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1、类型检查: 当你需要确保某个变量或对象具有特定的类型时,可以使用type()函数进行检查,这在编写函数或方法时特别有用,尤其是当函数需要特定类型的参数时。







8、与内建类型进行比较:有时你可能想要检查一个对象是否是某个特定的内建类型(如int, str, list等),虽然isinstance()函数是更推荐的做法,但type()函数也可以用于此目的。

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4、不要修改内建类型的 `__name__` 或 `__class__` 属性:尽管Python允许你修改对象的属性,但你应该避免修改内建类型或对象的 `__name__` 或 `__class__` 属性,这些属性在Python的内部机制中扮演着重要的角色,修改它们可能会导致不可预测的行为或错误。


6、处理NoneType:当你使用type()函数检查一个值为None的变量时,它将返回<class 'NoneType'>,确保在代码中正确处理这种情况,特别是当你期望某个变量可能是None时。

7、注意类型注解(从Python 3.5开始):虽然类型注解(如 `def foo(x: int) -> str:`)并不会改变Python 的动态类型特性,但它们为代码提供了额外的类型信息;类型注解主要用于文档、类型检查和可能的静态类型分析,type()函数与类型注解没有直接关系,但在编写和阅读带有类型注解的代码时,你应该意识到这些注解的存在和用途。

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# 1.函数:type
# 2.功能:
# 2-1、一个参数:用于获取对象的类型
# 2-2、多个参数:用于获取新的类型对象
# 3.语法:
# 3-1、type(object)
# 3-2、type(name, bases, dict, **kwds)
# 4.参数:
# 4-1、object:想要检查其类型的对象或变量
# 4-2、相关参数说明如下:
# 4-2-1、name:一个字符串,表示新类型的名称
# 4-2-2、bases:一个元组,表示新类型所继承的父类元组的集合(一个或多个)
# 4-2-3、dict:一个字典,其中包含定义新类型的属性的键值对
# 4-2-4、**kwds:一个额外的关键字参数,但在创建类时通常不使用
# 5.返回值:
# 5-1、一个参数:返回对象的类型
# 5-2、多个参数:返回新的类型对象
# 6.说明:
# 7.示例:
# 用dir()函数获取该函数内置的属性和方法
# ['__abstractmethods__', '__annotations__', '__base__', '__bases__', '__basicsize__', '__call__', '__class__',
# '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dictoffset__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__flags__', '__format__', '__ge__',
# '__getattribute__', '__getstate__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__instancecheck__', '__itemsize__',
# '__le__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__mro__', '__name__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__or__', '__prepare__', '__qualname__', '__reduce__',
# '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__ror__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasscheck__', '__subclasses__', '__subclasshook__',
# '__text_signature__', '__weakrefoffset__', 'mro']

# 用help()函数获取该函数的文档信息

# 应用一:类型检查
# 示例1:使用type()进行类型检查
def check_type_with_type(obj, target_type):
    return type(obj) is target_type
# 示例
num = 123
print(check_type_with_type(num, int))  # 输出: True
string = "hello"
print(check_type_with_type(string, str))  # 输出: True
# 错误的类型检查(不建议)
print(check_type_with_type(string, list))  # 输出: False
# True
# True
# False

# 示例2:使用isinstance()进行类型检查(推荐)
def check_type_with_isinstance(obj, target_type):
    return isinstance(obj, target_type)
# 示例
num = 123
print(check_type_with_isinstance(num, int))  # 输出: True
string = "hello"
print(check_type_with_isinstance(string, str))  # 输出: True
# 检查子类
class MyList(list):
my_list = MyList([1, 2, 3])
print(check_type_with_isinstance(my_list, list))  # 输出: True
# True
# True
# True

# 应用二:动态类型判断
# 示例1:使用type()进行动态类型判断
def dynamic_type_check(obj):
    if type(obj) is int:
        print(f"The object is an integer with value: {obj}")
    elif type(obj) is str:
        print(f"The object is a string with value: '{obj}'")
    elif type(obj) is list:
        print(f"The object is a list with elements: {obj}")
        print(f"The object is of type: {type(obj)}")
# 示例
dynamic_type_check(123)  # 输出: The object is an integer with value: 123
dynamic_type_check("hello")  # 输出: The object is a string with value: 'hello'
dynamic_type_check([1, 2, 3])  # 输出: The object is a list with elements: [1, 2, 3]
dynamic_type_check(3.14)  # 输出: The object is of type: <class 'float'>
# The object is an integer with value: 123
# The object is a string with value: 'hello'
# The object is a list with elements: [1, 2, 3]
# The object is of type: <class 'float'>

