给新手参考的Cadence Allegro快捷键




# May use function keys F2-F12, most Alpha-numberic keys with control

# modifier (although Control - C, V and X are reserved for copy, paste and cut)

# and Navigation Keys (Home, Up arrow, Esc, etc.) These items may be modifed

# by the following:

# Modifier Indicator Example

# Shift S SF2

# Control C (function keys) CF2

# Control ~ (alpha-numeric) ~N

# Meta A AF2

# Modifiers may be combined. Some examples:

# CSF2 Control-Shift F2

# ASF2 Meta-Shift F2

# CAF2 Control-Meta F2

# CASF2 Control-Meta-Shift F2

# ~SZ Control-Shift Z

# SUp Shift-Up Arrow

# CUp Control-Up Arrow


# funckey

# use the funckey when you wish to have alphanumeric keys operate

# like the Function keys when the cursor is in the Allegro canvas.


# Example -- following starts the move command without a Enter key

# funckey m move


# Bind incremental pick by grid unit functions to ctrl and shift--arrow keys

alias Up "ipick 0; ipick_to_gridunit 0 +1"

alias Down "ipick 0; ipick_to_gridunit 0 -1"

alias Left "ipick 0; ipick_to_gridunit -1"

alias Right "ipick 0; ipick_to_gridunit +1"

alias CUp "move; ipick_to_gridunit 0 +1"

alias CDown "move; ipick_to_gridunit 0 -1"

alias CLeft "move; ipick_to_gridunit -1"

alias CRight "move; ipick_to_gridunit +1"

# F1 is normally reserved by the system for Help so we don't use it

alias F2 save

alias F3 show measure #测量

alias F4 COLOR192 #颜色

alias F5 redraw #刷新

alias F6 Shape edit boundary #编辑图形

alias F7 UNRATS ALL #隐藏板上所有飞线

alias F8 RATS ALL #显示板上所有飞线

alias F9 FIX #固定物体

alias F10 UNFIX #解除固定

alias F11 zoom in #放大视图

alias F12 zoom out #缩小视图

alias SF1 reject

alias SF2 slide

alias SF3 custom smooth

alias SF4 COLOR

alias SF5 shell explorer

alias SF6 void all

alias SF7 shape add

alias SF8 swap functions

alias SF9 swap components

alias SF10 zoom fit #放大到整板视图

alias SF11 hilight

alias SF12 dehilight

alias ~A Manually

alias ~B boundary

alias ~C copy

alias ~D delete

alias ~E property edit

alias ~F zoom fit #放大到整板视图

alias ~G grid toggle

alias ~H hilight #高亮物体

alias ~I show element

alias ~J FIND

alias ~K CMGR

alias ~L add line

alias ~M mirror

alias ~N dehilight all #清除高亮

alias ~O open #打开文件

alias ~P cns show #打开约束管理器

alias ~Q Delay Tune #移动修改线与孔

alias ~R rotate #旋转

alias ~S save

alias ~T add text #增加文本

alias ~W custom smooth

alias ~Z UNDO #取消上次操作

alias ~Y REDO #恢复上次操作

alias pd padeditdb #焊盘编辑

alias jn find_by_name #查找物体

alias jc FIND component #查找元件

funckey ' ' iangle 90 #以90度旋转选中的物体

funckey + subclass -+ #跳转到下一个层

funckey - subclass -- #跳转到上一个层


# View Control

alias Pgup oops

alias SPgup pop route_from_target

alias CPgup shadow toggle

alias Home slide

alias Pgdown next

alias SPgdown angle 90shadow

alias SHome pop finish

alias End add connect

alias Del delete

alias SDel pop swap layers

alias Insert DONE

alias SInsert TOGGLE

alias SLeft PLACE Manual

alias SRight move

alias SUp swap COMPONENTS




alias x pick

alias y pick 1

alias ix ipick

alias iy ipick 0

alias 1 FORM mini acon_line_width 1

alias 2 FORM mini acon_line_width 0.25

alias 2.5 FORM mini acon_line_width 0.25

alias 3 FORM mini acon_line_width 0.3

alias 4 FORM mini acon_line_width 0.4

alias 5 FORM mini acon_line_width 0.5

alias 6 FORM mini acon_line_width 0.6

alias 7 FORM mini acon_line_width 0.7

alias 8 FORM mini acon_line_width 0.8

alias 9 FORM mini acon_line_width 0.9

alias g "replay g"

