Spring Framework 2.5 Reference翻译计划(phaseI)
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随着Spring Framework的飞速发展,以更全面的企业服务和便利的开发优势,Spring2.0+成为了更多程序员J2EE开发的首选框架。为了让更多的朋友能快 速掌握Spring2.0+的开发优势和了解优秀的构架思想,Spring论坛协同满江红开放技术研究组织(Hibernate开发手册翻译团队) http://wiki.redsaga.com
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丁雪丰 (Digital Sonic) @ 上海
发送email到 [ dxf_digitalsonic-redsaga at yahoo.com.cn ]
Spring Framework 2.5 Reference翻译参与人员列表(按报名先后排列)
网名 | 姓名 |
| 网名 | 姓名 |
Yanger | 杨戈 |
| caoxg | 曹晓钢 |
DigitalSonic | 丁雪丰 |
| Marco Chen | 陈邦宏 |
downpour | 陆舟 |
| joyheros | 邓超 |
jzk | 蒋臻恺 |
| whimet | 李彦辉 |
melthaw | 张辰雪 |
| crazycy | 崔毅 |
pesome | 张俊 |
| zhanglong | 张龙 |
ginge | 植晶晶 |
| Kxllen | 徐坤 |
Jin | 金星星 |
| Java笨狗 | 陶欢腾 |
Joo | 栗磊 |
| YuLimin | 俞黎敏 |
Echo | 杨春花 |
| yeshucheng | 万国辉 |
华仔 | 张静华 |
| Denis | 王寅钢 |
hanson2010 | 胡海生 |
| 88250 | 丁亮 |
max | 孙浩 |
工作安排及进度概况(Spring 2.5)
章节 | 翻译 | 一审 | 二审 | 进度 | 进度更新时间 |
TOC (index.xml / 42 / 11KB) | caoxg |
Preface (preface.xml / new / 3KB) | caoxg |
1.Introduction (overview.xml / 30 / 13KB) | caoxg |
2.What's new in Spring 2.0 and 2.5? (new-in-2.xml / 66 / 39KB) | caoxg |
I. Core Technologies |
3. The IoC container (beans.xml / 585 / 304KB) |
3.1. Introduction 3.2. Basics - containers and beans | macrochen |
| 翻译-100% | 2008-03-26 |
3.3. Dependencies | macrochen |
| 翻译-100% | 2008-03-26 |
3.4. Bean scopes 3.5. Customizing the nature of a bean | kxllen |
| 翻译-80% | 2008-03-29 |
3.6. Abstract and child bean definitions 3.7. Container extension points 3.8. The ApplicationContext 3.9. Glue code and the evil singleton | kxllen |
| 翻译-20% | 2008-03-19 |
3.10. Deploying a Spring ApplicationContext as a J2EE RAR file 3.11. Annotation-based configuration 3.12. Classpath scanning for managed components 3.13. Registering a LoadTimeWeaver | 88250 |
| 翻译-10% | 2008-03-31 |
4. Resources (resources.xml / 58 / 37KB) | zhanglong |
| 翻译-80% | 2008-03-29 |
5. Validation, Data-binding, the BeanWrapper, and PropertyEditors (validation.xml / 28 / 41KB) | zhanglong |
| 翻译-70% | 2008-03-29 |
6. Aspect Oriented Programming with Spring (aop.xml / 519 / 169KB) |
6.1. Introduction 6.2. @AspectJ support 6.3. Schema-based AOP support | joyheros |
| 翻译-50% | 2008-03-31 |
6.4. Choosing which AOP declaration style to use 6.5. Mixing aspect types | Joo |
| 翻译-70% | 2008-03-29 |
6.6. Proxying mechanisms 6.7. Programmatic creation of @AspectJ Proxies 6.8. Using AspectJ with Spring applications 6.9. Further Resources | Joo |
| 翻译-70% | 2008-03-29 |
7. Spring AOP APIs (aop-api.xml / 48 / 89KB) | Joo |
| 翻译-100% | 2008-03-20 |
8. Testing (testing.xml / 71 / 106KB) | zhanglong |
| 翻译-70% | 2008-03-29 |
II. Middle Tier Data Access |
9. Transaction management (transaction.xml / 132 / 112KB) |
9.1. Introduction 9.2. Motivations 9.3. Key abstractions 9.4. Resource synchronization with transactions 9.5. Declarative transaction management | jzk |
| 翻译-100% | 2008-03-23 |
9.6. Programmatic transaction management 9.7. Choosing between programmatic and declarative transaction management 9.8. Application server-specific integration 9.9. Solutions to common problems 9.10. Further Resources | jzk |
10. DAO support (dao.xml / 15 / 6KB) | jzk |
11. Data access using JDBC (jdbc.xml / 160 / 115KB) |
11.1. Introduction 11.2. Using the JDBC Core classes to control basic JDBC processing and error handling 11.3. Controlling database connections | downpour |
| 翻译-100% | 2008-03-16 |
11.4. JDBC batch operations 11.5. Simplifying JDBC operations with the SimpleJdbc classes | downpour |
