- 点特征直方图计算方式
- vector组合方式
pcl::computePairFeatures (const Eigen::Vector4f &p1, const Eigen::Vector4f &n1,
const Eigen::Vector4f &p2, const Eigen::Vector4f &n2,
float &f1, float &f2, float &f3, float &f4)
Eigen::Vector4f dp2p1 = p2 - p1;
dp2p1[3] = 0.0f;
f4 = dp2p1.norm ();
if (f4 == 0.0f)
PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::computePairFeatures] Euclidean distance between points is 0!\n");
f1 = f2 = f3 = f4 = 0.0f;
return (false);
Eigen::Vector4f n1_copy = n1,
n2_copy = n2;
n1_copy[3] = n2_copy[3] = 0.0f;
float angle1 = n1_copy.dot (dp2p1) / f4;
// Make sure the same point is selected as 1 and 2 for each pair
float angle2 = n2_copy.dot (dp2p1) / f4;
if (std::acos (std::fabs (angle1)) > std::acos (std::fabs (angle2)))
// switch p1 and p2
n1_copy = n2;
n2_copy = n1;
n1_copy[3] = n2_copy[3] = 0.0f;
dp2p1 *= (-1);
f3 = -angle2;
f3 = angle1;
// Create a Darboux frame coordinate system u-v-w
// u = n1; v = (p_idx - q_idx) x u / || (p_idx - q_idx) x u ||; w = u x v
Eigen::Vector4f v = dp2p1.cross3 (n1_copy);
v[3] = 0.0f;
float v_norm = v.norm ();
if (v_norm == 0.0f)
PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::computePairFeatures] Norm of Delta x U is 0!\n");
f1 = f2 = f3 = f4 = 0.0f;
return (false);
// Normalize v
v /= v_norm;
Eigen::Vector4f w = n1_copy.cross3 (v);
// Do not have to normalize w - it is a unit vector by construction
v[3] = 0.0f;
f2 = v.dot (n2_copy);
w[3] = 0.0f;
// Compute f1 = arctan (w * n2, u * n2) i.e. angle of n2 in the x=u, y=w coordinate system
f1 = std::atan2 (w.dot (n2_copy), n1_copy.dot (n2_copy)); // @todo optimize this
return (true);
- 将这个5*3个bin直接组合在一块,特征只有15个值,最终的直方图横轴就只有15个坐标.FPFH就是采用的这种方式
- 讲这3种特征按照各自的阈值分为5类,一共分为15类.比如第一对点的特征为:3,4,4,然后根据5进制转10进制的方式,将其转为10进制数:3x1+4x5+4x25=123.因此,这种方式会有125个横坐标值.FPH就是采用的这种方式
The default PFH implementation uses 5 binning subdivisions (e.g., each of the four feature values will use this many bins from its value interval), and does not include the distances (as explained above – although the computePairFeatures method can be called by the user to obtain the distances too, if desired) which results in a 125-byte array (5^3) of float values. These are stored in a pcl::PFHSignature125 point type.
pcl中对FPFH的实现依旧使用了3个角度,但是对bin的划分提升到了11个区域,feature vector的组合方式采用了直接拼接的方式所以为33
The default FPFH implementation uses 11 binning subdivisions (e.g., each of the four feature values will use this many bins from its value interval), and a decorrelated scheme (see above: the feature histograms are computed separately and concantenated) which results in a 33-byte array of float values. These are stored in a pcl::FPFHSignature33 point type.