Have you ever wanted an easy way to remotely control your PC? Here we take a look at using Touch Mouse from Logitech which works over Wi-Fi so you can control your PC from anywhere in your house.

您是否曾经想过一种简单的方法来远程控制PC? 在这里,我们来看一下使用Logitech的触摸鼠标,该鼠标可通过Wi-Fi运行,因此您可以在家中的任何地方控制PC。

(Installation and Setup)

Download Logitech Touch Mouse from the iTunes App Store through iTunes or directly from your iOS device.

通过iTunes或直接从iOS设备从iTunes App Store下载Logitech触摸鼠标。

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After that’s installed, you need to download and install the Touch Mouse Server on your PC or Mac (link below). It is available in 32 & 64-bit versions for XP, Vista, and Windows 7. There’s  a version for Mac OS X as well.

安装完成后,您需要在PC或Mac上下载并安装触摸鼠标服务器(下面的链接)。 它适用于XP,Vista和Windows 7的32位和64位版本。MacOS X也有一个版本。

Installation of Touch Mouse Server is easy following the wizard and accepting the defaults. You will need to install the server software on each computer on your network that you want to remotely control.

遵循向导并接受默认设置即可轻松安装Touch Mouse Server。 您将需要在要远程控制的网络上的每台计算机上安装服务器软件。

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Then you will find Logitech Touch Mouse Server in All Programs in the Start Menu.

然后,您将在开始菜单的所有程序中找到Logitech Touch Mouse Server。

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The server icon lives in the system tray. Right-click on the icon to stop the server and close out, or check the server settings.

服务器图标位于系统托盘中。 右键单击该图标可停止服务器并关闭它,或检查服务器设置。

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You can find the IP of your computer and the IP of your iOS device. Also, uncheck Start this application automatically when Windows starts if you don’t want it to run during boot up.

您可以找到计算机的IP和iOS设备的IP。 另外,如果您不希望Windows在启动过程中运行,请取消选中Windows启动时自动启动此应用程序

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(Using Touch Mouse)

Now that the server is setup, launch the app and we can start using our iOS device as a remote control for our PC.


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Just click on the PC you want to control or enter in the IP address of the machine.


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Just move your finger around the black tracking area to move your mouse cursor, then you also have right, left and middle click.


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Pull up the Keyboard and you can type on your PC. You’ll see the text on your iOS device and also the computer.

拉起键盘,即可在PC上打字。 您会在iOS设备和计算机上看到文本。

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For example we opened up Notepad and began typing in it from our iPod Touch.

例如,我们打开了记事本,并开始从iPod Touch输入它。

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You can type in any program that is installed on your PC. Here we’re typing in a search term in the Firefox Google bar. Here is what you’ll see on your iOS device…

您可以键入PC上安装的任何程序。 在这里,我们在Firefox Google栏中输入搜索词。 这是您将在iOS设备上看到的内容…

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Then whatever you type is exactly what is displayed in whatever program you’re in.


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You can use it in Landscape mode too which makes typing more quickly easier.


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Go into Settings to change the way the way the remote works with your computer. You can change things like Tracking Speed, Clicking Options, Scrolling and more.

进入“设置”以更改遥控器与计算机配合使用的方式。 您可以更改诸如“跟踪速度”,“单击选项”,“滚动”等内容。

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If you want to disconnect, tap on the Disconnect icon.


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It only takes a few moments to disconnect the signal.


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It also includes a nice user guide in case you get stuck or aren’t sure how to control something.


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Touch Mouse from Logitech is a basic remote app for your Mac or PC. It doesn’t include advanced features of other commercial remote apps such as HippoRemote, but it’s free and does a decent job. This can really be handy if you have your PC connected to your HDTV or want to kick back at your desk and not have to sit up close with your keyboard and mouse. If you use Windows Media Center, it allows you to control it easily from the comfort of your couch.

Logitech的Touch Mouse是Mac或PC的基本远程应用程序。 它不包含其他商业远程应用程序(例如HippoRemote)的高级功能,但它是免费的并且做得不错。 如果您将PC连接到HDTV,或者想向后踢到桌子,而不必坐在键盘和鼠标旁,这真的很方便。 如果使用Windows Media Center,则可以从沙发上轻松地对其进行控制。

Logitech Touch Mouse App for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad

适用于iPhone,iPod Touch和iPad的Logitech Touch Mouse App

Download Touch Mouse Server


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/29572/use-your-ipod-or-iphone-to-remotely-control-your-pc/