系统:rhel 6.5 64位
问题描述:安装samba时报错“samba4-common conflicts with samba-common-3.6.9-164.el6.x86_64”,如下所示:
[root@liujun ~]# yum -y install samba*
--> Processing Conflict: samba4-winbind-4.0.0-58.el6.rc4.x86_64 conflicts samba-winbind < 3.9.9
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
Error: samba4-common conflicts with samba-common-3.6.9-164.el6.x86_64
Error: samba4-winbind conflicts with samba-winbind-3.6.9-164.el6.x86_64
Error: samba4-winbind-clients conflicts with samba-winbind-clients-3.6.9-164.el6.x86_64
Error: samba4 conflicts with samba-3.6.9-164.el6.x86_64
Error: samba4-client conflicts with samba-client-3.6.9-164.el6.x86_64
You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
[root@liujun ~]# yum -y install samba* --skip-broken
Loaded plugins: product-id, refresh-packagekit, security, subscription-manager
This system is not registered to Red Hat Subscription Management. You can use subscription-manager to register.
Setting up Install Process
Package samba-winbind-3.6.9-164.el6.x86_64 already installed and latest version
Package samba-winbind-clients-3.6.9-164.el6.x86_64 already installed and latest version
Package samba-common-3.6.9-164.el6.x86_64 already installed and latest version
Package samba4-libs-4.0.0-58.el6.rc4.x86_64 already installed and latest version
Package samba-client-3.6.9-164.el6.x86_64 already installed and latest version
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package samba.x86_64 0:3.6.9-164.el6 will be installed
---> Package samba4.x86_64 0:4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 will be installed
---> Package samba4-client.x86_64 0:4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 will be installed
---> Package samba4-common.x86_64 0:4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 will be installed
---> Package samba4-dc.x86_64 0:4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 will be installed
---> Package samba4-dc-libs.x86_64 0:4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 will be installed
---> Package samba4-devel.x86_64 0:4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: pkgconfig(tevent) for package: samba4-devel-4.0.0-58.el6.rc4.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: pkgconfig(talloc) for package: samba4-devel-4.0.0-58.el6.rc4.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: pkgconfig(ldb) for package: samba4-devel-4.0.0-58.el6.rc4.x86_64
---> Package samba4-pidl.x86_64 0:4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: perl(Parse::Yapp::Driver) for package: samba4-pidl-4.0.0-58.el6.rc4.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: perl(Parse::Yapp) for package: samba4-pidl-4.0.0-58.el6.rc4.x86_64
---> Package samba4-python.x86_64 0:4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: python-tevent for package: samba4-python-4.0.0-58.el6.rc4.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: python-tdb for package: samba4-python-4.0.0-58.el6.rc4.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: pyldb for package: samba4-python-4.0.0-58.el6.rc4.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libpyldb-util.so.1(PYLDB_UTIL_1.1.2)(64bit) for package: samba4-python-4.0.0-58.el6.rc4.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libpyldb-util.so.1()(64bit) for package: samba4-python-4.0.0-58.el6.rc4.x86_64
---> Package samba4-swat.x86_64 0:4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: xinetd for package: samba4-swat-4.0.0-58.el6.rc4.x86_64
