1 简介
2 部分代码
% Main entry:
ObstList = [-25:25;15*ones(1,51)]'; % Obstacle point list
ObstList = [ObstList; [-10: 10; 0*ones(1,21)]'];
ObstList = [ObstList; [-25:-10; 5*ones(1,16)]'];
ObstList = [ObstList; [ 10: 25; 5*ones(1,16)]'];
ObstList = [ObstList; [ 10*ones(1,6);0: 5;]'];
ObstList = [ObstList; [-10*ones(1,6);0: 5;]'];
% Park lot line for collision check
ObstLine = [-25, 15 , 25, 15;
-25, 5, -10, 5;
-10, 5, -10, 0;
-10, 0, 10, 0;
10, 0, 10, 5;
10, 5, 25, 5;
-25, 5, -25, 15;
25, 5, 25, 15];
% ObstList and ObstLine
ObstInfo.ObstList = ObstList;
ObstInfo.ObstLine = ObstLine;
% ObstInfo.ObstMap = GridAStar(ObstList,End,XY_GRID_RESOLUTION);
Vehicle.WB = 3.7; % [m] wheel base: rear to front steer
Vehicle.W = 2.6; % [m] width of vehicle
Vehicle.LF = 4.5; % [m] distance from rear to vehicle front end of vehicle
Vehicle.LB = 1.0; % [m] distance from rear to vehicle back end of vehicle
Vehicle.MAX_STEER = 0.6; % [rad] maximum steering angle
Vehicle.MIN_CIRCLE = Vehicle.WB/tan(Vehicle.MAX_STEER); % [m] mininum steering circle radius
% Motion resolution define
Configure.MOTION_RESOLUTION = 0.1; % [m] path interporate resolution
Configure.N_STEER = 20.0; % number of steer command
Configure.EXTEND_AREA = 0; % [m] map extend length
Configure.XY_GRID_RESOLUTION = 2.0; % [m]
Configure.YAW_GRID_RESOLUTION = deg2rad(15.0); % [rad]
% Grid bound
Configure.MINX = min(ObstList(:,1))-Configure.EXTEND_AREA;
Configure.MAXX = max(ObstList(:,1))+Configure.EXTEND_AREA;
Configure.MINY = min(ObstList(:,2))-Configure.EXTEND_AREA;
Configure.MAXY = max(ObstList(:,2))+Configure.EXTEND_AREA;
Configure.MINYAW = -pi-0.01;
Configure.MAXYAW = pi;
% Cost related define
Configure.SB_COST = 0; % switch back penalty cost
Configure.BACK_COST = 1.5; % backward penalty cost
Configure.STEER_CHANGE_COST = 1.5; % steer angle change penalty cost
Configure.STEER_COST = 1.5; % steer angle change penalty cost
Configure.H_COST = 10; % Heuristic cost
StartState = [22, 13, pi ];
EndState = [7, 2, pi/2];
[x,y,th,~,~] = HybridAStar(StartState,EndState,Vehicle,Configure,ObstInfo);
if isempty(x)
disp("Failed to find path!")
hold on;
3 仿真结果
4 参考文献
[1]张瑶港, 陈国迎, 高振海,等. 一种基于混合A*算法的两段式自主泊车路径规划方法:, CN112606830A[P]. 2021.