BOM Journal Creation

1. Go to Inventory management > Journal entries > Items > Bills of materials.

2. Click New.

BOM Journal Creation in D365FO_ERP

3. In the Warehouse field, This should be the Warehouse where the Item in the Setup table is on-hand

4. Click OK.

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5. Click Functions.

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6. Click Report as finished.

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7. Click New.

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8. In the Item number field, enter or select a value.

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9. Close the page.

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10. In the Item number field, type a value.

11. In the Color field, enter or select a value.

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12. Close the page.

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13. In the Color field, type a value.

14. In the Quantity field, This should be a negative to remove the “Nested”/BOM item from inventory

15. Select the Post now check box.

16. Click OK.

BOM Journal Creation in D365FO_ERP_10

*** Before it posts make sure all lines are for the correct store warehouse.


public static void main(Args _args)


// Create journal

InventJournalTable inventJournalTable;

//Create record in the table

BOMParmReportFinish bomParmReportFinish;

InventJournalTrans inventJournalTrans;



bomParmReportFinish.ParmId = NumberSeq::newGetNum(CompanyInfo::numRefParmId()).num();

bomParmReportFinish.JournalId = inventJournalTable.JournalId;

bomParmReportFinish.itemId = '1000084';

bomParmReportFinish.validateFieldValue(fieldstr(BOMParmReportFinish, ItemId));


bomParmReportFinish.qty = -1;

bomParmReportFinish.validateFieldValue(fieldstr(BOMParmReportFinish, qty));

BOMId activeBOMId;

InventDim inventDim;

activeBOMId = BOMVersion::findActive(bomParmReportFinish.ItemId, boMparmReportFinish.TransDate, bomParmReportFinish.Qty, inventDim).bomId;

bomParmReportFinish.bomId = activeBOMId;

if (boMparmReportFinish.validateWrite())




//Post the journal

BOMReportFinish bomReportFinish;

JournalCheckPost journalCheckPost;

bomReportFinish = BOMReportFinish::newParmBuffer(bomParmReportFinish, true);;