11.6. Modeling JDBC operations as Java objects 11.7. Common issues with parameter and data value handling | downpour |
12. Object Relational Mapping (ORM) data access (orm.xml / 244 / 133KB) |
12.1. Introduction 12.2. Hibernate | max |
12.3. JDO 12.4. Oracle TopLink 12.5. iBATIS SQL Maps | 华仔 |
| 翻译-50% | 2008-03-29 |
12.6. JPA 12.7. Transaction Management 12.8. JpaDialect | Echo |
| 2008-03-13 |
III. The Web |
13. Web MVC framework (mvc.xml / 451 / 179KB) |
13.1. Introduction 13.2. The DispatcherServlet 13.3. Controllers 13.4. Handler mappings | whimet |
| 翻译-40% | 2008-03-26 |
13.5. Views and resolving them 13.6. Using locales 13.7. Using themes 13.8. Spring's multipart (fileupload) support | whimet |
| 翻译-40% | 2008-03-26 |
13.9. Using Spring's form tag library 13.10. Handling exceptions | hanson2010 |
| 翻译-100% | 2008-03-30 |
13.11. Convention over configuration 13.12. Annotation-based controller configuration 13.13. Further Resources Sidebar. Spring WebFlow (swf-sidebar.xml / 2 / 1KB) | hanson2010 |
| 翻译-10% | 2008-03-29 |
14. Integrating view technologies (views.xml / 84 / 78KB) |
14.1. Introduction 14.2. JSP & JSTL 14.3. Tiles 14.4. Velocity & FreeMarker | Java笨狗 |
| 翻译-100% | 2008-03-22 |
14.5. XSLT 14.6. Document views (PDF/Excel) 14.7. JasperReports | Java笨狗 |
| 2008-03-10 |
15. Integrating with other web frameworks (webintegration.xml / 20 / 51KB) 16. Portlet MVC Framework (portlet.xml / 9 / 60KB) | 华仔 |
| 翻译-70% | 2008-03-22 |
IV. Integration |
17. Remoting and web services using Spring (remoting.xml / 119 / 56KB) |
17.1. Introduction 17.2. Exposing services using RMI 17.3. Using Hessian or Burlap to remotely call services via HTTP 17.4. Exposing services using HTTP invokers | pesome |
| 翻译-80% | 2008-03-29 |
17.5. Web Services 17.6. JMS 17.7. Auto-detection is not implemented for remote interfaces 17.8. Considerations when choosing a technology | pesome |
18. Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) integration (ejb.xml / 16 / 22KB) | yeshucheng |
| 翻译-50% | 2008-03-30 |
19. JMS (jms.xml / 56 / 63KB) | crazycy |
| 翻译-100% | 2008-03-23 |
20. JMX (jmx.xml / 157 / 75KB) |
20.1. Introduction 20.2. Exporting your beans to JMX 20.3. Controlling the management interface of your beans | ginge |
| 翻译-100% | 2008-03-19 |
20.4. Controlling the ObjectNames for your beans 20.5. JSR-160 Connectors 20.6. Accessing MBeans via Proxies 20.7. Notifications 20.8. Further Resources | ginge |
| 翻译-100% | 2008-03-20 |
21. JCA CCI (cci.xml / 41 / 51KB) | YuLimin |
| 翻译-0% | 2008-03-12 |
22. Email (mail.xml / 42 / 19KB) | downpour |
| 翻译-100% | 2008-03-16 |
23. Scheduling and Thread Pooling (scheduling.xml / 49 / 22KB) | downpour |
| 翻译-100% | 2008-03-16 |
24. Dynamic language support (dynamic-languages.xml / 81 / 53KB) | melthaw |
| 翻译-100% | 2008-03-23 |
24.1. Introduction 24.2. A first example 24.3. Defining beans that are backed by dynamic languages | melthaw |
| 翻译-100% | 2008-03-23 |
24.4. Scenarios 24.5. Bits and bobs 24.6. Further Resources | melthaw |
| 翻译-100% | 2008-03-23 |
25. Annotations and Source Level Metadata Support (metadata.xml / 20 / 24KB) | Joo |
| 翻译-100% | 2008-03-18 |
V. Sample applications |
26. Showcase applications (showcases.xml / new / 1KB) |
| |
26.1. Introduction 26.2. Spring MVC Controllers implemented in a dynamic language (showcases/dynamvc/doc.xml / new / 4KB) 26.3. Implementing DAOs using SimpleJdbcTemplate and @Repository (showcases/java5-dao/doc.xml / new / 4KB) | Denis |
| 翻译-80% | 2008-03-29 |