
AIML代表人工智能标记语言.AIML由Alicebot自由软件社区和Richard S. Wallace博士在1995-2000期间开发.
AIML用于创建或自定义Alicebot,这是一个基于A.L.I.C.E的聊天框应用程序. (人工语言互联网计算机实体)免费软件.





< star>

< star> 标记用于匹配< pattern>中的通配符 * 字符

  • 语法
<star index = "n"/>

n 表示< pattern>中用户输入中*的位置标记.

  • 示例
      <pattern>I LIKE *</pattern>
         I too like <star/>.

如果用户输入"I like dogs"
然后机器人会回答"I too like dogs."

      <pattern> A * is a *. </pattern>
         When a <star index = "1"/> is not a <star index = "2"/>?

如果用户输入"A dog is a kind of animal."
然后机器人会回答"When a dog is not a kind of animal?"

< srai>

< srai> 标签是一种多用途标签.此标记使AIML能够为同一模板定义不同的目标.

  • 语法
<srai> </srai>
  • 符号缩减
   <pattern> Who is Albert Einstein? </pattern>
   <template>Albert Einstein was a German physicist.</template>
   <pattern> WHO IS Isaac NEWTON? </pattern>
   <template>Isaac Newton was a English physicist and mathematician.</template>

   <pattern>DO YOU KNOW WHO * IS?</pattern>
      <srai>WHO IS <star/></srai>

Human: Do you know who Albert Einstein is
Robot: Albert Einstein was a German physicist.



  • 分而治之
    Divide and Conquer用于在完成回复时重复使用子句.它有助于减少定义多个类别.

      <pattern>再见 *</pattern>


  • 同义词解析
   <template>Development Center!</template>


Human: Factory
Robot: Development Center!
Human: Industry
Robot: Development Center!

  • 关键字检测
    使用 srai ,我们可以在用户返回简单响应键入一个特定的关键词,比如学校,无论句子中出现"学校".
   <template>School is an important institution in a child's life.</template>

   <pattern>_ SCHOOL</pattern>
   <pattern>_ SCHOOL</pattern>
   <pattern>SCHOOL *</pattern>
   <pattern>_ SCHOOL *</pattern>


Human: I love going to school daily.
Robot: School is an important institution in a child’s life.
Human: I like my school.
Robot: School is an important institution in a child’s life.

< random>&< li>

< random> 标签用于获取随机响应.此标签使AIML能够针对相同的输入做出不同的响应. < random>标签与< li>一起使用标签. < li> 标签带有随机传递给用户的不同响应.

  • 语法
   <li> pattern1 </li>
   <li> pattern2 </li>
   <li> patternN </li>
  • 示例
            <li> Hello! </li>
            <li> Hi! Nice to meet you! </li>

Human: Hi
Robot: Hi! Nice to meet you!
Human: Hi
Robot: Hello!

这样在输入同一个问题< pattern>就可以随机获得不同的答案回复,实现多样性的回复了

< set>&< get>

< set> 和< get> 标记用于处理AIML中的变量.变量可以是预定义变量或程序员创建的变量

  • 语法

< set> tag用于设置变量中的值.

<set name = "variable-name"> variable-value </set>

< get> tag用于从变量中获取值.

<get name = "variable-name"></get>
  • 示例
      <pattern>I am *</pattern>
         Hello <set name = "username"> <star/>! </set>
      <pattern>Good Night</pattern>
         Good Night <get name = "username"/>! Thanks for the conversation!

上述代码中用< set>和< get>分别做到了取和用一个特定字符,并通过同一个name来进行两者的对应

Human: I am Mahesh
Robot: Hello Mahesh!
Human: Good Night
Robot: Good Night Mahesh! Thanks for the conversation!

< topic>

< topic> 标记在AIML中用于存储上下文,以便以后的对话可以根据该上下文完成.通常,< topic> 标记用于是/否类型对话.它有助于AIML搜索在主题上下文中编写的类别.

  • 语法
    使用< set>定义主题标签
   <set name = "topic"> topic-name </set>

使用< topic>定义类别标签

<topic name = "topic-name">
  • 示例
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
<aiml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
      <pattern>LET DISCUSS MOVIES</pattern>
      <template>Yes <set name = "topic">movies</set></template>  
   <topic name = "movies">
         <pattern> * </pattern>
         <template>Watching good movie refreshes our minds.</template>
         <pattern> I LIKE WATCHING COMEDY! </pattern>
         <template>I like comedy movies too.</template>

您将看到以下输出 :

Human: let discuss movies
Robot: Yes movies
Human: Comedy movies are nice to watch
Robot: Watching good movie refreshes our minds.
Human: I like watching comedy
Robot: I too like watching comedy.

< think>

< think> 标签在AIML中用于存储变量而不通知用户.

  • 语法
    使用< think>存储值标签
   <set name = "variable-name"> variable-value </set>
  • 示例
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
<aiml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>

      <pattern>My name is *</pattern>
         Hello!<think><set name = "username"> <star/></set></think>
         Byeee <get name = "username"/>. Thanks for the conversation!

  • 示例
    您将看到以下输出 :
Human: My name is Mahesh
Robot: Hello!
Human: Byeee
Robot: Byeee Mahesh Thanks for the conversation!
< condition>

< condition> 标记类似于编程语言中的switch语句.它有助于ALICE响应匹配的输入.

  • 语法
<condition name = "variable-name" value = "variable-value"/>
  • 示例
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
<aiml version = "1.0.1" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
      <pattern> HOW ARE YOU FEELING TODAY </pattern>
         <think><set name = "state"> happy</set></think>
         <condition name = "state" value = "happy">
            I am happy!
         <condition name = "state" value = "sad">
            I am sad!

Human: How are you feeling today
Robot: I am happy!


	<pattern>GET NAME GENDER</pattern>
	<think><set name="gender">
		<condition name="name">
			<li value="jeb">male</li>
			<li value="anders">male</li>
			<li value="andre">male</li>
			<li value="tiffany">female</li>
			<li value="tina">female</li>
			<li value="valerie">female</li>

		<condition name="gender">
			<li value="male"><think><set name="heshe">he</set></think></li>
			<li value="female"><think><set name="heshe">she</set></think></li>
				<think><set name="heshe">it</set></think>
				Are you a man or a woman?
< system>


在AIML实现的聊天机器人中,可以通过定义<system>python search.py</system>来实现python文件的调用,并使用<star>进行传参

<system>python baidu.py <star/></system>

<!-- 主循环 -->
    <pattern>SEARCH FOR *</pattern>
        <think><set name="search"><star/></set></think>
        Which search engine would you like to use? Baidu,Yahoo, Yahoo Auctions, or Ebay.

        <srai>SEARCH BAIDU FOR <get name="search"/></srai>

<pattern>SEARCH BAIDU FOR *</pattern>
    <system>python baidu.py <star/></system>

<!-- 结束循环 -->



  <pattern> * 答案是 * </pattern>
    <system>python learn.py <star index="1" /> <star index="2" /> </system>
    好的我学会了, 你可以再问我试试.
