Theano is a numerical computation library for Python. It is a common choice for implementing neural network models as it allows you to efficiently define, optimize and evaluate mathematical expressions, including multi-dimensional arrays (numpy.ndaray).

Theano是Python的数值计算库。 这是实现神经网络模型的常见选择,因为它使您可以有效地定义,优化和评估数学表达式,包括多维数组(numpy.ndaray)

(Theano Python)

Theano makes it possible to attain high speeds that give a tough competition to hand-crafted C implementations for problems involving large amounts of data. It can take advantage of recent GPUs which makes it perform better than C on a CPU by considerable orders of magnitude under certain circumstances.

Theano使获得高速成为可能,从而使手工C实现在涉及大量数据的问题上进行了激烈的竞争。 它可以利用最近的GPU,在某些情况下,它在CPU上的性能要比C高出好几个数量级。

Theano has got an amazing compiler which can do various optimizations of varying complexity. A few of such optimizations are:

Theano有一个了不起的编译器,它可以进行各种复杂度不同的优化。 一些这样的优化是:

  1. Arithmetic simplification (e.g: --x -> x; x + y - x -> y) 算术简化(例如: --x -> x; x + y - x -> y
  2. Using memory aliasing to avoid calculation
  3. Constant folding
  4. Merging similar subgraphs, to avoid redundant calculation
  5. Loop fusion for elementwise sub-expressions
  6. GPU computations

You can see the full list of optimizations here.


(Why Theano Python Library?)

Typically we manipulate matrices using numpy package, so what make Theano better than any such package!

通常,我们使用numpy软件包来处理矩阵 ,那么什么使Theano优于任何此类软件包!

Theano is a sort of hybrid between numpy and sympy, an attempt is made to combine the two into one powerful library. Let’s have a look at some of its advantages over others:

Theano是numpy和sympy之间的一种混合体,它试图将两者组合成一个功能强大的库。 让我们来看看它相对于其他的一些优势:

  • Stability Optimization: Theano can find out some unstable expressions and can use more stable means to evaluate them
  • Execution Speed Optimization: As mentioned earlier, theano can make use of recent GPUs and execute parts of expressions in your CPU or GPU, making it much faster than Python
  • Symbolic Differentiation: Theano is smart enough to automatically create symbolic graphs for computing gradients

Well, enough of theory, let’s start working on the example part.


(Theano Tutorial)

To start working with Theano, install it using PIP as shown in below image.


(Theano Expression into Callable objects)

With Theano, we can convert expressions into callable objects. Let’s see a code snippet:

使用Theano,我们可以将表达式转换为可调用对象。 让我们看一下代码片段:

import theano
from theano import tensor

x = tensor.dscalar()
y = tensor.dscalar()

z = x + y
f = theano.function([x,y], z)
print(f(1.5, 2.5))

When we run this, we get the following output:


Now, let us try to understand what happened in above program:



  • We start by declaring two symbolic floating-point scalars or variables
  • Then, we created a simple expression to sum two numbers
  • After the expression, we convert the expression into a callable object that takes (x,y) as input and returns a value for z after computation 在表达式之后,我们将表达式转换为可调用对象,该对象以(x,y)作为输入,并在计算后返回z的值
  • Finally, we call the function with some parameters and print the results

(Logistic Function)

Let’s have a look at rather more elaborate example than just adding two numbers. Let’s try to compute the logistic curve, which is given by:


If we plot a graph for this equation, it will look like:

Logistic function is applied to each element of matrix. Let’s write a code snippet to demonstrate this:

让我们看一个更复杂的示例,而不只是将两个数字相加。 让我们尝试计算逻辑曲线,它由下式给出:



逻辑函数应用于矩阵的每个元素。 让我们编写一个代码片段来演示这一点:

import theano
from theano import tensor

# declare a variable
x = tensor.dmatrix('x')

# create the expression
s = 1 / (1 + tensor.exp(-x))

# convert the expression into a callable object which takes
# a matrix as parameter and returns s(x)
logistic = theano.function([x], s)

# call the function with a test matrix and print the result
print(logistic([[0, 1], [-1, -2]]))

When we run the script, we can see the ouput as:

Everything works fine, the output looks same as expected. Now let’s have a closer look at the functions.


一切正常,输出看起来与预期相同。 现在,让我们仔细看看这些功能。

(Closer look at Theano Function)

Theano functions help in interacting with the symbolic graph. They allow theano to build the computational graph and optimize it.

Theano函数有助于与符号图进行交互。 它们允许theano构建计算图并对其进行优化。

A typical theano function looks like this:


f= theano.function([x],y)

Here x is the list of input variables, and y is the list of output variables. Let’s check out how this feature is of great use.

x是输入变量的列表,y是输出变量的列表。 让我们检查一下此功能的用处。

(Calculating multiple results at once)

Let’s say we have to compute the elementwise difference, absolute difference and difference squared between two matrices ‘x’ and ‘y’. Doing this at the same time optimizes program with significant duration as we don’t have to go to each element again and again for each operation.

