
1 自定义菜单栏功能:

using UnityEngine;
 using UnityEditor;
 public static class MyMenuCommands {
     [MenuItem("My Commands/First Command _p")]
     static void FirstCommand() {
         Debug.Log("You used the shortcut P");
     [MenuItem("My Commands/Special Command %g")]
     static void SpecialCommand() {
         Debug.Log("You used the shortcut Cmd+G (Mac)  Ctrl+G (Win)");


2 OnSceneGUI在GUI刷新中监听:

using UnityEngine;
 using UnityEditor;
 public class MyCustomEditor : Editor {
     void OnSceneGUI() {
         Event e = Event.current;
         if(EventType.KeyDown == e.type && KeyCode.RightControl == e.keyCode)
             moveMulti = true;
         if(EventType.KeyUp == e.type && KeyCode.RightControl == e.keyCode)
             moveMulti = false;

3 onSceneGUIDelegate注册事件:

using UnityEditor;
 using UnityEngine;
 public static class EditorHotkeysTracker
     static EditorHotkeysTracker()
         SceneView.onSceneGUIDelegate += view =>
             var e = Event.current;
             if (e != null && e.keyCode != KeyCode.None)
                 Debug.Log("Key pressed in editor: " + e.keyCode);






using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class UGUIHotKey
    private static GameObject CheckSelection (MenuCommand menuCommand)
        GameObject selectedObj = menuCommand.context as GameObject;
        if (selectedObj == null)
            selectedObj = Selection.activeGameObject;
        if (selectedObj == null || selectedObj != null && selectedObj.GetComponentInParent<Canvas> () == null)
            return null;
        return selectedObj;

    [MenuItem ("GameObject/UGUI/Image #&i", false, 6)] //参数意义请查阅API文档,上文有链接,函数中的几个其他接口的调用的含义也有介绍
    static void CreateImage (MenuCommand menuCommand)
        GameObject selectedObj = CheckSelection (menuCommand);
        if (selectedObj == null)
        GameObject go = new GameObject ("Image");
        GameObjectUtility.SetParentAndAlign (go, selectedObj);
        Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo (go, "Create " + go.name);
        Selection.activeObject = go;
        go.AddComponent<Image> ();

    [MenuItem ("GameObject/UGUI/Text #&t", false, 6)]
    static void CreateText (MenuCommand menuCommand)
        GameObject selectedObj = CheckSelection (menuCommand);
        if (selectedObj == null)
        GameObject go = new GameObject ("Text");
        GameObjectUtility.SetParentAndAlign (go, selectedObj);
        Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo (go, "Create " + go.name);
        Selection.activeObject = go;

        Text t = go.AddComponent<Text> ();
        Font font = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath ("Assets/ArtSources/Font/xxxx.ttf", typeof (Font)) as Font;
        t.font = font;
        t.fontSize = 24;
        t.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
        t.color = Color.white;
        t.text = "New Text";
        t.rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2 (150f, 30f);