Base packages required for all installations

pcp - the PCP base package

This includes the Performance Management Collection Daemon (pmcd), log collection daemons, many CLI tools and a wide variety of Performance Management Domain Agents (PMDAs). PMDAs and tools that are not included in the base package generally have dependencies and have been split off into separate packages to isolate those dependencies. For example, the pcp-import-* packages generally have dependencies on the tools that create the performance data that is being imported.

The pcp base package (and it's dependencies) is all that's needed on a customer system to capture performance logs in a typical support scenario - the resulting logs can be attached to a case for analysis by a support engineer. For more details, see ​​How do I install Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) on my RHEL server to capture performance logs​​ and ​​How do I gather performance data logs to upload to my support case using Performance Co-Pilot (PCP)​​.

pcp-conf and pcp-libs - run-time configuration and libraries

The pcp base package depends on these, so yum will automatically install them too when pcp is installed.

pcp-zeroconf - pre-configured collection services and standard agents

This package installs and enables the PCP performance metric collection services that are needed in most production environments. For details see ​​Installing and using the pcp-zeroconf package for Performance Co-Pilot (PCP)​​.

pcp-system-tools - command line monitoring tools

This package contains the PCP performance monitoring CLI tools. This includes a large number of tools for analyzing PCP metrics in various ways. GUI based tools (such as pmchart) are packaged separately in the pcp-gui package.

perl-PCP-PMDA - Perl bindings and documentation

The PCP::PMDA Perl module contains the language bindings for building Performance Metric Domain Agents (PMDAs) using Perl. Each PMDA exports performance data for one specific domain, for example the operating system kernel, Cisco routers, a database, an application, etc.

python-pcp - Python bindings and documentation

The python PCP module contains the language bindings for building Performance Metric API (PMAPI) tools using Python.

pcp-manager - log collection manager daemon

An optional daemon (pmmgr) that manages a collection of pmlogger and pmie daemons, for a set of discovered local and remote hosts running the performance metrics collection daemon (pmcd). It ensures these daemons are running when appropriate, and manages their log rotation needs (which are particularly complex in the case of pmlogger). The base PCP package provides comparable functionality through cron scripts which predate this daemon but do still provide effective and efficient log management services. The pcp-manager package aims to aggressively enable new PCP features and as a result may not be suited to all production environments.

Graphical/GUI Tools

pcp-gui - Visualization tools for the Performance Co-Pilot toolkit

Visualization tools. The pcp-gui package includes visualization tools for monitoring systems using live and archived Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) sources.

Development and debugging

pcp-libs-devel - development headers and documentation

Headers, documentation and tools for development.

pcp-debuginfo - Debug information

This package provides debug information for package pcp. Debug information is useful when developing applications that use this package or when debugging this package.


pcp-doc - Documentation, manual pages and tutorials

The pcp-doc package includes all PCP man pages and also provides useful information on using and configuring the Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) toolkit for system level performance management. It includes man pages, tutorials, HOWTOs, and other detailed documentation about the internals of core PCP utilities and daemons, and the PCP graphical tools.

Tools for importing performance data from other frameworks

pcp-import-collectl2pcp - tools for importing collectl log files into PCP archive logs

Front-end tools for importing collectl data into standard PCP archive logs for replay with any PCP monitoring tool.

pcp-import-iostat2pcp - tools for importing iostat data into PCP archive logs

Front-end tools for importing iostat data into standard PCP archive logs for replay with any PCP monitoring tool.

pcp-import-mrtg2pcp - tools for importing MRTG data into PCP archive logs

Front-end tools for importing MTRG data into standard PCP archive logs for replay with any PCP monitoring tool.

pcp-import-sar2pcp - tools for importing sar data into PCP archive logs

Front-end tools for importing sar data into standard PCP archive logs for replay with any PCP monitoring tool.

pcp-import-sheet2pcp - tools for importing spreadsheet data into PCP archive logs

Front-end tools for importing spreadsheet data into standard PCP archive logs for replay with any PCP monitoring tool.

perl-PCP-LogImport - Perl bindings for importing external data into PCP archives

The PCP::LogImport module contains the Perl language bindings for importing data in various 3rd party formats into PCP archives so they can be replayed with standard PCP monitoring tools.

Test framework and Quality Assurance Packages

pcp-testsuite - Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) test suite

Quality assurance test suite.

Specialized Performance Metrics Domain Agents

pcp-pmda-* - a large number of optional PCP agents (PMDAS)

  • The base PMDAs are included in the pcp base RPM (e.g. linux, mmv, jbd2, pipe, root, proc, pmcd, snmp, xfs).
  • All the optional PMDAs are packaged separately - this is to isolate their dependencies, which are exotic in some cases. There are a large number of optional PMDAs, and the list is growing all the time as new agents are developed and contributed to the PCP project. Here is a partial list, see the man page for each pmdafoo(1) for details : bonding, mailq, samba, gpsd, bash, papi, netfilter, activemq, lustrecomm, postgresql, gpfs, lustre, rpm, named, dm, systemd, weblog, nfsclient, logger, dbping, postfix, mounts, gluster, elasticsearch, slurm, trace, rsyslog, unbound, kvm, cifs, roomtemp, mysql, oracle, cisco, perfevent, summary, news, lmsensors, pdns, ds389log, shping, mic, zimbra, memcache, sendmail, gfs2, nginx, ds389, nvidia-gpu, json, vmware, zswap, apache, infiniband ... and others.

perl-PCP-LogSummary - Perl bindings for post-processing output of pmlogsummary

The PCP::LogSummary module provides a Perl module for using the statistical summary data produced by the Performance Co-Pilot pmlogsummary utility. This utility produces various averages, minima, maxima, and other calculations based on the performance data stored in a PCP archive. The Perl interface is ideal for exporting this data into third-party tools (e.g. spreadsheets).

perl-PCP-MMV - Perl bindings for PCP Memory Mapped Values

The PCP::MMV module contains the Perl language bindings for building scripts instrumented with the Memory Mapped Value (MMV) mechanism. This mechanism allows arbitrary values to be exported from an instrumented script into the PCP infrastructure for monitoring and analysis with pmchart, pmie, pmlogger and other PCP tools.