alias g0.05 replay g0.05.scr

alias g0.01 replay g0.01.scr

alias g0.1 replay g0.1.scr

alias g0.2 replay g0.2.scr

alias g0.3 replay g0.3.scr

alias g0.5 replay g0.5.scr

alias g0.6 replay g0.6.scr

alias g0.9 replay g0.7.scr

alias g0.9 replay g0.8.scr

alias g0.9 replay g0.8.scr

alias g0.9 replay g0.9.scr

alias g1 replay g1.scr

alias g2 replay g2.5.scr

alias g2.5 replay g1.scr

alias g.1 replay g0p1

alias g.5 replay g0p5

alias g1.5 replay g1p5

alias g2 replay g2

alias g2.5 replay g2p5

alias g3 replay g3.scr

alias g3.5 replay g3.5.scr

alias g4 replay g4

alias g4.5 replay g4.5.scr

alias g5 replay g5

alias g5.5 replay g5p5

alias g6 replay g6

alias g6.5 replay g6.5

alias g7 replay g7

alias g7.5 replay g7.5

alias g8 replay g8

alias g8.5 replay g8.5

alias g9 replay g9

alias g10 replay g10

alias g10.5 replay g10p5

alias g11 replay g11

alias g12 replay g12

alias g12.5 replay g12p5

alias g13 replay g13

alias g14 replay g14

alias g15 replay g15

alias g16 replay g16

alias g17 replay g17

alias g18 replay g18

alias g19 replay g19

alias g20 replay g20

alias g25 replay g25

alias g30 replay g30

alias g50 replay g50

alias g100 replay g100

alias g111 replay g111

alias g500 replay g500


alias t replay t #顶层元件框

alias b replay b #底层元件框

alias ts replay SILKSCREEN_TOP #顶层元件框序号

alias bs replay SILKSCREEN_BOTTOM #底层元件框序号

alias tss replay tss #顶层所有丝印

alias bss replay bss #底层所有丝印

alias so replay SILKSCREENoff #关闭所有丝印

alias aw replay Artwork #出图



alias rps "replace padstack" #焊盘替换

alias unplrp report unplaced

alias pn replay pn.scr #敷铜显示FILL

alias po replay po.scr #敷铜显示FILL关闭

alias co replay co.scr #敷铜显示FILL

alias cn replay cn.scr #敷铜显示FILL关闭



alias edps padedit

alias rps "replace padstack"

alias unplrp report unplaced

alias x pick

alias y pick l

alias ix ipick

alias iy ipick 0

alias reopen 'open -q $module'

alias revert 'open -q $module'

# autoroam

alias sar set pcb_autoroam

alias uar unset pcb_autoroam

alias reopen 'open -q $module'

alias bubset 'settoggle shove_mode Off "Hug preferred" "Shove preferred"; options

bubble_space $shove_mode'

alias ~B bubset

alias smoothset 'settoggle smooth_mode Off Minimal Full; options smooth_level


alias ~C smoothset



# allow slide to work on arcs by default

set slide_arcs

# Compatibility aliases

alias window zoom

alias hilite hilight

alias dehilite dehilight

alias pickx pick

alias picky pick l

alias ipickx ipick

alias ipicky ipick 0

alias cdnshelp cdsdoc


# MOUSE WHEEL SUPPORT (Windows only)

# Environment Variables - Note quote variables so they are evaluated

# at button time not when this file is read.

# - _wheelcnt variable is set based upon number of detents wheel moved

# range is -4 to 4 (no 0)

# - sx1 and sy1 are cursor coordinates when wheel is moved


# Button values

# wheel_up: when wheel is moved up

# wheel_down: when wheel is moved down

# wheel: up/down if either of above 2 buttons are not assigned


# Keyboard modifiers (note we are case insensitive)

# S - shift key

# C - control key

# SC - shift and control

# Example: SCwheel - for wheel button assignment with both shift & control keys


# Button factor may be factorion (e.g. 0.5)

set buttonfactor = 1

button wheel_up "zoom in $buttonfactor"

button wheel_down "zoom out $buttonfactor"

button Cwheel_up "zoom in $buttonfactor"

button Cwheel_down "zoom out $buttonfactor"

source -q $ALLEGRO_SITE/site.env