# 示例2:使用isinstance()进行动态类型判断(推荐)
def dynamic_type_check_with_isinstance(obj):
    if isinstance(obj, int):
        print(f"The object is an integer or a subtype of integer with value: {obj}")
    elif isinstance(obj, str):
        print(f"The object is a string or a subtype of string with value: '{obj}'")
    elif isinstance(obj, list):
        print(f"The object is a list or a subtype of list with elements: {obj}")
        print(f"The object is of type: {type(obj)}")
# 示例,包括自定义类(子类)
class MyString(str):
my_string = MyString("custom string")
dynamic_type_check_with_isinstance(123)  # 输出: The object is an integer or a subtype of integer with value: 123
dynamic_type_check_with_isinstance("hello")  # 输出: The object is a string or a subtype of string with value: 'hello'
    my_string)  # 输出: The object is a string or a subtype of string with value: 'custom string'
    [1, 2, 3])  # 输出: The object is a list or a subtype of list with elements: [1, 2, 3]
dynamic_type_check_with_isinstance(3.14)  # 输出: The object is of type: <class 'float'>
# The object is an integer or a subtype of integer with value: 123
# The object is a string or a subtype of string with value: 'hello'
# The object is a string or a subtype of string with value: 'custom string'
# The object is a list or a subtype of list with elements: [1, 2, 3]
# The object is of type: <class 'float'>

# 应用三:反射和元编程
# 示例1:使用type()进行反射
class MyClass:
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value
def reflect_on_object(obj):
    print(f"Object type: {type(obj)}")
    print(f"Object attributes: {dir(obj)}")
# 示例
obj = MyClass(42)
# Object type: <class '__main__.MyClass'>
# Object attributes: ['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__',
# '__getattribute__', '__getstate__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__module__',
# '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', 'value']

# 示例2:使用type()进行元编程
def create_class_dynamically(class_name, base_classes=(), attrs={}):
    return type(class_name, base_classes, attrs)
# 示例:动态创建一个类
DynamicClass = create_class_dynamically('DynamicClass', (),
                                        {'x': 10, 'y': 20, 'display': lambda self: print(self.x, self.y)})
# 实例化并调用方法
instance = DynamicClass()
instance.display()  # 输出: 10 20
# 验证类的属性
print(type(DynamicClass))  # 输出: <class 'type'>
print(DynamicClass.x)  # 输出: 10
# 10 20
# <class 'type'>
# 10

# 示例3:复杂的元编程示例--工厂函数创建类
def class_factory(class_name, class_attributes):
    methods = {k: v for k, v in class_attributes.items() if callable(v)}
    other_attrs = {k: v for k, v in class_attributes.items() if not callable(v)}
    def init_method(self, **kwargs):
        for key, value in other_attrs.items():
            setattr(self, key, value)
        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            setattr(self, key, value)
    class_dict = {'__init__': init_method}
    class_dict.update(methods)  # 将方法添加到类字典中
    return type(class_name, (object,), class_dict)
# 示例:使用工厂函数创建类
Person = class_factory('Person', {'name': 'placeholder',  # 这里使用一个占位符,将在初始化时设置
                                  'greet': lambda self: print(f"Hello, I'm {self.name}")})
# 实例化并调用方法
person = Person(name='John Doe', age=30)  # 在这里设置 name 属性
person.greet()  # 输出: Hello, I'm John Doe
print(person.name)  # 输出: John Doe
print(person.age)  # 输出: 30
# Hello, I'm John Doe
# John Doe
# 30

# 应用四:注册和类型映射
# 定义一个类型到处理函数的映射字典
type_registry = {}
# 注册类型的装饰器
def register_type(type_class):
    def decorator(func):
        type_registry[type_class] = func
        return func
    return decorator
# 一个处理int类型的函数
def handle_int(value):
    print(f"Handling integer: {value}")
# 一个处理str类型的函数
def handle_str(value):
    print(f"Handling string: {value}")
# 一个处理类型并调用相应处理函数的函数
def handle_value(value):
    value_type = type(value)
    if value_type in type_registry:
        print(f"No handler for type {value_type}")
# 使用示例
handle_value(123)  # 输出: Handling integer: 123
handle_value("hello")  # 输出: Handling string: hello
handle_value(3.14)  # 输出: No handler for type <class 'float'>
# 如果需要,可以添加更多的类型处理函数
def handle_float(value):
    print(f"Handling float: {value}")
# 现在float类型也被处理了
handle_value(3.14)  # 输出: Handling float: 3.14
# Handling integer: 123
# Handling string: hello
# No handler for type <class 'float'>
# Handling float: 3.14

# 应用五:工厂函数和类工厂
# 示例1:工厂函数示例
class Animal:
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name
    def speak(self):
class Dog(Animal):
    def speak(self):
        return "Woof!"
class Cat(Animal):
    def speak(self):
        return "Meow!"
def animal_factory(animal_type, name):
    if animal_type == 'dog':
        return Dog(name)
    elif animal_type == 'cat':
        return Cat(name)
        raise ValueError(f"Unsupported animal type: {animal_type}")
# 使用工厂函数
dog = animal_factory('dog', 'Buddy')
print(dog.speak())  # 输出: Woof!
cat = animal_factory('cat', 'Whiskers')
print(cat.speak())  # 输出: Meow!
# Woof!
# Meow!

