
  • 基于以上需求,出现了一个interesting的问题,坐标轴和物体同时进行深度绘制的时候,模型本身与坐标轴模型在深度绘制时无法区分坐标轴与选中模型。但是,UE4自带的编辑器又实实在在实现了这一效果,因此,说明引擎本身应该是支持的,只是方法不合适。
    UE4中Mesh具有两种渲染方式,也即是Mesh有两种: 1、UMeshComponent 2、DynamicMesh
    那么问题来了,我们究竟应该怎样达到想要的效果? 我们说过,UE4自带编辑器已经实现该效果,那么我们为何不直接借鉴一下呢?
 * Draws an arrow head line for a specific axis.
void FWidget::Render_Axis( const FSceneView* View, FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI, EAxisList::Type InAxis, FMatrix& InMatrix, UMaterialInterface* InMaterial, const FLinearColor& InColor, FVector2D& OutAxisDir, const FVector& InScale, bool bDrawWidget, bool bCubeHead )
    FMatrix AxisRotation = FMatrix::Identity;
    if( InAxis == EAxisList::Y )
        AxisRotation = FRotationMatrix::MakeFromXZ(FVector(0, 1, 0), FVector(0, 0, 1));
    else if( InAxis == EAxisList::Z )
        AxisRotation = FRotationMatrix::MakeFromXY(FVector(0, 0, 1), FVector(0, 1, 0));

    FMatrix ArrowToWorld = AxisRotation * InMatrix;

    // The scale that is passed in potentially leaves one component with a scale of 1, if that happens
    // we need to extract the inform scale and use it to construct the scale that transforms the primitives
    float UniformScale = InScale.GetMax() > 1.0f ? InScale.GetMax() : InScale.GetMin() < 1.0f ? InScale.GetMin() : 1.0f;
    // After the primitives have been scaled and transformed, we apply this inverse scale that flattens the dimension
    // that was scaled up to prevent it from intersecting with the near plane.  In perspective this won't have any effect,
    // but in the ortho viewports it will prevent scaling in the direction of the camera and thus intersecting the near plane.
    FVector FlattenScale = FVector(InScale.Component(0) == 1.0f ? 1.0f / UniformScale : 1.0f, InScale.Component(1) == 1.0f ? 1.0f / UniformScale : 1.0f, InScale.Component(2) == 1.0f ? 1.0f / UniformScale : 1.0f);

    FScaleMatrix Scale(UniformScale);
    ArrowToWorld = Scale * ArrowToWorld;

    if( bDrawWidget )
        const bool bDisabled = EditorModeTools ? (EditorModeTools->IsDefaultModeActive() && GEditor->HasLockedActors() ) : false;
        PDI->SetHitProxy( new HWidgetAxis( InAxis, bDisabled) );

        const float AxisLength = AXIS_LENGTH + GetDefault<ULevelEditorViewportSettings>()->TransformWidgetSizeAdjustment;
        const float HalfHeight = AxisLength/2.0f;
        const float CylinderRadius = 1.2f;
        const FVector Offset( 0,0,HalfHeight );

        switch( InAxis )
            case EAxisList::X:
                DrawCylinder(PDI, ( Scale * FRotationMatrix(FRotator(-90, 0.f, 0)) * InMatrix ) * FScaleMatrix(FlattenScale), Offset, FVector(1, 0, 0), FVector(0, 1, 0), FVector(0, 0, 1), CylinderRadius, HalfHeight, 16, InMaterial->GetRenderProxy(false), SDPG_Foreground);
            case EAxisList::Y:
                DrawCylinder(PDI, (Scale * FRotationMatrix(FRotator(0, 0, 90)) * InMatrix)* FScaleMatrix(FlattenScale), Offset, FVector(1, 0, 0), FVector(0, 1, 0), FVector(0, 0, 1), CylinderRadius, HalfHeight, 16, InMaterial->GetRenderProxy(false), SDPG_Foreground );
            case EAxisList::Z:
                DrawCylinder(PDI, ( Scale * InMatrix ) * FScaleMatrix(FlattenScale), Offset, FVector(1, 0, 0), FVector(0, 1, 0), FVector(0, 0, 1), CylinderRadius, HalfHeight, 16, InMaterial->GetRenderProxy(false), SDPG_Foreground);

        if ( bCubeHead )
            const float CubeHeadOffset = 3.0f;
            FVector RootPos(AxisLength + CubeHeadOffset, 0, 0);

