拉取 gitee 代码,Please make sure you have the correct access rights

git clone git@gitee.com:paddlepaddle/PaddleNLP.git

拉取 gitee 代码,配置SSH,Please make sure you have the correct access rights_用户名

拉取 gitee 代码,配置SSH,Please make sure you have the correct access rights_paddle_02

生成 RAS 秘钥

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "Gitee SSH Key"
-t key 类型
-C 注释

拉取 gitee 代码,配置SSH,Please make sure you have the correct access rights_paddle_03

C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin 加入环境变更

拉取 gitee 代码,配置SSH,Please make sure you have the correct access rights_用户名_04


拉取 gitee 代码,配置SSH,Please make sure you have the correct access rights_paddle_05

拉取 gitee 代码,配置SSH,Please make sure you have the correct access rights_用户名_06


拉取 gitee 代码,配置SSH,Please make sure you have the correct access rights_git_07

拉取 gitee 代码,配置SSH,Please make sure you have the correct access rights_paddle_08


通过 ssh -T 测试,输出 SSH Key 绑定的用户名:

拉取 gitee 代码,配置SSH,Please make sure you have the correct access rights_git_09
