
Electronic Payment Integration allows you to mark electronic payments using direct communication between your SAP ERP system and the communication clients of the banks of your choice . The solution  integrates the functions of several programs for payment processing and bank communication in one screen. The functions and features of EPIC allow you to do the following:

  • Take advantage of the electronic bank services the you need from the banks with which you do business. You can implement  services such as sending electronic payment orders, querying account balances, or importing electronic bank receipt or bank statement information to and from a bank communication client. Note that the kinds of communication possible depend on the range of the services that your banks offer for electronic communication.
  • Communication direct from your SAP ERP system using Remote Function Call's(RFC) with bank communication clients, querying information and receiving data direct without the extra step of having to download or upload files.
  •  Centrally locate open item using automatic proposal runs, change or add payment information for an item as needed, create partial payment requests for open invoices, and start the payment process ( by having the payment program create payment orders and payment files ) and then query the status of the payments ( for example , by importing an electronic bank statement ). The documents that can be processed and paid using EPIC include the following:
  1. Vendor and customer invoices
  2. Vendor and customer credit memos
  3. Free form payment requests
  4. Partial payment requests( also with special G/L indicator )
  5. Down payments
  6. Down payment ( also with special G/L indicator )
  7. On-account payments
  • Create your own company-specific cash budget plan and monitor how much cash is consumed for liquidity items when payments are made.
  • Implement you own company-specific approval process, according to your enterprise's business practices, to ensure that the necessary checks are made before payment orders are sent to your bank.
  • Implement checks using security tokens to ensure that only the authorized users are allowed to perform certain actions, such as sending bank communications or approving certain payments.

利用与你有业务往来的银行提供的电子银行服务,你可以实现诸如一下 发送电子支付订单、查询账户余额、或从银行通信客户端导入银行收据或者银行对账单信息。请注意:可能的通信类型取决于您的银行为电子通信提供的服务范围。

SAP ERP系统通过RFC直接和银行客户端发生通信、查询信息和接受数据,无需上传和下载文件的额外步骤


银企直连允许你在SAP ERP系统和你选择的银行通信客户之间使用带标识的直接电子支付。该解决方案将支付处理和银行通信的多个程序的功能整合在一个屏幕上。EPIC的功能和特性允许你做到一下:







On-account 支付




二、实施注意事项 -- Implementation Considerations

1、生成支付文件 -- Generation of Payment Files

When user pay item using EPIC, the system creates the payment orders and usually generates the corresponding payment files immediately. However, it is also use the Creation of Cross-Payment Run Payment Media ( SAPFM_MERGE ) report to periodically generate payment files, if you use this periodic function, the system only generates payment files for items paid on the EPIC screen when the report is run. Whenever a payment file is generated, regardless if this is done immediately or periodically, an icon is displayed in the information for these items on EPIC screen.


2、银行通信 Bank Communication

To enable the direct bank communication to different bank for different types of bank communication( for example, sending payment files or queries about account balances ), you must implement ABAP repository objects based on your bank's specifications yourself. You must also map the structure of the request and respondse messages exchanged between your SAP ERP system and your bank's communication client to ensure that the data is processsed correctly by functions of EPIC. To do this , you need the most recent specificationfor the services from your bank. SAP provides some sample implementations for some bank communication types that you can use as the basis for your own development. For more information, see Implementing the Electronic Payment Integration Solution.

为了实现与不同银行的不同类型的直接银行通信(例如,发送支付文件或者查询账户余额),你必须基于银行的规范实现ABAP存储对象。同时为了确保通过EPIC功能正确处理数据,必须映射SAP ERP系统和银行客户端之间的交换的请求和响应消息的结构。为此,你需要银行提供服务的最新规范,SAP为一些银行同行类型提供了一些示例实现,你可以将此作为你的开发基础。

The bank communication clients from your house banks must be installed locally . The local bank client acts as the agent to bridge the communication between your SAP ERP system and the bank server. Your ERP system can send payment data to or receive data from the local bank client using RFC-based HTTP or HTTPs. The bank client should ensure data security and should be able to communicate with the bank server in a secure way. From the EPIC screen, it is possible to check if the  connection to the banks are functioning properly.

银行客户端必须安装在你的本地,本地银行客户端充当代理,连接SAP ERP 系统和银行服务器之间的通信。SAP ERP可以通过基于RFC的http或者https协议发送付款数据到银行客户端或者从本地银行客户端接受数据。银行客户端应确保数据安全,并能够以安全的方式与银行服务器通信。从EPIC的屏幕上,可以检查银行的连接是否正常。

3、安全令牌检查  -- Securuty Token Checks

The EPIC framework has been extended to allow for the implementation of checks using security tokens. You must ensure that you correctly install your security token and implement the BADI: Security Token Validation Control( EPIC_SECURITY_TOKEN_CONTROL ) Business Add-In. For more information, see Setting for Security Token Validation.


