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Windows 7 offers a much better utility for backing up your computer than previous versions of Windows, but sometimes it might take up too much disk space. Here we take a look at how to get some space back by deleting older backups.

Windows 7提供了比以前的Windows版本更好的备份计算机的实用程序,但是有时它可能会占用过多的磁盘空间。 在这里,我们看一下如何通过删除较旧的备份来获得一些空间。

Manage Backup Size


First click on Start and enter backup and restore in the search box and hit Enter.

首先单击开始, 然后在搜索框中输入备份和还原 ,然后按Enter。

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Then under the Backup section click on Manage Space.

然后在“备份”部分下,单击“ 管理空间”

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In the Manage Windows Backup disk space screen click on View Backups under the Data file backup section.

在“管理Windows备份磁盘空间”屏幕中,单击“数据文件备份”部分下的“ 查看备份 ”。

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A list of backups for different time periods will show up. You can delete older ones and just keep the most current backup. This will free up a lot of space if you have several backups periods stored.

将显示不同时间段的备份列表。 您可以删除较旧的备份,而仅保留最新备份。 如果您存储了多个备份周期,这将释放大量空间。

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You will get a message making sure you want to delete the backup. If you delete the most recent backup, there is an option to delete it and run the backup again so everything is current.

您将收到一条消息,确保您要删除备份。 如果删除最新备份,则可以选择将其删除并再次运行备份,以使所有内容均为最新。

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Now that we’ve been able to free up some space, let’s take a look at how to keep only the most recent system image stored. Go back to the Manage Windows Backup disk space window we were at previously and this time click on Change settings which is under the System image section.

现在我们已经能够释放一些空间,让我们看一下如何仅保存最新的系统映像。 返回到我们之前的“管理Windows备份磁盘空间”窗口,这次单击“系统映像”部分下的“更改设置”。

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Now select Keep only the latest system image and minimize space used by backup then click Ok.


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Backing up your system is extremely important, especially if you have a lot of sensitive data and important files. If you allow Windows to manage space, it will automatically save backup periods but won’t take up more than 30% of space on the backup disk. When it gets to the 30% range it will start deleting older system images. Use these tips if you use Windows Backup and Restore and need more room on the backup disk. First create more space by manually deleting the older backups manually, then have it only save the most recent backups.

备份系统非常重要,尤其是当您拥有大量敏感数据和重要文件时。 如果允许Windows管理空间,它将自动节省备份时间,但不会占用备份磁盘上超过30%的空间。 当达到30%范围时,它将开始删除较旧的系统映像。 如果您使用Windows备份和还原,并且在备份磁盘上需要更多空间,请使用这些提示。 首先通过手动删除旧的备份来创建更多空间,然后仅保存最新的备份。

Also check out our tutorial on Using Backup and Restore in Windows 7

另外,请查看我们的有关在Windows 7中使用备份和还原的教程。