假设我们必须计算两个矩阵“ x”和“ y”之间的元素差,绝对差和平方差。 同时执行此操作可以极大地优化程序,因为我们不必为每个操作一次又一次地转到每个元素。

import theano
from theano import tensor

# declare variables
x, y = tensor.dmatrices('x', 'y')

# create simple expression for each operation
diff = x - y

abs_diff = abs(diff)
diff_squared = diff**2

# convert the expression into callable object
f = theano.function([x, y], [diff, abs_diff, diff_squared])

# call the function and store the result in a variable
result= f([[1, 1], [1, 1]], [[0, 1], [2, 3]])

# format print for readability
print('Difference: ')

print('Absolute Difference: ')

print('Squared Difference: ')

When we run this program, we can see the output as multiple results being printed:



(Using Theano Gradient function)

Let’s try some more useful and sophisticated functions as we move towards a minimal training example. Here we’ll try to find out the derivative of an expression with respect to a parameter

让我们尝试一些最有用和更复杂的功能,以逐步简化培训示例。 在这里,我们将尝试找出表达式相对于参数的导数

We’ll compute the gradient of the logistic function defined above, which can be plotted as:


Let’s demonstrate the working for Gradient with an example:



import numpy
import theano
from theano import tensor
from theano import pp

# declare variable
x = tensor.dmatrix('x')

#create a simple expression for logistic function
s = tensor.sum(1 / (1 + tensor.exp(-x)))

# create expression to compute gradient of s with respect to x
gs = tensor.grad(s, x)

# create callable object
dlogistic = theano.function([x], gs)

# call the function and print the results
print(dlogistic([[0, 1], [-1, -2]]))

When we run this program, we can see the output as:


In this way Theano can be used for doing efficient symbolic differentiation (as the expression returned by tensor.grad will be optimized during compilation), even for function with many inputs



Let’s put things together into a simple training example to understand theano better!


(Minimal Training Theano Example)

Let’s try and train something using theano. We will be using gradient descent to train weights in W so that we get better results from the model than existing (0.9):

让我们尝试使用theano训练一些东西。 我们将使用梯度下降来训练W中的权重,以便从模型中获得比现有(0.9)更好的结果:

import theano
import numpy

# declare variables
x = theano.tensor.fvector('x')
target = theano.tensor.fscalar('target')
W = theano.shared(numpy.asarray([0.2, 0.7]), 'W')

# create expressions
y = (x * W).sum()
cost = theano.tensor.sqr(target - y)
gradients = theano.tensor.grad(cost, [W])

W_updated = W - (0.1 * gradients[0])
updates = [(W, W_updated)]

# create a callable object from expression
f = theano.function([x, target], y, updates=updates)

# call the function and print results
for i in range(10):
    result = f([1.0, 1.0], 20.0)

When we run this program, we can see the output as:


The second input variable ‘target’ will act as the target value we use for training:


第二个输入变量“ target”将用作我们用于训练的目标值:

target = theano.tensor.fscalar('target')

We need a cost function to train the model, which is usually squared distance from target value


cost = theano.tensor.sqr(target - y)

Next, we need to calculate partial gradients for the parameters to be updated with respect to the cost function. As we have seen that in earlier example, Theano will do that for us. We simply call the grad function with required arguments:

接下来,我们需要针对成本函数计算要更新的参数的局部梯度。 正如我们在较早的示例中看到的那样,Theano将为我们做到这一点。 我们只需使用必需的参数调用grad函数即可:

gradients = theano.tensor.grad(cost, [W])

Now let’s define a variable for the updated version of the parameter. As we know in gradient descent the updated value equals learning rate times gradient subtracted from existing value.

现在,让我们为参数的更新版本定义一个变量。 众所周知,在梯度下降中,更新值等于学习率乘以从现有值中减去的梯度。

Assuming learning rate(alpha) = 0.1:

假设学习率α= 0.1:

W_updated = W - (0.1 * gradients[0])

Next we have to define a Theano function again, with a couple of changes:


f = theano.function([x, target], y, updates=updates)

When the function is called, it takes in values for x and target and returns the value for y as output, and Theano performs all the updates in the update list.


Now we repeatedly call the function, in order to train, 10 times in this example to be specific. Typically, training data contains different values, but for sake of this example we use the same values x=[1.0, 1.0] and target=20 each time to check things work correctly.

现在我们反复调用该函数以进行训练,在此示例中要重复10次以进行具体说明。 通常,训练数据包含不同的值,但出于本示例的目的,我们每次使用相同的值x = [1.0,1.0]和target = 20来检查事情是否正常运行。

In the output above, notice how the target value is moving closer to 20 (target value) in each step.


(Theano Neural Network Summary)

In this post, we discovered the Theano Python library for efficient numerical computation.

在本文中,我们发现了Theano Python库,可进行高效的数值计算。

We learned that it is a foundation library used for deep learning research and development and that it can be used directly to create deep learning models or by convenient libraries built on top of it, such as Lasagne and Keras.