4、现金预算 -- Cash Budgeting

You can manually upload a Microsoft Excel-based budget plan to your SAP ERP system and  update the cash amounts using EPIC. You can also input cash budgeting information from an external source. To do this, you must implement the BADI: Cash Budget Control (BADI_BUDGT_CNTL_INTE ) Business Add-In. For more information, see Cash Budgeting With EPIC.

你可以手动上传一个基于微软Excel 的预算计划到SAP ERP系统,并使用EPIC更新现金金额。你同样可以从外部来源输入现金预算信息。为此,你必须实现BADI:BADI_BUDGT_CNTL_INTE的业务加载项。

5、集成 -- Integration

  • The function of EPIC are integrated with the following programs:

Payment Release List( PRL ): EPIC is defined as an application of PRL. This means that the PRL must be activated in Customizing to use the integrated payment functions. For more information, see Customizing for Payment Release List and Payment Program.



If the standard PRL database tables do not offer fields for all information that you want to include in payment documents, you can add your own custom fields and allow users to edit the values of these fields. For more information, see Extending Payment Item Information.


  • Payment Run: Automatic proposal runs started from the EPIC screen using the following standard programs for the automatic scheduling of such runs:

Report for the Automatic Scheduling of the Payment Program( RFF110S ) for an invoice-based proposal run .

Create Payment Runs Payment Requests ( RFPFQZLP )

These programs are run in background mode using as a minimum, the following selection parameters:

RFF110S: company code, payment method, and vendor or customer account

RFPFQZLP: company code and payment method

付款运行: 自动建议运行从EPIC屏幕开始,使用一下标准程序自动调度这些运行:

基于发票的提议运行的支付程序的自行调度( RFF110S ) 报告

运行自动支付请求 ( RFPFQZLP )


RFF110S: 公司代码、付款方式、客户或供应商账户

RFPFQZLP : 公司代码、付款方式

Note that users must start the different type of proposal runs ( invoice- or payment request-based ) separately to identify items to be paid. When users pay items, that is trigger the creation of payment orders and files, the system can automatically start both types of the payment runs. Separate payment files are created for invoice-based and payment request-based item.

请注意:用户必须启动不同类型的提议运行( 基于发票或者支付请求 ),以确定要支付的项目。当用户支付项目时,即触发创建支付订单和文件,系统可以自动启动这两种类型的支付运行。分别为基于发票和基于支付请求的项目创建支付文件。

Bank Receipt Posting: When you have bank receipt information for incoming payments in your SAP ERP system, you can use EPIC to map these bank receipt transactions to open items in Financial Accounting and trigger the posting and clearing. This posting can be done the standard functions of the Bank Statement Postprocessing (FEB_BSPROC_FE) program.

Electronic Bank Statement Processing: After queries to request an electronic bank statement are triggered from EPIC screen and the response messages over to the Bank Statement Processing: Import and Forward( Automatically ) (FEB_FILE_HANDING) report. This report processes the data and provides a simulation of bank statement, which can be displayed from the EPIC screen as an Adobe PDF form. The user can then instruct the system to process the data further, that is save the data to the database ( for example, in the Electronic Bank Statement Header Records ( FEBK0 ) and Electronic Bank Statement Line Item ( FEBEP) tables) and make the necessary postings in Accounting as needed. 

Communication using RFC: To allow you to check the status of the connections to the bank communication clients, you can make a connection test using the RFC Destination ( SAPLCRFC ) program.

银行收据入账:当你在SAP ERP系统有收据入账信息时,你可以使用EPIC映射这些这些银行收据交易,一遍财务会计打开这些项目并触发过账和清算,这部分过账可以用标准程序 FEB_BSPROC_FE 完成银行结算单后处理。

电子银行对账单进程处理:在EPIC屏幕触发查询电子银行对账单后,响应消息会发送给银行对账单处理: 导入和转发报表( FEB_FILE_HANDING ).该报表处理数据并提供一个银行对账单的模拟,这会以PDF表单的形式显示在EPIC屏幕。然后用户可以进一步指导系统处理数据,这步会保存数据到数据库(例如,在电子银行对账单记录( FEBK0 ) 和电子银行对账单行项目 ( FEBEP ) ,同时根据会计需要进行必要的过账。


三、特点 -- Features 

The EPIC screen has the following parts:

  • Approve Item tab page on which users can approve or reject the sending of items to the bank  for payment, following your company's own unique approval process
  • Process Files: tab page on which users can send payment fields to the bank and check their status
  • Process Bank Statements: tab page on which users can request that the bank send an electronic bank statement direct to your SAP ERP system and then process the data further
  • Process Bank Receipts: tab page on which users can request that the bank send an electronic bank receipt direct to your SAP ERP system or enter the bank receipt information and then process the data further



