InputFor each case, there are two strings (the chars selected just form ‘a’ to ‘z’) for you, and each length of theirs won’t exceed 10^5 and won’t be empty.OutputPrint the ultimate string by the book.Sample Input
asdf sdfg asdf ghjkSample Output
asdfg asdfghjk
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define MAX 100005 char a[MAX],b[MAX]; int Next[MAX]; void getNext(int n,char *s) { int i = 0,j = -1; Next[i] = -1; while(i < n) { if(j == -1 || s[j] == s[i]) { Next[++ i] = ++ j; } else j = Next[j]; } } int kmp(char *p,char *q) { int n = strlen(p),m = strlen(q); getNext(m,q); int i = -1,j = -1; while(i < n) { if(j == -1 || p[i] == q[j]) { i ++;j ++; } else j = Next[j]; } return j; } int main() { while(~scanf("%s%s",a,b)) { int d = kmp(a,b),e = kmp(b,a);///保存a后缀和b前缀的最大重叠 以及 反过来 比较哪个大 就重叠那个 按相应顺序输出,如果相等就按字典序 if(d > e) printf("%s%s",a,b + d); else if(d < e) printf("%s%s",b,a + e); else { if(strcmp(a,b) > 0)printf("%s%s",b,a + e); else printf("%s%s",a,b + d); } putchar('\n'); } }
#include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #define MAX 100005 using namespace std; char a[MAX],b[MAX],s[MAX * 2]; int Next[MAX * 2],m; int getNext(char *p,char *q) { strcpy(s,p); strcat(s,q); int i = 0,j = -1; Next[i] = -1; while(s[i]) { if(j == -1 || s[j] == s[i]) { Next[++ i] = ++ j; } else j = Next[j]; } int c = strlen(s); while(Next[c] > m) c = Next[c]; return Next[c]; } int main() { while(~scanf("%s%s",a,b)) { m = min(strlen(a),strlen(b)); int d = getNext(b,a),e = getNext(a,b);///保存a后缀和b前缀的最大重叠 以及 反过来 比较哪个大 就重叠那个 按相应顺序输出,如果相等就按字典序 if(d > e) printf("%s%s",a,b + d); else if(d < e) printf("%s%s",b,a + e); else { if(strcmp(a,b) > 0)printf("%s%s",b,a + e); else printf("%s%s",a,b + d); } putchar('\n'); } }
当然 也可以用扩展kmp
#include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #define MAX 100005 using namespace std; char a[MAX],b[MAX]; int Next[MAX],Prefix[MAX]; void getNext(char *str) {///获得Next数组 int p = 1;///匹配最远的开始匹配位置 比如从i开始和0位置依次往后匹配相等能到最远的位置 p就是i 即i + Next[i] - 1最大时的i为p Next[0] = strlen(str);///显然自己和自己匹配 Next[1] = 0; while(str[Next[1] + 1] && str[Next[1] + 1] == str[Next[1]]) Next[1] ++;///匹配1位置作为基础 for(int i = 2;str[i];i ++) {///2位置开始 if(i + Next[i - p] < p + Next[p]) Next[i] = Next[i - p];///如果不超过最远位置 else {///超过最远位置 if(p + Next[p] - 1 >= i) Next[i] = p + Next[p] - i;///i点没超过最远位置 实际是 p + Next[p] - 1 - i + 1 else Next[i] = 0;///否则从头开始匹配啊 while(str[Next[i] + i] && str[Next[i]] == str[Next[i] + i]) Next[i] ++;///继续匹配 p = i; } } } int ExKmp(char *str1,char *str2) { getNext(str2); int p = 0,len = strlen(str1); Prefix[0] = 0; while(str1[Prefix[0]] && str2[Prefix[0]] && str1[Prefix[0]] == str2[Prefix[0]]) Prefix[0] ++; for(int i = 1;str1[i];i ++) { if(i + Next[i - p] < p + Prefix[p]) Prefix[i] = Next[i - p];///i加上i-p前缀长度 没超过最远位置 else { if(i <= p + Prefix[p] - 1) Prefix[i] = p + Prefix[p] - i;///i没超过最远位置 else Prefix[i] = 0; while(str1[i + Prefix[i]] && str1[i + Prefix[i]] == str2[Prefix[i]]) Prefix[i] ++;///继续匹配 p = i;///更新最远位置下标 } } for(int i = 0;i < len;i ++) { if(i + Prefix[i] == len) return Prefix[i]; } return 0; } int main() { while(~scanf("%s%s",a,b)) { int d = ExKmp(a,b),e = ExKmp(b,a);///保存a后缀和b前缀的最大重叠 以及 反过来 比较哪个大 就重叠那个 按相应顺序输出,如果相等就按字典序 if(d > e) printf("%s%s",a,b + d); else if(d < e) printf("%s%s",b,a + e); else { if(strcmp(a,b) > 0)printf("%s%s",b,a + e); else printf("%s%s",a,b + d); } putchar('\n'); } }
#include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #define MAX 100005 using namespace std; void getNext(char *str,int *Next) { int p = 1; while(str[1 + Next[1]] && str[1 + Next[1]] == str[Next[1]]) Next[1] ++; for(int i = 2;str[i];i ++) { if(i + Next[i - p] < p + Next[p]) Next[i] = Next[i - p]; else { if(i <= p + Next[p] - 1) Next[i] = p + Next[p] - i; else Next[i] = 0; while(str[i + Next[i]] && str[i + Next[i]] == str[Next[i]]) Next[i] ++; p = i; } } } int ExKmp(char *s,char *t) { int Next[MAX] = {0},Prefix[MAX] = {0}; getNext(t,Next); int p = 0; while(s[0 + Prefix[0]] && s[0 + Prefix[0]] == t[Prefix[0]]) Prefix[0] ++; for(int i = 1;s[i];i ++) { if(i + Next[i - p] < p + Prefix[p]) Prefix[i] = Next[i - p]; else { if(i < p + Prefix[p]) Prefix[i] = p + Prefix[p] - i; else Prefix[i] = 0; while(s[i + Prefix[i]] && s[i + Prefix[i]] == t[Prefix[i]]) Prefix[i] ++; if(i + Prefix[i] > p + Prefix[p]) p = i;///不加这一步 最后返回的就不对, 比如 aaaa aaa 应输出 aaaa } } return p + Prefix[p] < strlen(s) ? 0 : Prefix[p]; } int main() { char a[MAX],b[MAX]; while(~scanf("%s%s",a,b)) { int d = ExKmp(a,b),e = ExKmp(b,a); if(d > e) printf("%s%s",a,b + d); else if(d < e) printf("%s%s",b,a + e); else { if(strcmp(a,b) > 0)printf("%s%s",b,a + e); else printf("%s%s",a,b + d); } putchar('\n'); } }