%  Golden Eagle Optimizer (GEO) source codes version 1.0
% To use this code in your own project 
% remove the line for 'GetFunctionDetails' function 
% and define the following parameters: 
% fun   : function handle to the .m file containing the objective function
%		  the .m file you define should accept the whole population 'x' 
%		  as input and return a column vector containing objective function 
%		  values of all of the population members
% nvars : number of decision/design variables 
% lb    : lower bound of decision variables (must be of size 1 x nvars)
% ub    : upper bound of decision variables (must be of size 1 x nvars)
% GEO will return the following: 
% x     : best solution found 
% fval  : objective function value of the found solution 
%% Inputs 
FunctionNumber = 1; % 1-23
options.PopulationSize = 50;
options.MaxIterations  = 1000;
%% Run Multi-Objective Golden Eagle Optimizer 
[fun,nvars,lb,ub] = GetFunctionDetails (FunctionNumber);
options.AttackPropensity = [0.5 ,   2];
options.CruisePropensity = [1   , 0.5];
[x,fval,ConvergenceCurve] = GEO (fun,nvars,lb,ub, options);
%% Plot results 
PlotResults (fun,lb,ub, FunctionNumber,ConvergenceCurve) 
