​​ ​​电力系统​

⛄ 内容介绍


⛄ 部分代码

function [desired_state,fret] = dcaptTrajGenerator(var,tc,state, qn)

%% The function which performs the dcapt computation and simulation

% var is a structure containing start goal f(assignment of goal) nbots

% bound vmax bound

%% Assign params

persistent tprev C_prev U_prev f coeff G

N = var.nbots;

tf = var.tf;


    desired_state.pos = G(f(qn),:)';

    desired_state.vel = zeros(3,1);

    desired_state.acc = zeros(3,1);

    desired_state.yaw = 0;

    desired_state.yawdot = 0; 

    fret =f;



if isempty(tprev)

    G = var.goal;

    f = var.f;

    C_prev = computeNeighb(var.start, var.h);

    U_prev = C_prev;

    tprev = var.t0;

    %% TODO set the des

    X_V_0 = extractPosVel(state);

    coeff = computeCoeff(X_V_0, G(f,:), tc, var.tf, true(N,1));

    desired_state.pos = X_V_0(qn,1:3)';

    desired_state.vel = zeros(3,1);

    desired_state.acc = zeros(3,1);

    desired_state.yaw = 0;

    desired_state.yawdot = 0;

    fret = f;



%% Actual algorithm

X_V_prev = extractPosVel(state);

X_prev = X_V_prev(:,1:3);

isFC = false(N,1);

isFC(qn) = true;

C_t = computeNeighb(X_prev, var.h);

U_t = U_prev | (C_t & (~C_prev));

U_t = U_t & C_t;



    %robots to check

    rtc = find(isFC);


    for i = 1:numel(rtc)


        ri = rtc(i);

        isFC(ri) = false;


        % neighb

        n_ind = find(U_t(ri,:));


        for j = 1:numel(n_ind)

            % neighb

            rj = n_ind(j);


            % any has to be swapped

            if isSwap(X_prev(ri,:), G(f(ri),:), X_prev(rj,:), G(f(rj),:))


                % swap fi fj

                tmp = f(ri);

                f(ri) = f(rj);

                f(rj) = tmp';


                % new neighb

                U_t(ri,:) = C_t(ri,:);

                U_t(ri,rj) = false;

                U_t(rj,:) = C_t(rj,:);

                U_t(rj,ri) = false;


                % recompute trajs

                r_inds = [ri;rj]; 

                coeff_ij = computeCoeff(X_V_prev, G(f,:), tprev, tf , r_inds );

                coeff.x([ri;rj],:) = coeff_ij.x;

                coeff.y([ri;rj],:) = coeff_ij.y;

                coeff.z([ri;rj],:) = coeff_ij.z;


                isFC(ri) = true;

                isFC(rj) = true;



            U_t(ri,rj) = false;




%plotSim(X_c, var, var.start, var.goal, var.scale)

tprev = tc;

C_prev = C_t;

U_prev = U_t;


[Xc,Vc,Ac] = computeState(tc, coeff, qn);

desired_state.pos = Xc;

desired_state.vel = Vc;

desired_state.acc = Ac;

desired_state.yaw = 0;

desired_state.yawdot = 0;


function C = computeNeighb(X, h )

%% X = N by ndim position

% C = N by N sparse matrix 1 for points which are less than h dist

% btw them

N = size(X,1);

C = pdist2(X,X)<=h;

% make diag zeros

C(logical(eye(N))) = 0;


function [Xnext,Vnext,Anext] = computeState(tc, coeff, qn)

%% Given the current state and current goals and the

% current time, the time to estimate the next state

% and the end time compute Xnext

tpos = [ 1; tc; tc^2;   tc^3;    tc^4;    tc^5;     tc^6;     tc^7];

tvel = [ 0;  1; 2*tc; 3*tc^2;  4*tc^3;  5*tc^4;   6*tc^5;   7*tc^6];

tacc = [ 0;  0;    2;   6*tc; 12*tc^2; 20*tc^3;  30*tc^4;  42*tc^5];

Xnext = [coeff.x(qn,:)*tpos; coeff.y(qn,:)*tpos; coeff.z(qn,:)*tpos];

Vnext = [coeff.x(qn,:)*tvel; coeff.y(qn,:)*tvel; coeff.z(qn,:)*tvel];

Anext = [coeff.x(qn,:)*tacc; coeff.y(qn,:)*tacc; coeff.z(qn,:)*tacc];


function toSwap = isSwap(x_i, g_i, x_j, g_j)

%% checks if u'*w <0; where u = xj_c - xj_c

% checks if u'*w <0; where w = xj_tf - xj_tf

U = x_j - x_i; % 1 by n

W = g_j - g_i; % 1 by n

toSwap = U*W' < 0; % 1 by n x n by 1


function X = extractPosVel(state)

%% extract pos and vel

    X = cell2mat(state);

    X = X(1:6,:)';


function coeff = computeCoeff(X_V, G, tprev, tf , rob_ind)

%% Compute the coefficients of the septic for all the 

% robots if rob_ind is not passed

X_V_int = X_V(rob_ind,:)';

G_int = G(rob_ind,:)';

zrs = zeros(size(X_V_int(1,:)));

x0= X_V_int(1,:);

vx0= X_V_int(4,:);

y0= X_V_int(2,:);

vy0= X_V_int(5,:);

z0= X_V_int(3,:);

vz0= X_V_int(6,:);

xf = G_int(1,:);

yf = G_int(2,:);

zf = G_int(3,:);

% computeSeptic(x0,v0,a0,j0,xf,vf,af,jf, t0,tf)

coeff.x = computeSeptic(x0,vx0,zrs,zrs,xf,zrs,zrs,zrs, tprev,tf)';

coeff.y = computeSeptic(y0,vy0,zrs,zrs,yf,zrs,zrs,zrs, tprev,tf)';

coeff.z = computeSeptic(z0,vz0,zrs,zrs,zf,zrs,zrs,zrs, tprev,tf)';


⛄ 运行结果


⛄ 参考文献

[1] James Munkres. Algorithms for the Assignment and Transportation Problems. Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 5(1):32–38, 1957.

[2] Matthew Turpin, Nathan Michael, and Vijay Kumar. Capt: Concurrent assignment and planning of trajectories for multiple robots. Int. J. Rob. Res., 33(1):98–112, January 2014.

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