​​Python的功能模块wmi获取 Windows 内部信息​


WMI() 类

类实例化:w = wmi.WMI()

类的功能: 用于生成 WMI 的实例

传入参数: 无

返回参数: w

Win32_Processor() 方法

函数调用: processorList = w.Win32_Processor()

函数功能: 用于获取处理器信息对象,并存以列表形式

传入参数: 无

返回参数: processorList

processorList: list类型,list中每个元素均为一个含cpu信息的object

cpu object通过object.name调用,所含信息包括:

instance of Win32_Processor  
AddressWidth = 64;
Architecture = 9;
Availability = 3;
Caption = "Intel64 Family 6 Model 78 Stepping 3";
CpuStatus = 1;
CreationClassName = "Win32_Processor";
CurrentClockSpeed = 2376;
CurrentVoltage = 9;
DataWidth = 64;
Description = "Intel64 Family 6 Model 78 Stepping 3";
DeviceID = "CPU0";
ExtClock = 100;
Family = 205;
L2CacheSize = 512;
L3CacheSize = 3072;
L3CacheSpeed = 0;
Level = 6;
LoadPercentage = 29;
Manufacturer = "GenuineIntel";
MaxClockSpeed = 2401;
Name = "Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6300U CPU @ 2.40GHz";
NumberOfCores = 2;
NumberOfLogicalProcessors = 4;
PowerManagementSupported = FALSE;
ProcessorId = "BFEBFBFF000406E3";
ProcessorType = 3;
Revision = 19971;
Role = "CPU";
SocketDesignation = "U3E1";
Status = "OK";
StatusInfo = 3;
SystemCreationClassName = "Win32_ComputerSystem";
SystemName = "CN00208511";
UpgradeMethod = 1;
Version = "";

 Win32_PhysicalMemory() 方法

函数调用: memModuleList = w.Win32_PhysicalMemory()

函数功能: 用于获取物理内存信息对象,并存以列表形式

传入参数: 无

返回参数: memModuleList

memModuleList: list 类型,list 中每个元素均为一个含物理内存信息的 object

物理内存 object 通过 object.name 调用,所含信息包括:

instance of Win32_PhysicalMemory  
BankLabel = "ChannelA";
Capacity = "8589934592";
Caption = "Physical Memory";
CreationClassName = "Win32_PhysicalMemory";
DataWidth = 64;
Description = "Physical Memory";
DeviceLocator = "Bottom-Slot 1(left)";
FormFactor = 12;
InterleaveDataDepth = 0;
InterleavePosition = 0;
Manufacturer = "Hynix/Hyundai";
MemoryType = 0;
Name = "Physical Memory";
PartNumber = "HMA81GS6AFR8N-UH ";
PositionInRow = 1;
SerialNumber = "28ECE200";
Speed = 2133;
Tag = "Physical Memory 0";
TotalWidth = 64;
TypeDetail = 16512;

Win32_LogicalDisk () 方法

函数调用: diskList = w.Win32_LogicalDisk(DriverType=3)


传入参数: *argv

DriverType: int 类型,筛选驱动类型

返回参数: diskList

diskList: list类型,list 中每个元素均为一个含磁盘信息的object

磁盘信息 object 通过object.name调用,所含信息包括:

instance of Win32_LogicalDisk  
Access = 0;
Caption = "C:";
Compressed = FALSE;
CreationClassName = "Win32_LogicalDisk";
Description = "Local Fixed Disk";
DeviceID = "C:";
DriveType = 3;
FileSystem = "NTFS";
FreeSpace = "142053064704";
MaximumComponentLength = 255;
MediaType = 12;
Name = "C:";
Size = "228134481920";
SupportsDiskQuotas = FALSE;
SupportsFileBasedCompression = TRUE;
SystemCreationClassName = "Win32_ComputerSystem";
SystemName = "CN00208511";
VolumeName = "OSDisk";
VolumeSerialNumber = "3AFBC150";