处理银行对账单:用户可以使用这个目标页签要求银行直接发送电子银行收据到 ERP系统或者,然后进一步处理数据


In addition, entries in system menus allow you to do the following:

  • Administration menu: Monitor messages that make up the actual communications, check your RFC connections, and create secure logon user accounts.
  • Cash Budgeting menu: Set up your cash budget plan in Customizing, download the corresponding Microsoft Excel-based template, upload a completed budge plan, and run a report to check cash consumption.
  • Bank Receipts menu: Run reports to check the processing status of bank receipts.
  • Environment menu: Quickly access the Customizing activities specific to EPIC and the programs for processing payments and payment requests.

管理菜单: 监控组成实际通信的消息,检查RFC连接,并创建安全登录用户账户。

现金预算菜单:再 定制中设置您的现金预算计划,下载相应的 Microsoft 的模板excel,上传完整的预算计划,并运行报表查看现金消耗情况。



四、例子 - Example

java 银企直连 银企直联软件_SAP

1、A processor runs or scheduales an automatical proposal run

2、A processor assigns the payment item amounts to liquidity items in the cash budget plan

3、Processor check the payment items and submits them for approval.

4、Once the payment items are released for payment,the processor pays the items in the system


自从EPIC被认定为Payment Release List的应用程序,在运行付款建议过程中创建的项目存储在相同的数据库中( FPRL_HEADER,FPRL_ITEM ),


初始现金预算消耗数据来自于您以Microsoft Excel格式上传的现金预算计划,或者如果您实现了BAdI:现金预算控制业务插件,则可以从其他来源获得。在电子支付集成(中国)屏幕上,用户将要支付的项目的金额分配给现金预算计划中的流动性项目,从而更新数据库。用户还可以通过访问该数据来查看现金消费的状态



系统检查标准支付运行所需的条件是否满足,例如有效的支付方法、银行详细信息和可用金额。一旦付款,系统就会创建必要的付款订单。系统产生对应的付款报文,然后通过RFC将报文给到前置机,SAP ERP系统使用通信详细信息(例如,通信目的地、用户等)与您拥有内部银行帐户的银行建立通信,这些通信详细信息是您在customize中为不同的银行帐户配置的。



1、执行事务 SWF5,激活相关业务组件

Business Function    描述
FIN_LOC_CI_16    FI,电子付款集成(中国) (Reversible)
FIN_LOC_EPIC_2    FI,中国电子支付集成 2 (Reversible)
FIN_LOC_EPIC_3    FI,电子支付集成(中国)3 (Reversible)
FIN_LOC_EPIC_4    FI,电子付款集成(中国)4 (Reversible)
FIN_LOC_EPIC_4_2    FI,电子付款集成(中国)4_2 (Reversible)
FIN_LOC_EPIC_5    FI,电子支付集成(中国 5) (Reversible)
FIN_LOC_EPIC_6    FI,电子付款集成 6(中国) (Reversible)
FIN_LOC_EPIC_7    FI,电子支付集成(中国)7

java 银企直连 银企直联软件_linq_02









java 银企直连 银企直联软件_wpf_03


java 银企直连 银企直联软件_java 银企直连_04

1 DMEE-创建DMEE媒介格式 用于批量代发代扣和审批支付
2 支付媒介格式配置

java 银企直连 银企直联软件_wpf_05


java 银企直连 银企直联软件_SAP_06

3 设置支付方式变体

java 银企直连 银企直联软件_SAP_07


java 银企直连 银企直联软件_p2p_08

java 银企直连 银企直联软件_wpf_09




java 银企直连 银企直联软件_linq_10


java 银企直连 银企直联软件_linq_11


java 银企直连 银企直联软件_p2p_12


java 银企直连 银企直联软件_p2p_13

java 银企直连 银企直联软件_java 银企直连_14


 2、配置SAP RFC连接

2.1、SM59 配置和前置机的RFC链接




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java 银企直连 银企直联软件_java 银企直连_16


4.1、host 文件

java 银企直连 银企直联软件_p2p_17


java 银企直连 银企直联软件_java 银企直连_18


java 银企直连 银企直联软件_SAP_19


java 银企直连 银企直联软件_wpf_20


java 银企直连 银企直联软件_wpf_21

6.1 无法将文本信息SGTXT传输到会计凭证:在文本内容前加*号
6.2 替代中无法更改制单人:在视图GB01中维护制单人字段,然后再添加到替代中
6.3 增加审批层级:新建自定义表配置审批层级+审批用户组,在审批BADI中用通过配置表数据获取审批人
6.4 获取批量代发代扣总凭证数:通过表reguh获取本次支付总笔数
6.5 用到的表:REGUH:结算数据,记录了生成的总支付凭证