
Shape Parameters


While a general continuous random variable can be shifted and scaled

with the loc and scale parameters, some distributions require additional

shape parameters. For instance, the gamma distribution, with density


requires the shape parameter a. Observe that setting λ can be obtained by setting the scale keyword to 1/λ.




Let’s check the number and name of the shape parameters of the gamma

distribution. (We know from the above that this should be 1.)



>>> from scipy.stats import gamma

>>> gamma.numargs


>>> gamma.shapes


Now we set the value of the shape variable to 1 to obtain the

exponential distribution, so that we compare easily whether we get the

results we expect.



>>> gamma(1, scale=2.).stats(moments="mv")

(array(2.0), array(4.0))

Notice that we can also specify shape parameters as keywords:



>>> gamma(a=1, scale=2.).stats(moments="mv")

(array(2.0), array(4.0))

Freezing a Distribution


Passing the loc and scale keywords time and again can become quite

bothersome. The concept of freezing a RV is used to solve such problems.



>>> rv = gamma(1, scale=2.)

By using rv we no longer have to include the scale or the shape

parameters anymore. Thus, distributions can be used in one of two ways,

either by passing all distribution parameters to each method call (such

as we did earlier) or by freezing the parameters for the instance of the

distribution. Let us check this:



>>> rv.mean(), rv.std()

(2.0, 2.0)

This is indeed what we should get.




The basic methods pdf and so on satisfy the usual numpy broadcasting

rules. For example, we can calculate the critical values for the upper

tail of the t distribution for different probabilites and degrees of




>>> stats.t.isf([0.1, 0.05, 0.01], [[10], [11]])

array([[ 1.37218364, 1.81246112, 2.76376946],

[ 1.36343032, 1.79588482, 2.71807918]])

Here, the first row are the critical values for 10 degrees of freedom

and the second row for 11 degrees of freedom (d.o.f.). Thus, the

broadcasting rules give the same result of calling isf twice:



>>> stats.t.isf([0.1, 0.05, 0.01], 10)

array([ 1.37218364, 1.81246112, 2.76376946])

>>> stats.t.isf([0.1, 0.05, 0.01], 11)

array([ 1.36343032, 1.79588482, 2.71807918])

If the array with probabilities, i.e, [0.1, 0.05, 0.01] and the array of

degrees of freedom i.e., [10, 11, 12], have the same array shape, then

element wise matching is used. As an example, we can obtain the 10% tail

for 10 d.o.f., the 5% tail for 11 d.o.f. and the 1% tail for 12 d.o.f.

by calling



>>> stats.t.isf([0.1, 0.05, 0.01], [10, 11, 12])

array([ 1.37218364, 1.79588482, 2.68099799])

Specific Points for Discrete Distributions


Discrete distribution have mostly the same basic methods as the

continuous distributions. However pdf is replaced the probability mass

function pmf, no estimation methods, such as fit, are available, and

scale is not a valid keyword parameter. The location parameter, keyword

loc can still be used to shift the distribution.


The computation of the cdf requires some extra attention. In the case of

continuous distribution the cumulative distribution function is in most

standard cases strictly monotonic increasing in the bounds (a,b) and

has therefore a unique inverse. The cdf of a discrete distribution,

however, is a step function, hence the inverse cdf, i.e., the percent

point function, requires a different definition:

ppf(q) = min{x : cdf(x) >= q, x integer}


ppf(q) = min{x : cdf(x) >= q, x integer}

For further info, see the docs here.


We can look at the hypergeometric distribution as an example


>>> from scipy.stats import hypergeom

>>> [M, n, N] = [20, 7, 12]



>>> from scipy.stats import hypergeom

>>> [M, n, N] = [20, 7, 12]

If we use the cdf at some integer points and then evaluate the ppf at

those cdf values, we get the initial integers back, for example



>>> x = np.arange(4)*2

>>> x

array([0, 2, 4, 6])

>>> prb = hypergeom.cdf(x, M, n, N)

>>> prb

array([ 0.0001031991744066, 0.0521155830753351, 0.6083591331269301,


>>> hypergeom.ppf(prb, M, n, N)

array([ 0., 2., 4., 6.])

If we use values that are not at the kinks of the cdf step function, we get the next higher integer back:



>>> hypergeom.ppf(prb + 1e-8, M, n, N)

array([ 1., 3., 5., 7.])

>>> hypergeom.ppf(prb - 1e-8, M, n, N)

array([ 0., 2., 4., 6.])