def convert_text(place, f_name, f_size, content, f_bold):
def get_month_info(date_, yr_):
def convert_num_weekday(_):
def convert_num_month(_):
def inp(_):
def judge_monday(f_date):
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import docx
import json
def convert_text(place, f_name, f_size, content, f_bold):
run = place.add_run(content)
run.font.name = f_name
run.font.size = f_size
run.font.bold = f_bold
def get_month_info(date_, yr_):
with open('year_calendar.json', 'r') as f:
y_cal = json.loads(f.read())
yr = yr_[0]
date = date_.rsplit('/',1)[0]
title = 'Schedule of ' + convert_num_month(date.split('/')[1]) + '-' + str(yr)
for week in y_cal[str(yr)]:
for day in y_cal[str(yr)][week]:
if day == date:
w = week
mon_info = []
range_ = range(int(w), int(w)+5)
for i in range_:
if i <= len(y_cal[str(yr)]):
elif i == len(y_cal[str(yr)]) + 1 and '' in mon_info[len(mon_info)-1][6]:
for j in range(7):
if mon_info[len(mon_info) - 1][j]=='':
if int(j + (i - int(w) - 1) * 7) < 14:
print '1'
title = 'Schedule of ' + convert_num_month(1) + '-' + str(int(yr)+1)
for k in range (j, 7):
mon_info[len(mon_info) - 1][k] = str(k-j+1) + '/1'
yr_[0] = str(int(yr_[0])+1)
print 'mon_info = ', mon_info
print 'title = ', title
return mon_info, title
def convert_num_weekday(_):
if _ == 0 or _ == '0':
return 'Monday'
if _ == 1 or _ == '1':
return 'Tuesday'
if _ == 2 or _ == '2':
return 'Wednesday'
if _ == 3 or _ == '3':
return 'Thursday'
if _ == 4 or _ == '4':
return 'Friday'
if _ == 5 or _ == '5':
return 'Saturday'
if _ == 6 or _ == '6':
return 'Sunday'
def convert_num_month(_):
if _ == 1 or _ == '1':
return 'January'
if _ == 2 or _ == '2':
return 'February'
if _ == 3 or _ == '3':
return 'March'
if _ == 4 or _ == '4':
return 'April'
if _ == 5 or _ == '5':
return 'May'
if _ == 6 or _ == '6':
return 'June'
if _ == 7 or _ == '7':
return 'July'
if _ == 8 or _ == '8':
return 'August'
if _ == 9 or _ == '9':
return 'September'
if _ == 10 or _ == '10':
return 'October'
if _ == 11 or _ == '11':
return 'November'
if _ == 12 or _ == '12':
return 'December'
def inp(_):
print _
return raw_input()
def judge_monday(f_date):
import time
date = time.strptime(f_date, '%d/%m/%Y')
if date.tm_wday == 0:
return True
else: return False
def main():
calendar_name = 'year_calendar.json'
schedule_name = 'schedule module.docx'
import os
if not os.path.exists(calendar_name):
print 'Creating year calendar'
import print_year_calendar
else: print 'Year calendar exists'
while True:
first_date = inp('The first date in calendar. Eg: 4/6/2018')
if judge_monday(first_date):
else: print 'Wrong date, input again.'
year = []
doc = docx.Document(schedule_name)
# 读取json日历(在get_month_info()中完成)
month_info, title_info = get_month_info(first_date,year)
table = doc.tables[0]
for row in range(5):
for col in range(7):
if row == 0:
convert_text(table.cell(row,col).paragraphs[0],'Calibri', 150000, convert_num_weekday(col), False)
convert_text(table.cell(row, col).paragraphs[0], 'Calibri', 140000, month_info[row-1][col], False)
convert_text(doc.paragraphs[0], 'Calibri', 180000, ' ' + title_info.split(' ',1)[1], True)
doc.save(title_info + '.docx')
if __name__ == '__main__':