---> Package samba4-test.x86_64 0:4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 will be installed
---> Package samba4-winbind.x86_64 0:4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 will be installed
---> Package samba4-winbind-clients.x86_64 0:4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 will be installed
---> Package samba4-winbind-krb5-locator.x86_64 0:4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 will be installed
--> Running transaction check
---> Package libldb-devel.x86_64 0:1.1.13-3.el6 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: libtdb-devel >= 1.2.10 for package: libldb-devel-1.1.13-3.el6.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: pkgconfig(tdb) for package: libldb-devel-1.1.13-3.el6.x86_64
---> Package libtalloc-devel.x86_64 0:2.0.7-2.el6 will be installed
---> Package libtevent-devel.x86_64 0:0.9.18-3.el6 will be installed
---> Package perl-Parse-Yapp.noarch 0:1.05-41.el6 will be installed
---> Package pyldb.x86_64 0:1.1.13-3.el6 will be installed
---> Package python-tdb.x86_64 0:1.2.10-1.el6 will be installed
---> Package python-tevent.x86_64 0:0.9.18-3.el6 will be installed
---> Package xinetd.x86_64 2:2.3.14-39.el6_4 will be installed
--> Running transaction check
---> Package libtdb-devel.x86_64 0:1.2.10-1.el6 will be installed
--> Processing Conflict: samba4-winbind-clients-4.0.0-58.el6.rc4.x86_64 conflicts samba-winbind-clients < 3.9.9
--> Processing Conflict: samba4-client-4.0.0-58.el6.rc4.x86_64 conflicts samba-client < 3.9.9
--> Processing Conflict: samba4-common-4.0.0-58.el6.rc4.x86_64 conflicts samba-common < 3.9.9
--> Processing Conflict: samba4-4.0.0-58.el6.rc4.x86_64 conflicts samba < 3.9.9
--> Processing Conflict: samba4-winbind-4.0.0-58.el6.rc4.x86_64 conflicts samba-winbind < 3.9.9
--> Running transaction check
---> Package libldb-devel.x86_64 0:1.1.13-3.el6 will be installed
---> Package libtalloc-devel.x86_64 0:2.0.7-2.el6 will be installed
---> Package libtdb-devel.x86_64 0:1.2.10-1.el6 will be installed
---> Package libtevent-devel.x86_64 0:0.9.18-3.el6 will be installed
---> Package perl-Parse-Yapp.noarch 0:1.05-41.el6 will be installed
---> Package samba.x86_64 0:3.6.9-164.el6 will be installed
---> Package samba4-dc.x86_64 0:4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 will be installed
---> Package samba4-dc-libs.x86_64 0:4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 will be installed
---> Package samba4-devel.x86_64 0:4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 will be installed
---> Package samba4-pidl.x86_64 0:4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 will be installed
--> Running transaction check
---> Package libldb-devel.x86_64 0:1.1.13-3.el6 will be installed
---> Package libtalloc-devel.x86_64 0:2.0.7-2.el6 will be installed
---> Package libtdb-devel.x86_64 0:1.2.10-1.el6 will be installed
---> Package libtevent-devel.x86_64 0:0.9.18-3.el6 will be installed
---> Package perl-Parse-Yapp.noarch 0:1.05-41.el6 will be installed
---> Package samba.x86_64 0:3.6.9-164.el6 will be installed
---> Package samba4-dc.x86_64 0:4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 will be installed
---> Package samba4-dc-libs.x86_64 0:4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 will be installed
---> Package samba4-devel.x86_64 0:4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 will be installed
---> Package samba4-pidl.x86_64 0:4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 will be installed
--> Finished Dependency Resolution

