





  1. 如果当前节点的value==key,返回true
  2. 如果当前节点的value<key,当前节点向左移动
  3. 如果当前节点的value>key,当前节点向右移动
  4. 如果当前节点变成null,返回false

------------------------> 下面说一下搜索二叉树的增删查,采用Ignas Lelys作者的源代码。


public static class Node {
public Node(Integer value, Node parent, Node left, Node right) {
this.value = value;
this.parent = parent;
this.left = left;
this.right = right;

public Integer value;
public Node parent;
public Node left;
public Node right;


* Finds a node with concrete value. If it is not found then null is
* returned.
* @param element
* Element value.
* @return Node with value provided, or null if not found.

public Node search(int element) {
Node node = root;
while (node != null && node.value != null && node.value != element) {
if (element < node.value) {
node = node.left;
} else {
node = node.right;
return node;


* Insert new element to tree.
* @param element
* Element to insert.
public Node insert(int element) {
if (root == null) {
root = createNode(element, null, null, null);
return root;

Node insertParentNode = null;
Node searchTempNode = root;
while (searchTempNode != null && searchTempNode.value != null) {
insertParentNode = searchTempNode;
if (element < searchTempNode.value) {
searchTempNode = searchTempNode.left;
} else {
searchTempNode = searchTempNode.right;
Node newNode = createNode(element, insertParentNode, null, null);
if (insertParentNode.value > newNode.value) {
insertParentNode.left = newNode;
} else {
insertParentNode.right = newNode;

return newNode;




public Node delete(int element) {
Node deleteNode = search(element);
if (deleteNode != null) {
return delete(deleteNode);
} else {
return null;
protected Node delete(Node deleteNode) {
if (deleteNode != null) {
Node nodeToReturn = null;
if (deleteNode != null) {
if (deleteNode.left == null) {
// transplant(a,b) b去替换a的环境,a断连掉,把b返回
nodeToReturn = transplant(deleteNode, deleteNode.right);
} else if (deleteNode.right == null) {
nodeToReturn = transplant(deleteNode, deleteNode.left);
} else {
Node successorNode = getMinimum(deleteNode.right);
if (successorNode.parent != deleteNode) {
transplant(successorNode, successorNode.right);
successorNode.right = deleteNode.right;
successorNode.right.parent = successorNode;
//a->b->c->d 全是右孩子的情况,删除a,用b替换a
transplant(deleteNode, successorNode);
successorNode.left = deleteNode.left;
successorNode.left.parent = successorNode;
nodeToReturn = successorNode;
return nodeToReturn;
return null;

private Node transplant(Node nodeToReplace, Node newNode) {
if (nodeToReplace.parent == null) {
this.root = newNode;
} else if (nodeToReplace == nodeToReplace.parent.left) {
nodeToReplace.parent.left = newNode;
} else {
nodeToReplace.parent.right = newNode;
if (newNode != null) {
newNode.parent = nodeToReplace.parent;
return newNode;

protected Node getMinimum(Node node) {
while (node.left != null) {
node = node.left;
return node;


* Not implemented by zuochengyun
* Abstract binary search tree implementation. Its basically fully implemented
* binary search tree, just template method is provided for creating Node (other
* trees can have slightly different nodes with more info). This way some code
* from standart binary search tree can be reused for other kinds of binary
* trees.
* @author Ignas Lelys
* @created Jun 29, 2011

public class AbstractBinarySearchTree {//搜索二叉树

/** Root node where whole tree starts. */
public Node root;

/** Tree size. */
protected int size;

* Because this is abstract class and various trees have different
* additional information on different nodes subclasses uses this abstract
* method to create nodes (maybe of class {@link Node} or maybe some
* different node sub class).
* @param value
* Value that node will have.
* @param parent
* Node's parent.
* @param left
* Node's left child.
* @param right
* Node's right child.
* @return Created node instance.
protected Node createNode(int value, Node parent, Node left, Node right) {
return new Node(value, parent, left, right);

