


A configuration consists of a group of settings, which associate names with values. A value can be one of the following:

  • A scalar value: integer, 64-bit integer, floating-point number, boolean, or string
  • An array, which is a sequence of scalar values, all of which must have the same type
  • A group, which is a collection of settings
  • A list, which is a sequence of values of any type, including other lists









a、支持转义字符\\’, ‘\f’, ‘\n’, ‘\r’,‘\x’ and ‘\t’。


example = “hello world”; 等价于

example = “hello”

” world”;



和C/C++的注释一样,/**/就是跨行的注释。 //就是单行注释。当然还支持脚本语言的注释符号#,#也是单行注释。但是特殊的是,如果注释符在双引号中使用,那就不再是注释符了,libconfig会解析为正常的明文。






动手用libconfig进行一个hello world的配置吧!把value支持的所有数据类型都用上,加深理解。

example.conf C++

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/* 这个叫Settings */ version = ""; /* 这个叫Groups */ log = { log_path = "../logs/sys.log"; /* 日志文件路径 */ log_size = 1024000000L; /* 日志文件大小 */ log_level = 20000; /* 日志等级 */ }; /* 这个叫Lists */ // 业务服务器列表 server = ( { addr = ""; port = 9090; }, { addr = ""; port = 9090; }, { addr = ""; port = 9090; } ); // 测试配置 test = { // 这个是数组结构。 uin = [10086L, 10087L, 10088L, 10089L]; /* 测试号码 */ /* 测试服务器 */ server = { addr = ""; port = 9090; }; };




不写一段hello world的代码,是算不上真正接触了libconfig的。libconfig提供了C和C++的API。先用C++来爽一下吧。

首先就是要下载安装libconfig的库。这个很简单,到官网下载,然后./configure & make & make install就可以了。


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#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <cstdlib> #include <libconfig.h++> using namespace std; using namespace libconfig; /* g++ -o demo demo.cpp -I/home/leoox/local/libconfig-1.4.9/include/ /home/leoox/local/libconfig-1.4.9/lib/libconfig++.a */ int main(int argc, char** argv) { Config cfg; /* 解析配置文件。 */ try { cfg.readFile("example.conf"); } catch(const FileIOException &fioex) { std::cerr << "I/O error while reading file." << std::endl; return(EXIT_FAILURE); } catch(const ParseException &pex) { std::cerr << "Parse error at " << pex.getFile() << ":" << pex.getLine() << " - " << pex.getError() << std::endl; return(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* 从配置文件中,得到version这个配置项的值。 */ try { string version = cfg.lookup("version"); cout << "version: " << version << endl << endl; } catch(const SettingNotFoundException &nfex) { cerr << "No 'version' setting in configuration file." << endl; } /* 从配置文件中,得到日志相关配置值 */ try { string log_path = cfg.lookup("log.log_path"); cout << "log_path: " << log_path << endl; int64_t log_size = cfg.lookup("log.log_size"); cout << "log_size: " << log_size << endl; int log_level = cfg.lookup("log.log_level"); cout << "log_level: " << log_level << endl << endl; } catch(const SettingNotFoundException &nfex) { cerr << "log setting mistake in configuration file." << endl; } try { const Setting &server = cfg.lookup("server"); int count = server.getLength(); cout << "server.count = " << count << endl; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { string addr = ""; int port = 0; if (!server[i].lookupValue("addr", addr) || !server[i].lookupValue("port", port)) { cerr << "lookupValue error" << endl; continue; } cout << "server[" << i << "] = " << addr << ":" << port << endl; } { string addr = ""; int port = 0; if (!cfg.lookupValue("server.[0].addr", addr) || !cfg.lookupValue("server.[0].port", port)) { cerr << "lookupValue 'server.[0].addr' error" << endl; } else cout << "server[0] = " << addr << ":" << port << endl << endl; } } catch(const SettingNotFoundException &nfex) { cerr << "server setting mistake in configuration file." << endl; } try { const Setting& root = cfg.getRoot(); const Setting &uin = root["test"]["uin"]; int count = uin.getLength(); cout << "uin.count = " << count << endl; const Setting &test = cfg.lookup("test"); const Setting &test2 = cfg.lookup("test.uin"); for (int i = 0 ; i < count; i++) { int64_t u = test["uin"][i]; int64_t uu = uin[i]; int64_t uuu = test2[i]; cout << "uin[" << i << "] = " << u << ", " << uu << ", " << uuu << endl; } const Setting &server = root["test"]["server"]; string addr = ""; int port = 0; if (!server.lookupValue("addr", addr) || !server.lookupValue("port", port)) { cerr << "test server lookupValue error" << endl; } else cout << "test server = " << addr << ":" << port << endl << endl; } catch(const SettingNotFoundException &nfex) { cerr << "test setting mistake in configuration file." << endl; } return 0; }



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[leoox@Thrift config]$ g++ -o demo demo.cpp -I/home/leoox/local/libconfig-1.4.9/include/ /home/leoox/local/libconfig-1.4.9/lib/libconfig++.a [leoox@Thrift config]$ ./demo version: log_path: ../logs/sys.log log_size: 1024000000 log_level: 20000 server.count = 3 server[0] = server[1] = server[2] = server[0] = uin.count = 4 uin[0] = 10086, 10086, 10086 uin[1] = 10087, 10087, 10087 uin[2] = 10088, 10088, 10088 uin[3] = 10089, 10089, 10089 test server =