Packages skipped because of dependency problems:
pyldb-1.1.13-3.el6.x86_64 from rhel6
python-tdb-1.2.10-1.el6.x86_64 from rhel6
python-tevent-0.9.18-3.el6.x86_64 from rhel6
samba4-4.0.0-58.el6.rc4.x86_64 from rhel6
samba4-client-4.0.0-58.el6.rc4.x86_64 from rhel6
samba4-common-4.0.0-58.el6.rc4.x86_64 from rhel6
samba4-python-4.0.0-58.el6.rc4.x86_64 from rhel6
samba4-swat-4.0.0-58.el6.rc4.x86_64 from rhel6
samba4-test-4.0.0-58.el6.rc4.x86_64 from rhel6
samba4-winbind-4.0.0-58.el6.rc4.x86_64 from rhel6
samba4-winbind-clients-4.0.0-58.el6.rc4.x86_64 from rhel6
samba4-winbind-krb5-locator-4.0.0-58.el6.rc4.x86_64 from rhel6
2:xinetd-2.3.14-39.el6_4.x86_64 from rhel6

Dependencies Resolved

Package Arch Version Repository Size
samba x86_64 3.6.9-164.el6 rhel6 5.0 M
samba4-dc x86_64 4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 rhel6 12 k
samba4-dc-libs x86_64 4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 rhel6 12 k
samba4-devel x86_64 4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 rhel6 266 k
samba4-pidl x86_64 4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 rhel6 108 k
Installing for dependencies:
libldb-devel x86_64 1.1.13-3.el6 rhel6 69 k
libtalloc-devel x86_64 2.0.7-2.el6 rhel6 25 k
libtdb-devel x86_64 1.2.10-1.el6 rhel6 14 k
libtevent-devel x86_64 0.9.18-3.el6 rhel6 33 k
perl-Parse-Yapp noarch 1.05-41.el6 rhel6 47 k
Skipped (dependency problems):
pyldb x86_64 1.1.13-3.el6 rhel6 32 k
python-tdb x86_64 1.2.10-1.el6 rhel6 11 k
python-tevent x86_64 0.9.18-3.el6 rhel6 12 k
samba4 x86_64 4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 rhel6 359 k
samba4-client x86_64 4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 rhel6 421 k
samba4-common x86_64 4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 rhel6 611 k
samba4-python x86_64 4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 rhel6 1.8 M
samba4-swat x86_64 4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 rhel6 72 k
samba4-test x86_64 4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 rhel6 1.5 M
samba4-winbind x86_64 4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 rhel6 378 k
samba4-winbind-clients x86_64 4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 rhel6 101 k
samba4-winbind-krb5-locator x86_64 4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 rhel6 17 k
xinetd x86_64 2:2.3.14-39.el6_4 rhel6 122 k

Transaction Summary
Install 10 Package(s)

Total download size: 5.6 M
Installed size: 20 M
Downloading Packages:
Total 10 MB/s | 5.6 MB 00:00
Running rpm_check_debug
Running Transaction Test
Transaction Test Succeeded
Running Transaction
Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum.
Installing : libtalloc-devel-2.0.7-2.el6.x86_64 1/10
Installing : libtevent-devel-0.9.18-3.el6.x86_64 2/10
Installing : libtdb-devel-1.2.10-1.el6.x86_64 3/10
Installing : libldb-devel-1.1.13-3.el6.x86_64 4/10
Installing : perl-Parse-Yapp-1.05-41.el6.noarch 5/10
Installing : samba4-pidl-4.0.0-58.el6.rc4.x86_64 6/10
Installing : samba4-devel-4.0.0-58.el6.rc4.x86_64 7/10
Installing : samba-3.6.9-164.el6.x86_64 8/10
Installing : samba4-dc-libs-4.0.0-58.el6.rc4.x86_64 9/10
Installing : samba4-dc-4.0.0-58.el6.rc4.x86_64 10/10
Verifying : samba4-dc-4.0.0-58.el6.rc4.x86_64 1/10
Verifying : samba4-pidl-4.0.0-58.el6.rc4.x86_64 2/10
Verifying : samba4-dc-libs-4.0.0-58.el6.rc4.x86_64 3/10
Verifying : libtalloc-devel-2.0.7-2.el6.x86_64 4/10
Verifying : perl-Parse-Yapp-1.05-41.el6.noarch 5/10
Verifying : samba4-devel-4.0.0-58.el6.rc4.x86_64 6/10
Verifying : samba-3.6.9-164.el6.x86_64 7/10
Verifying : libldb-devel-1.1.13-3.el6.x86_64 8/10
Verifying : libtevent-devel-0.9.18-3.el6.x86_64 9/10
Verifying : libtdb-devel-1.2.10-1.el6.x86_64 10/10

samba.x86_64 0:3.6.9-164.el6 samba4-dc.x86_64 0:4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 samba4-dc-libs.x86_64 0:4.0.0-58.el6.rc4
samba4-devel.x86_64 0:4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 samba4-pidl.x86_64 0:4.0.0-58.el6.rc4

Dependency Installed:
libldb-devel.x86_64 0:1.1.13-3.el6 libtalloc-devel.x86_64 0:2.0.7-2.el6 libtdb-devel.x86_64 0:1.2.10-1.el6
libtevent-devel.x86_64 0:0.9.18-3.el6 perl-Parse-Yapp.noarch 0:1.05-41.el6

Skipped (dependency problems):
pyldb.x86_64 0:1.1.13-3.el6 python-tdb.x86_64 0:1.2.10-1.el6
python-tevent.x86_64 0:0.9.18-3.el6 samba4.x86_64 0:4.0.0-58.el6.rc4
samba4-client.x86_64 0:4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 samba4-common.x86_64 0:4.0.0-58.el6.rc4
samba4-python.x86_64 0:4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 samba4-swat.x86_64 0:4.0.0-58.el6.rc4
samba4-test.x86_64 0:4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 samba4-winbind.x86_64 0:4.0.0-58.el6.rc4
samba4-winbind-clients.x86_64 0:4.0.0-58.el6.rc4 samba4-winbind-krb5-locator.x86_64 0:4.0.0-58.el6.rc4
xinetd.x86_64 2:2.3.14-39.el6_4
