
1、 添加类,把每个超步发送的消息量大小写入Hadoop的Counter中。在org.apache.giraph.counters包下新建GiraphMessages类,来统计消息量。


package org.apache.giraph.counters;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper.Context;
import com.google.common.collect.Maps;

 * Hadoop Counters in group "Giraph Messages" for counting every superstep
 * message count.
public class GiraphMessages extends HadoopCountersBase {
	/** Counter group name for the giraph Messages */
	public static final String GROUP_NAME = "Giraph Messages";

	/** Singleton instance for everyone to use */
	private static GiraphMessages INSTANCE;

	/** superstep time in msec */
	private final Map superstepMessages;

	private GiraphMessages(Context context) {
		super(context, GROUP_NAME);
		superstepMessages = Maps.newHashMap();

	 * Instantiate with Hadoop Context.
	 * @param context
	 *            Hadoop Context to use.
	public static void init(Context context) {
		INSTANCE = new GiraphMessages(context);

	 * Get singleton instance.
	 * @return singleton GiraphTimers instance.
	public static GiraphMessages getInstance() {
		return INSTANCE;

	 * Get counter for superstep messages
	 * @param superstep
	 * @return
	public GiraphHadoopCounter getSuperstepMessages(long superstep) {
		GiraphHadoopCounter counter = superstepMessages.get(superstep);
		if (counter == null) {
			String counterPrefix = "Superstep- " + superstep+" ";
			counter = getCounter(counterPrefix);
			superstepMessages.put(superstep, counter);
		return counter;

	public Iterator iterator() {
		return superstepMessages.values().iterator();

2、在BspServiceMaster类中添加统计功能。Master在每次同步时候,会聚集每个Worker发送的消息量大小(求和),存储于GlobalStats中。因此只需要在每次同步后,从GlobalStats对象中取出总的通信量大小,然后写入GiraphMessages中。格式为<SuperStep-Number,TotalMessagesCount>,实际存储于上步GiraphMessages类中定义的Map<Long, GiraphHadoopCounter> superstepMessages 对象中。 在BspServiceMaster的构造方法中,最后面追加一行代码,对GiraphMessages进行初始化。


在BspServiceMaster类的SuperstepState coordinateSuperstep()方法中,添加记录功能。片段代码如下:

// If the master is halted or all the vertices voted to halt and there
// are no more messages in the system, stop the computation
GlobalStats globalStats = aggregateWorkerStats(getSuperstep());  

LOG.info("D-globalStats: "+globalStats+"\n\n");
if(getSuperstep() != INPUT_SUPERSTEP) {