instance of Win32_LogicalDisk
Access = 0;
Caption = "D:";
Compressed = FALSE;
CreationClassName = "Win32_LogicalDisk";
Description = "Local Fixed Disk";
DeviceID = "D:";
DriveType = 3;
FileSystem = "FAT32";
FreeSpace = "1067384832";
MaximumComponentLength = 255;
MediaType = 12;
Name = "D:";
Size = "1069547520";
SupportsDiskQuotas = FALSE;
SupportsFileBasedCompression = FALSE;
SystemCreationClassName = "Win32_ComputerSystem";
SystemName = "CN00208511";
VolumeName = "HP_TOOLS";
VolumeSerialNumber = "B2FBEEA0";

instance of Win32_LogicalDisk
Access = 0;
Caption = "E:";
Compressed = FALSE;
CreationClassName = "Win32_LogicalDisk";
Description = "Local Fixed Disk";
DeviceID = "E:";
DriveType = 3;
FileSystem = "NTFS";
FreeSpace = "21400256512";
MaximumComponentLength = 255;
MediaType = 12;
Name = "E:";
Size = "26843541504";
SupportsDiskQuotas = FALSE;
SupportsFileBasedCompression = TRUE;
SystemCreationClassName = "Win32_ComputerSystem";
SystemName = "CN00208511";
VolumeName = "HP_RECOVERY";
VolumeSerialNumber = "BCFC555B";

Win32_ NetworkAdapterConfiguration()方法

函数调用: interfaceList = w.Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration(IPEnabled=1)

函数功能: 用于网络接口信息对象,并存以列表形式

传入参数: *argv

IPEnabled: bool 类型,可传入1,默认为False,为 True 将显示 IP 信息

返回参数: interfaceList

interfaceList: list 类型,list 中每个元素均为一个网络接口信息的 object

网络接口信息 object 通过 object.name 调用,所含信息包括(部分具体信息已删除):

instance of Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration  
Caption = "[00000011] Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 8260";
DatabasePath = "%SystemRoot%\\System32\\drivers\\etc";
DefaultIPGateway = {""};
Description = "Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 8260";
DHCPEnabled = TRUE;
DHCPLeaseExpires = "20170531002222.000000+480";
DHCPLeaseObtained = "20170530222222.000000+480";
DHCPServer = "";
DNSDomain = "DHCP HOST";
DNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder = {"ericsson.se", "DHCP HOST"};
DNSEnabledForWINSResolution = FALSE;
DNSHostName = "";
DNSServerSearchOrder = {"", ""};
DomainDNSRegistrationEnabled = FALSE;
FullDNSRegistrationEnabled = TRUE;
GatewayCostMetric = {0};
Index = 11;
InterfaceIndex = 12;
IPAddress = {"", ""};
IPConnectionMetric = 20;
IPEnabled = TRUE;
IPFilterSecurityEnabled = FALSE;
IPSecPermitIPProtocols = {};
IPSecPermitTCPPorts = {};
IPSecPermitUDPPorts = {};
IPSubnet = {"", ""};
MACAddress = "";
ServiceName = "NETwNs64";
SettingID = "{}";
TcpipNetbiosOptions = 0;
WINSEnableLMHostsLookup = TRUE;
WINSScopeID = "";






import wmi
hardware=open('Hardware.txt', 'w')


hardware.write("cpu type,main frequency:\n")
for processor in w.Win32_Processor():
hardware.write("Processor ID: %s" % processor.DeviceID)
hardware.write("\nProcess Name: %s" % processor.Name.strip()+'\n\n')
hardware.write('Memory size:')
for memModule in w.Win32_PhysicalMemory():
hardware.write("\nMemory Capacity: %.2fMB" %((totalMemSize+1048575)/1048576)+'\n\n')
hardware.write('Hard disk usage:')
for disk in w.Win32_LogicalDisk (DriveType=3):
temp=disk.Caption+" %0.2f%% free" %(100.0 * int(disk.FreeSpace) / int(disk.Size))
hardware.write('\nIP and MAC:\n')
for interface in w.Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration(IPEnabled=1):
hardware.write('Network card driver information:')
hardware.write('Network card MAC address:')
hardware.write('IP address:')
hardware.write('Network IP interface')