            Render_Cube(PDI, (FTranslationMatrix(RootPos) * ArrowToWorld) * FScaleMatrix(FlattenScale), InMaterial, FVector(4.0f));
            const float ConeHeadOffset = 12.0f;
            FVector RootPos(AxisLength + ConeHeadOffset, 0, 0);

            float Angle = FMath::DegreesToRadians( PI * 5 );
            DrawCone(PDI, ( FScaleMatrix(-13) * FTranslationMatrix(RootPos) * ArrowToWorld ) * FScaleMatrix(FlattenScale), Angle, Angle, 32, false, FColor::White, InMaterial->GetRenderProxy(false), SDPG_Foreground);

        PDI->SetHitProxy( NULL );

    FVector2D NewOrigin;
    FVector2D AxisEnd;
    const FVector AxisEndWorld = ArrowToWorld.TransformPosition(FVector(64, 0, 0));
    const FVector WidgetOrigin = InMatrix.GetOrigin();

    if (View->ScreenToPixel(View->WorldToScreen(WidgetOrigin), NewOrigin) &&
        View->ScreenToPixel(View->WorldToScreen(AxisEndWorld), AxisEnd))
        // If both the origin and the axis endpoint are in front of the camera, trivially calculate the viewport space axis direction
        OutAxisDir = (AxisEnd - NewOrigin).GetSafeNormal();
        // If either the origin or axis endpoint are behind the camera, translate the entire widget in front of the camera in the view direction before performing the
        // viewport space calculation
        const FMatrix InvViewMatrix = View->ViewMatrices.GetInvViewMatrix();
        const FVector ViewLocation = InvViewMatrix.GetOrigin();
        const FVector ViewDirection = InvViewMatrix.GetUnitAxis(EAxis::Z);
        const FVector Offset = ViewDirection * (FVector::DotProduct(ViewLocation - WidgetOrigin, ViewDirection) + 100.0f);
        const FVector AdjustedWidgetOrigin = WidgetOrigin + Offset;
        const FVector AdjustedWidgetAxisEnd = AxisEndWorld + Offset;

        if (View->ScreenToPixel(View->WorldToScreen(AdjustedWidgetOrigin), NewOrigin) &&
            View->ScreenToPixel(View->WorldToScreen(AdjustedWidgetAxisEnd), AxisEnd))
            OutAxisDir = -(AxisEnd - NewOrigin).GetSafeNormal();


switch( InAxis )
            case EAxisList::X:
                DrawCylinder(PDI, ( Scale * FRotationMatrix(FRotator(-90, 0.f, 0)) * InMatrix ) * FScaleMatrix(FlattenScale), Offset, FVector(1, 0, 0), FVector(0, 1, 0), FVector(0, 0, 1), CylinderRadius, HalfHeight, 16, InMaterial->GetRenderProxy(false), SDPG_Foreground);
            case EAxisList::Y:
                DrawCylinder(PDI, (Scale * FRotationMatrix(FRotator(0, 0, 90)) * InMatrix)* FScaleMatrix(FlattenScale), Offset, FVector(1, 0, 0), FVector(0, 1, 0), FVector(0, 0, 1), CylinderRadius, HalfHeight, 16, InMaterial->GetRenderProxy(false), SDPG_Foreground );
            case EAxisList::Z:
                DrawCylinder(PDI, ( Scale * InMatrix ) * FScaleMatrix(FlattenScale), Offset, FVector(1, 0, 0), FVector(0, 1, 0), FVector(0, 0, 1), CylinderRadius, HalfHeight, 16, InMaterial->GetRenderProxy(false), SDPG_Foreground);


void DrawCylinder(FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI, const FMatrix& CylToWorld, const FVector& Base, const FVector& XAxis, const FVector& YAxis, const FVector& ZAxis, float Radius, float HalfHeight, int32 Sides, const FMaterialRenderProxy* MaterialRenderProxy, uint8 DepthPriority)
    TArray<FDynamicMeshVertex> MeshVerts;
    TArray<int32> MeshIndices;
    BuildCylinderVerts(Base, XAxis, YAxis, ZAxis, Radius, HalfHeight, Sides, MeshVerts, MeshIndices);

    FDynamicMeshBuilder MeshBuilder;

    MeshBuilder.Draw(PDI, CylToWorld, MaterialRenderProxy, DepthPriority,0.f);
