ios 打印view的大小 iphone打印尺寸调整_ios 打印view的大小


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Apple’s own AirPrint printing is deeply integrated into iPhones and iPads. The “Print” options you see throughout the operating system will only print to AirPrint-enabled printers. You can still print to a Google Cloud Print-enabled printer, but it’ll take a little extra effort.

苹果自己的AirPrint打印已与iPhone和iPad深度集成。 您在整个操作系统中看到的“打印”选项将仅在支持AirPrint的打印机上打印。 您仍然可以使用支持Google Cloud Print的打印机进行打印,但这会花费一些额外的精力。

Many modern wireless printers support both AirPrint and Google Cloud Print, so they may just work if you’re near them. But Google Cloud Print allows you to hook up older printers and print over the Internet, too, which Apple’s AirPrint doesn’t offer.

许多现代的无线打印机都支持AirPrint和Google Cloud Print,因此,如果您在附近,它们可能就可以工作。 但是,Google Cloud Print允许您连接较旧的打印机并通过Internet进行打印,而Apple的AirPrint则不提供。

(Print to Google Cloud Print From Google’s Own Apps)

Google’s own apps generally have Google Cloud Print built-in. For example, let’s say you’re viewing a web page in the Chrome app, reading an email in the Gmail app, or viewing a Google Drive document in the Docs, Sheets, or Slides apps. You can open the app’s menu and select a “Print” option to print a document. This option is located in different places in different apps. For example, in Google Chrome, you’ll need to open the menu, tap the “Share” button that looks like a square with an arrow coming up out of it, and then tap the “Print” action on the second row of icons. In Google’s own apps, you’ll get the option to print to Google Cloud Print instead of Apple’s AirPrint, if you prefer.

Google自己的应用程序通常内置了Google Cloud Print。 例如,假设您正在Chrome应用程序中查看网页,在Gmail应用程序中阅读电子邮件或在DocsSheetsSlides应用程序中查看Google Drive文档。 您可以打开应用程序的菜单,然后选择“打印”选项以打印文档。 此选项位于不同应用程序中的不同位置。 例如,在Google Chrome浏览器中,您需要打开菜单,点击看起来像带有箭头的正方形的“共享”按钮,然后点击第二行图标上的“打印”操作。 如果愿意,在Google自己的应用中,您可以选择打印到Google Cloud Print而不是Apple的AirPrint。

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Google Cloud Print will offer printers associated with your Google account, so be sure you’re signed into the app with the same Google account you associated the printers with in Google Cloud Print. If you’re using a different Google account, you can visit the Google Cloud Print website and share the printers with another Google account.

Google Cloud Print将提供与您的Google帐户关联的打印机,因此请确保您使用与Google Cloud Print中的打印机相关联的Google帐户登录到该应用程序。 如果您使用其他Google帐户,则可以访问Google云打印网站,并与另一个Google帐户共享打印机。

(Print From Any App with PrintCentral Pro)

Unfortunately, Google doesn’t provide an official Google Cloud Print application for iOS. It only builds Google Cloud Print into its own apps. If you want to print to a Google Cloud Print-enabled printer from another app–or print a type of document none of Google’s apps support–you’ll need a third-party printing app.

不幸的是,谷歌没有为iOS提供官方的Google Cloud Print应用程序。 它只会将Google云打印构建到自己的应用中。 如果要从另一个应用程序打印到启用了Google Cloud Print的打印机上,或者要打印Google所不支持的一种文档类型,则需要第三方打印应用程序。

Google officially recommends the PrintCentral Pro app for printing on iOS. Two versions are available: one for iPhone, iPod Touch, and Apple Watch and one for iPad. The iPhone version costs $5 and the iPad version costs $8.

Google正式推荐PrintCentral Pro应用在iOS上进行打印。 有两种版本:一种用于iPhone,iPod Touch和Apple Watch ,另一种用于iPad 。 iPhone版售价5美元,iPad版售价8美元。

While there are other printing apps that claim to support Google Cloud Print, they’re also paid applications and Google hasn’t officially recommended them. That’s why we recommend PrintCentral Pro.

尽管还有其他一些声称支持Google云打印的打印应用程序,但它们也是付费应用程序,而Google尚未正式推荐它们。 因此,我们建议使用PrintCentral Pro。

This app fills in the missing pieces with Google Cloud Print–and other types of printers–on iOS. Once you’ve installed it, you can open the app and see a list of nearby printers. PrintCentral Pro supports a variety of other printers, including most Wi-Fi printers. Tap the “+” button on the screen listing available printers, select “Google Cloud Printing,” and sign in with your Google account to gain access to any Google Cloud Print printers you have.

这个应用程式会在iOS上使用Google云端列印(以及其他类型的印表机)来填补遗失的部分。 安装后,您可以打开应用程序并查看附近打印机的列表。 PrintCentral Pro支持多种其他打印机,包括大多数Wi-Fi打印机。 点击列出可用打印机的屏幕上的“ +”按钮,选择“ Google Cloud Printing”,然后使用您的Google帐户登录以访问您拥有的任何Google Cloud Print打印机。

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While you can open the PrintCentral Pro app and load web pages, images, and other documents for printing, iOS’s Share feature can help a lot. This allows you to “Share” documents from practically any app to PrintCentral Pro, which can then print them on a Google Cloud Print-enabled printer.

虽然您可以打开PrintCentral Pro应用程序并加载网页,图像和其他文档以进行打印,但iOS的“共享”功能会有所帮助。 这使您可以从几乎任何应用程序“共享”文档到PrintCentral Pro,然后可以在启用了Google Cloud Print的打印机上进行打印。

To do this, open an app you want to print from and open the document you want to print. Tap the “Share” button, which looks like a square with an arrow pointing upwards. Tap the “More” button at the right side of the bottom row of icons when you see the share sheet and enable the “PCL Pro” action. You’ll then see a “PCL Pro” icon in the second row of icons. Tap this icon to send a copy of the current document to the PrintCentral Pro application. You’ll get the normal interface, which allows you to print it to any available printer–including Google Cloud Print printers.

为此,请打开要从中打印的应用程序,然后打开要打印的文档。 点击“共享”按钮,它看起来像一个正方形,箭头指向上方。 当您看到共享页并启用“ PCL Pro”操作时,点击图标底部一行右侧的“更多”按钮。 然后,您会在第二行图标中看到一个“ PCL Pro”图标。 点击此图标可将当前文档的副本发送到PrintCentral Pro应用程序。 您将获得普通界面,该界面可让您将其打印到任何可用的打印机上,包括Google Cloud Print打印机。

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While you’ll get the most integrated printing experience with an AirPrint printer, the Share extensions added in iOS 8 make PrintCentral Pro–and Google Cloud Print–much more convenient to use. This app can essentially extend any application on iOS with support for printing to a Google Cloud Print or other type of printer, as long as that app contains a Share button.

虽然您将获得AirPrint打印机的最全面的打印体验,但iOS 8中添加的Share扩展名使PrintCentral Pro和Google Cloud Print的使用更加方便。 只要该应用程序包含“共享”按钮,该应用程序就可以将支持打印的iOS上的任何应用程序扩展到Google Cloud Print或其他类型的打印机。

If you just need to print a web page, email, or document, you can also use Google’s own apps to print for free.


Image Credit: Stiftelsen on Flickr

图片信用: Flickr上的Stiftelsen