最近开始看一些针对非托管进程的WinDBG的使用了, Tess推荐去看​​Debugging Toolbox​​. 其第一篇就把我难住了, 脚本看不懂.

动手实践了一下, 发现下面的文章所讲的内容特别有帮助, 于是转载在这里.



First steps with WinDBG scripting… (Memento)



Here is a sample of script for Windbg for people who doesn’t want to waste time because they don’t find any document.

Firstly, to declare a variable you must use the prefix “r”. Moreover, the name must be $t[0..n]

Secondly, if you use the flag “/D” after “.printf” you can use pseudo-html code inside.

Thirdly, to read the value of an address you have to use “poi()” with the prefix “@” like : poi(@$t0)

To write byte or dword, you should use “eb” or “ed”.

And… the most fun is that you can create links like the following scheme :

.printf /D “<link cmd=\”COMMAND_TO_EXECUTE\”>DISPLAY_TEXT</link>\\n”;


To execute a script use