亚马逊云服务器忘记密码 亚马逊登录密码忘记_java


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Kindles, like any other small electronic devices, are easy to lose; they’re also a good target for thieves. Here’s what to do if your Kindle goes missing.

像其他小型电子设备一样,Kindle很容易丢失; 他们还是小偷的好目标。 如果您的Kindle丢失,请执行以下操作。

By default, anyone who has your Kindle in their possession can buy books from your Amazon account without having to enter a password. This means that if your Kindle gets stolen and you don’t do anything, they can rack up hundreds of dollars of purchases with ease. If you think your Kindle has been stolen, you should act quickly.

默认情况下,拥有Kindle的任何人都可以从您的Amazon帐户购买书籍,而无需输入密码。 这意味着,如果您的Kindle被盗,而您却什么也没做,他们可以轻松获得数百美元的购买额。 如果您认为自己的Kindle被盗,则应Swift采取行动。

(Before Your Kindle Goes Missing)

There are a few thing you can do before your Kindle goes missing to make it easier for someone to return it to you or make it useless to thieves, although the options are mutually exclusive.


The first option is to add some personal information to your Kindle—like an email address or contact number. The problem with this is that most people don’t know the option exists, so if they find your Kindle sitting in a coffee shop, they aren’t too likely to check for it.

第一种选择是向Kindle添加一些个人信息,例如电子邮件地址或联系电话。 问题在于大多数人都不知道该选项的存在,因此,如果他们发现您的Kindle坐在咖啡店中,他们就不太可能进行检查。

Tap the Menu button and then select the “Settings” option.


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Next go to My Account > Personal Info.


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Add some personal information, and then tap the “Save” button.


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Now, anyone who thinks to check will be able to find your contact details.


If you’re more concerned about book loving thieves racking up charges on your Amazon account, the other option is to add a passcode to your Kindle. The downside to this, of course, is that whenever you wake your Kindle from sleep, you’ll need to enter it. That’s why a lot of people only set up a password when they’re travelling or if they routinely carry their Kindle around with them.

如果您更担心喜欢书的小偷在您的Amazon帐户上积charges费用,另一种选择是在Kindle中添加密码。 当然,这样做的缺点是,每当您从睡眠状态唤醒Kindle时,都需要输入它。 这就是为什么许多人仅在旅行时或例行随身携带Kindle时才设置密码的原因。

Tap the Menu button, and then select the “Settings” option.


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Go to Device Options > Device Passcode, and then enter a passcode. Confirm it, and then tap the “OK” button.

转到设备选项>设备密码,然后输入密码。 确认,然后点击“确定”按钮。

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Now when your devices wakes up, you’ll need to enter the passcode to continue.


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This won’t make your Kindle any easier to get back, but it will stop any one else from using it.


(Send a Document to Your Device With Your Contact Details)

This is a long shot and should only really be used if you think you lost your Kindle by mistake. Your Kindle has an email address you can use to send files to it.

这是一个长镜头,仅当您认为自己误丢失Kindle时才应使用。 Kindle有一个电子邮件地址,您可以用来发送文件。

Create a Word or text file with your name and your contact details. Follow the instructions in this article to send the file to your Kindle. If your Kindle has 3G, it will get delivered instantly. If not, it well get delivered if it ever connects to Wifi.

使用您的姓名和联系方式创建一个Word或文本文件。 请按照本文中的说明将文件发送到Kindle。 如果您的Kindle具有3G,它将立即交付。 如果没有,只要连接到Wifi,它就会很好地交付。

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Again, there’s really only an outside shot this will work, especially if you think your Kindle has been stolen, but sometimes anything is worth a go.


(Deregister and Block Your Kindle)

To stop someone from purchasing eBooks using your Kindle, you need to deregister it from your account. To stop them registering it under a new account, you’ll also need to get Amazon to block it.

要阻止某人使用Kindle购买电子书,您需要从您的帐户中注销它。 要阻止他们使用新帐户注册,您还需要让Amazon阻止它。

Head to the Manage Your Devices page on Amazon’s website.

前往亚马逊网站上的“ 管理您的设备”页面 。

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Click the Menu button next to the Kindle that’s been stolen and take down the serial number. Once you have it written down somewhere, select Deregister.

单击被盗的Kindle旁边的菜单按钮,并记下序列号。 将其写下来之后,选择注销。

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Click Deregister again to remove it from your account.


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Whoever has your Kindle won’t be able to use your Amazon account to read or buy books. They can still, however, register the Kindle to their Amazon account. To stop that happening you need to ask Amazon to block it. There’s no way to do this yourself, though.

拥有Kindle的人将无法使用您的Amazon帐户阅读或购买书籍。 但是,他们仍然可以将Kindle注册到其亚马逊帐户。 要阻止这种情况的发生,您需要让Amazon阻止它。 但是,您无法自行执行此操作。

Instead, you’ll have to head to Amazon’s Contact Us page and fill in the form as best you can. The exact options you pick don’t matter too much as you’re just trying to get in contact with a customer care representative. You can also call 00-1-206-266-2992.

相反,您必须转到亚马逊的“联系我们”页面,并尽最大可能填写表格。 您选择的确切选项无关紧要,因为您只是想与客户服务代表联系。 您也可以拨打00-1-206-266-2992。

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Explain the situation and provide the customer care representative with the serial number you took down earlier. They will mark your Kindle as lost or stolen, which means it can’t be registered with another account. If your Kindle does turn up, you can always contact Amazon again and ask them to remove the block. You can then register it to your account once more.

说明情况,并向客户服务代表提供您之前记下的序列号。 他们会将您的Kindle标记为丢失或被盗,这意味着它无法在其他帐户中注册。 如果您的Kindle确实打开了,您可以随时再次与Amazon联系,并要求他们删除该障碍物。 然后,您可以再次将其注册到您的帐户。

(Get a Refund From Any Purchased Books)

If someone does manage to download eBooks using your Kindle before you have a chance to deregister it, you can request a refund from Amazon. It’s important to note that you have to do this within a week of the day of purchase, so if your Kindle goes missing, keep an eye on your emails to see if any books get bought.

如果有人确实设法使用Kindle下载了电子书,然后有机会注销它,则可以要求亚马逊退款。 重要的是要注意,您必须在购买之日起一周内完成此操作,因此,如果Kindle丢失,请留意您的电子邮件以查看是否有任何书籍被购买。

Go to the Manage Your Content page on Amazon’s website, and then click the menu icon next to the book you want to return. Select the “Return for Refund” option, specify a reason, and then click the “Return for Refund” link again. Your money will be refunded within a few days.

转到亚马逊网站上的“ 管理您的内容”页面 ,然后单击您要退还的书旁边的菜单图标。 选择“退还退款”选项,指定原因,然后再次单击“退还退款”链接。 您的款项将在几天内退还。

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Check out our article on getting refunds for accidental Kindle purchases for more information.


If your Kindle really gets stolen, the odds of getting it back are pretty slim. The police aren’t going to put much resources into finding a $100 Kindle. Now, at least, you know how to give yourself the best shot at getting it back and also make it useless to thieves.

如果您的Kindle确实被盗,则将其取回的可能性很小。 警方不会投入大量资源来寻找100美元的Kindle。 现在,至少,您知道如何为自己找回最好的机会,并使其对盗贼也毫无用处。