* Finds a node with concrete value. If it is not found then null is
* returned.
* @param element
* Element value.
* @return Node with value provided, or null if not found.
public Node search(int element) {
Node node = root;
while (node != null && node.value != null && node.value != element) {
if (element < node.value) {
node = node.left;
} else {
node = node.right;
return node;

* Insert new element to tree.
* @param element
* Element to insert.
public Node insert(int element) {
if (root == null) {
root = createNode(element, null, null, null);
return root;
Node insertParentNode = null;
Node searchTempNode = root;
while (searchTempNode != null && searchTempNode.value != null) {
insertParentNode = searchTempNode;
if (element < searchTempNode.value) {
searchTempNode = searchTempNode.left;
} else {
searchTempNode = searchTempNode.right;

Node newNode = createNode(element, insertParentNode, null, null);
if (insertParentNode.value > newNode.value) {
insertParentNode.left = newNode;
} else {
insertParentNode.right = newNode;

return newNode;

* Removes element if node with such value exists.
* @param element
* Element value to remove.
* @return New node that is in place of deleted node. Or null if element for
* delete was not found.
public Node delete(int element) {
Node deleteNode = search(element);
if (deleteNode != null) {
return delete(deleteNode);
} else {
return null;

* Delete logic when node is already found.
* @param deleteNode
* Node that needs to be deleted.
* @return New node that is in place of deleted node. Or null if element for
* delete was not found.
protected Node delete(Node deleteNode) {
if (deleteNode != null) {
Node nodeToReturn = null;
if (deleteNode != null) {
if (deleteNode.left == null) {
nodeToReturn = transplant(deleteNode, deleteNode.right);
} else if (deleteNode.right == null) {
nodeToReturn = transplant(deleteNode, deleteNode.left);
} else {
Node successorNode = getMinimum(deleteNode.right);
if (successorNode.parent != deleteNode) {
transplant(successorNode, successorNode.right);
successorNode.right = deleteNode.right;
successorNode.right.parent = successorNode;
transplant(deleteNode, successorNode);
successorNode.left = deleteNode.left;
successorNode.left.parent = successorNode;
nodeToReturn = successorNode;
return nodeToReturn;
return null;

* Put one node from tree (newNode) to the place of another (nodeToReplace).
* @param nodeToReplace
* Node which is replaced by newNode and removed from tree.
* @param newNode
* New node.
* @return New replaced node.
private Node transplant(Node nodeToReplace, Node newNode) {
if (nodeToReplace.parent == null) {
this.root = newNode;
} else if (nodeToReplace == nodeToReplace.parent.left) {
nodeToReplace.parent.left = newNode;
} else {
nodeToReplace.parent.right = newNode;
if (newNode != null) {
newNode.parent = nodeToReplace.parent;
return newNode;

* @param element
* @return true if tree contains element.
public boolean contains(int element) {
return search(element) != null;

* @return Minimum element in tree.
public int getMinimum() {
return getMinimum(root).value;

* @return Maximum element in tree.
public int getMaximum() {
return getMaximum(root).value;

* Get next element element who is bigger than provided element.
* @param element
* Element for whom descendand element is searched
* @return Successor value.
// TODO Predecessor
public int getSuccessor(int element) {
return getSuccessor(search(element)).value;

* @return Number of elements in the tree.
public int getSize() {
return size;

* Tree traversal with printing element values. In order method.
public void printTreeInOrder() {

* Tree traversal with printing element values. Pre order method.
public void printTreePreOrder() {

* Tree traversal with printing element values. Post order method.
public void printTreePostOrder() {

/*-------------------PRIVATE HELPER METHODS-------------------*/

private void printTreeInOrder(Node entry) {
if (entry != null) {
if (entry.value != null) {

private void printTreePreOrder(Node entry) {
if (entry != null) {
if (entry.value != null) {

private void printTreePostOrder(Node entry) {
if (entry != null) {
if (entry.value != null) {

protected Node getMinimum(Node node) {
while (node.left != null) {
node = node.left;
return node;

protected Node getMaximum(Node node) {
while (node.right != null) {
node = node.right;
return node;

protected Node getSuccessor(Node node) {
// if there is right branch, then successor is leftmost node of that
// subtree
if (node.right != null) {
return getMinimum(node.right);
} else { // otherwise it is a lowest ancestor whose left child is also
// ancestor of node
Node currentNode = node;
Node parentNode = node.parent;
while (parentNode != null && currentNode == parentNode.right) {
// go up until we find parent that currentNode is not in right
// subtree.
currentNode = parentNode;
parentNode = parentNode.parent;
return parentNode;

