mastercard 接口

MasterCard SecureCode and Verified by Visa; they’re names synonymous with ecommerce and if you’ve ever purchased something online using either a Visa card or a MasterCard then the chances are that you’ve had to pass through one of these verification systems at least once. Verified by Visa and SecureCode are in place to protect us; they add an extra level of security and reduce the chances of retailers receiving chargebacks because of fraudulent transactions.

万事达卡SecureCode和Visa验证; 它们是电子商务的代名词,如果您曾经使用Visa卡或MasterCard在线购买过某些商品,则很可能您必须至少通过其中一个验证系统。 已通过Visa和SecureCode验证以保护我们; 它们增加了额外的安全性,并减少了零售商由于欺诈性交易而收到退款的机会。

In my opinion they’re not very conducive to the consumer ecommerce experience, rather they can add an extra, unnecessary step to what in some cases can already be a long and cumbersome process. During the order process, sometime between entering your payment details and receiving the final confirmation, a popup window or a frame as part of the main window will ask you to enter specific characters from a password; if you haven’t signed up before then they will of course ask you to register your card with the service.

在我看来,它们不利于消费者的电子商务体验,相反,它们可以为某些情况下已经是漫长而繁琐的过程增加一个不必要的额外步骤。 在订购过程中,在输入您的付款详细信息到收到最终确认之间的某个时间,弹出窗口或框架(为主窗口的一部分)会要求您输入密码中的特定字符; 如果您之前没有注册过,那么他们当然会要求您在该服务中注册您的卡。

For many it’s just an extra password to remember that is eventually forgotten, which is why Visa and MasterCard are looking to adopt systems that are already widely used by other financial services companies on the Internet – having a unique security code sent to your mobile. If you’re a user of online banking then you most likely have a card reader or fob that generates a one-time security code, based on a number of different elements, that is then used for login. MasterCard and Visa’s new system is to use your mobile phone as the security key, generating the one-time code centrally and then texting it to you to then enter.

对于许多人来说,这只是一个额外的密码,要记住它最终会被忘记,这就是为什么Visa和MasterCard希望采用Internet上其他金融服务公司已经广泛使用的系统的原因-将唯一的安全代码发送到您的手机。 如果您是在线银行业务的用户,那么您很可能拥有一个读卡器或密钥卡,它会根据许多不同的元素生成一次性的安全代码,然后将其用于登录。 万事达卡和维萨卡的新系统是使用您的手机作为安全密钥,集中生成一次性代码,然后将其发短信给您,然后输入。

For consumers this will remove the headache of having to enter another password and since the system will work by generating one-time, single-use passwords, offers greater protection than a password system.


It is expected that one-time security codes will eventually be replaced by other verification mechanisms, such as using biometrics, or using a wristband to authenticate a user based on their heart rhythm, for example. In any case the removal of these services is bound to make everyone buying goods on the Internet a lot happier and simplify the process of doing so.

预计一次性的安全代码最终将被其他验证机制所取代,例如使用生物特征识别或使用腕带根据用户的心律来验证用户身份。 无论如何,这些服务的取消必将使每个在互联网上购买商品的人更加快乐,并简化了这样做的过程。


mastercard 接口