// -------------------------------- TREE PRINTING
// ------------------------------------

public void printTree() {

public void printSubtree(Node node) {
if (node.right != null) {
printTree(node.right, true, "");
if (node.left != null) {
printTree(node.left, false, "");

private void printNodeValue(Node node) {
if (node.value == null) {
} else {

private void printTree(Node node, boolean isRight, String indent) {
if (node.right != null) {
printTree(node.right, true, indent + (isRight ? " " : " | "));
if (isRight) {
System.out.print(" /");
} else {
System.out.print(" \\");
System.out.print("----- ");
if (node.left != null) {
printTree(node.left, false, indent + (isRight ? " | " : " "));

public static class Node {
public Node(Integer value, Node parent, Node left, Node right) {
this.value = value;
this.parent = parent;
this.left = left;
this.right = right;

public Integer value;
public Node parent;
public Node left;
public Node right;

public boolean isLeaf() {
return left == null && right == null;

public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + ((value == null) ? 0 : value.hashCode());
return result;

public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
Node other = (Node) obj;
if (value == null) {
if (other.value != null)
return false;
} else if (!value.equals(other.value))
return false;
return true;



  1. 输入状况决定性能
  2. 平衡搜索二叉树有很多,例如红黑树


  1. 基础的搜索二叉树,添加,删除时候不照顾平衡性
  2. 数据状况很差时,性能就很差







* Not implemented by zuochengyun
* Abstract class for self balancing binary search trees. Contains some methods
* that is used for self balancing trees.
* @author Ignas Lelys
* @created Jul 24, 2011
public abstract class AbstractSelfBalancingBinarySearchTree extends AbstractBinarySearchTree {

* Rotate to the left.
* @param node Node on which to rotate.
* @return Node that is in place of provided node after rotation.
protected Node rotateLeft(Node node) {
Node temp = node.right;
temp.parent = node.parent;

node.right = temp.left;
if (node.right != null) {
node.right.parent = node;

temp.left = node;
node.parent = temp;

// temp took over node's place so now its parent should point to temp
if (temp.parent != null) {
if (node == temp.parent.left) {
temp.parent.left = temp;
} else {
temp.parent.right = temp;
} else {
root = temp;

return temp;

* Rotate to the right.
* @param node Node on which to rotate.
* @return Node that is in place of provided node after rotation.
protected Node rotateRight(Node node) {
Node temp = node.left;
temp.parent = node.parent;

node.left = temp.right;
if (node.left != null) {
node.left.parent = node;

temp.right = node;
node.parent = temp;

// temp took over node's place so now its parent should point to temp
if (temp.parent != null) {
if (node == temp.parent.left) {
temp.parent.left = temp;
} else {
temp.parent.right = temp;
} else {
root = temp;

return temp;







拥有最严格的平衡性能,任何节点 |左树高度-右树高度|<2




























* Not implemented by zuochengyun
* AVL tree implementation.
* In computer science, an AVL tree is a self-balancing binary search tree, and
* it was the first such data structure to be invented.[1] In an AVL tree, the
* heights of the two child subtrees of any node differ by at most one. Lookup,
* insertion, and deletion all take O(log n) time in both the average and worst
* cases, where n is the number of nodes in the tree prior to the operation.
* Insertions and deletions may require the tree to be rebalanced by one or more
* tree rotations.
* @author Ignas Lelys
* @created Jun 28, 2011
// AVL树实现代码
public class AVLTree extends AbstractSelfBalancingBinarySearchTree {

* @see trees.AbstractBinarySearchTree#insert(int)
* AVL tree insert method also balances tree if needed. Additional
* height parameter on node is used to track if one subtree is higher
* than other by more than one, if so AVL tree rotations is performed
* to regain balance of the tree.
public Node insert(int element) {
Node newNode = super.insert(element);
return newNode;

* @see trees.AbstractBinarySearchTree#delete(int)
public Node delete(int element) {
Node deleteNode = super.search(element);
if (deleteNode != null) {
Node successorNode = super.delete(deleteNode);
if (successorNode != null) {
// if replaced from getMinimum(deleteNode.right) then come back there and update heights
AVLNode minimum = successorNode.right != null ? (AVLNode)getMinimum(successorNode.right) : (AVLNode)successorNode;
} else {//并没有任何节点替代被删除节点的位置,被删除节点是孤零零被删除的
return successorNode;
return null;

* @see trees.AbstractBinarySearchTree#createNode(int, trees.AbstractBinarySearchTree.Node, trees.AbstractBinarySearchTree.Node, trees.AbstractBinarySearchTree.Node)
protected Node createNode(int value, Node parent, Node left, Node right) {
return new AVLNode(value, parent, left, right);

* Go up from inserted node, and update height and balance informations if needed.
* If some node balance reaches 2 or -2 that means that subtree must be rebalanced.
* @param node Inserted Node.
private void rebalance(AVLNode node) {
while (node != null) {
Node parent = node.parent;
int leftHeight = (node.left == null) ? -1 : ((AVLNode) node.left).height;
int rightHeight = (node.right == null) ? -1 : ((AVLNode) node.right).height;
int nodeBalance = rightHeight - leftHeight;
// rebalance (-2 means left subtree outgrow, 2 means right subtree)
if (nodeBalance == 2) {
if (node.right.right != null) {
node = (AVLNode)avlRotateLeft(node);
} else {
node = (AVLNode)doubleRotateRightLeft(node);
} else if (nodeBalance == -2) {//左树超了
if (node.left.left != null) {
node = (AVLNode)avlRotateRight(node);
} else {
node = (AVLNode)doubleRotateLeftRight(node);
} else {

node = (AVLNode)parent;

* Rotates to left side.
private Node avlRotateLeft(Node node) {
Node temp = super.rotateLeft(node);

return temp;

* Rotates to right side.
private Node avlRotateRight(Node node) {
Node temp = super.rotateRight(node);

return temp;

* Take right child and rotate it to the right side first and then rotate
* node to the left side.
protected Node doubleRotateRightLeft(Node node) {
node.right = avlRotateRight(node.right);
return avlRotateLeft(node);

* Take right child and rotate it to the right side first and then rotate
* node to the left side.
protected Node doubleRotateLeftRight(Node node) {
node.left = avlRotateLeft(node.left);
return avlRotateRight(node);

* Recomputes height information from the node and up for all of parents. It needs to be done after delete.
private void recomputeHeight(AVLNode node) {
while (node != null) {
node.height = maxHeight((AVLNode)node.left, (AVLNode)node.right) + 1;
node = (AVLNode)node.parent;

* Returns higher height of 2 nodes.
private int maxHeight(AVLNode node1, AVLNode node2) {
if (node1 != null && node2 != null) {
return node1.height > node2.height ? node1.height : node2.height;
} else if (node1 == null) {
return node2 != null ? node2.height : -1;
} else if (node2 == null) {
return node1 != null ? node1.height : -1;
return -1;

* Updates height and balance of the node.
* @param node Node for which height and balance must be updated.
private static final void updateHeight(AVLNode node) {
int leftHeight = (node.left == null) ? -1 : ((AVLNode) node.left).height;
int rightHeight = (node.right == null) ? -1 : ((AVLNode) node.right).height;
node.height = 1 + Math.max(leftHeight, rightHeight);

* Node of AVL tree has height and balance additional properties. If balance
* equals 2 (or -2) that node needs to be re balanced. (Height is height of
* the subtree starting with this node, and balance is difference between
* left and right nodes heights).
* @author Ignas Lelys
* @created Jun 30, 2011
protected static class AVLNode extends Node {
public int height;

public AVLNode(int value, Node parent, Node left, Node right) {
super(value, parent, left, right);