# 示例2:类工厂示例
def class_factory(class_name, base_classes=(), class_attributes={}):
    return type(class_name, base_classes, class_attributes)
# 定义Animal类的通用属性和方法
def animal_init(self, name):
    self.name = name
def animal_speak(self):

AnimalAttributes = {
    'species': '',
    'num_legs': 0,
    '__init__': animal_init,
    'speak': animal_speak
# 使用类工厂创建一个新的类
DogClass = class_factory('Dog', (object,), {
    'species': 'dog',
    'num_legs': 4,
    'speak': lambda self: "Woof!"  # 或者定义一个名为dog_speak的函数,然后引用它
# 实例化新创建的类
dog = DogClass('Buddy')
print(dog.speak())  # 输出: Woof!
print(dog.species)  # 输出: dog
print(dog.num_legs)  # 输出: 4
# Woof!
# dog
# 4

# 应用六:调试和日志记录
# 示例1:基本的调试输出
def check_type(obj):
    print(f"The type of {obj} is: {type(obj)}")
# 使用示例
number = 123
string_value = "Hello, World!"
list_example = [1, 2, 3]
check_type(number)  # 输出: The type of 123 is: <class 'int'>
check_type(string_value)  # 输出: The type of Hello, World! is: <class 'str'>
check_type(list_example)  # 输出: The type of [1, 2, 3] is: <class 'list'>
# The type of 123 is: <class 'int'>
# The type of Hello, World! is: <class 'str'>
# The type of [1, 2, 3] is: <class 'list'>

# 示例2:使用logging模块记录类型信息
import logging
# 配置logging
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
def log_type(obj):
    logging.info(f"The type of {obj} is: {type(obj)}")
# 使用示例
number = 123
string_value = "Hello, World!"
log_type(number)  # 输出: 时间戳 - INFO - The type of 123 is: <class 'int'>
log_type(string_value)  # 输出: 时间戳 - INFO - The type of Hello, World! is: <class 'str'>
# 2024-05-13 22:47:10,127 - INFO - The type of 123 is: <class 'int'>
# 2024-05-13 22:47:10,127 - INFO - The type of Hello, World! is: <class 'str'>

# 示例3:在复杂函数中使用type()进行错误检查
import logging
def divide(a, b):
    if type(a) not in [int, float] or type(b) not in [int, float]:
        raise ValueError("Both a and b must be numbers.")
    if type(b) is int and b == 0:
        raise ValueError("Cannot divide by zero.")
    return a / b
    result = divide(10, 2)
    print(result)  # 输出: 5.0
except ValueError as e:
    result = divide(10, "two")
except ValueError as e:
    logging.error(e)  # 输出: 时间戳 - ERROR - Both a and b must be numbers.
    result = divide(10, 0)
except ValueError as e:
    logging.error(e)  # 输出: 时间戳 - ERROR - Cannot divide by zero.
# ERROR:root:Both a and b must be numbers.
# ERROR:root:Cannot divide by zero.
# 5.0

# 示例4:在面向对象编程中使用type()进行类型检查
import logging
class Animal:
class Dog(Animal):
def feed(animal):
    if not isinstance(animal, Animal):
        raise TypeError("animal must be an instance of Animal or its subclasses.")
    print(f"Feeding {type(animal).__name__}...")
dog = Dog()
feed(dog)  # 输出: Feeding Dog...
not_an_animal = "Not an animal"
except TypeError as e:
    logging.error(e)  # 输出: 时间戳 - ERROR - animal must be an instance of Animal or its subclasses.
# ERROR:root:animal must be an instance of Animal or its subclasses.
# Feeding Dog...

# 应用七:与其他类型系统交互
# 示例1:使用type()进行条件导入
def load_module_based_on_type(obj):
    if type(obj) is int:
        import math  # 假设你需要math模块来处理整数
    elif type(obj) is str:
        import re  # 假设你需要re模块来处理字符串
        print(re.search(r'\d+', obj))  # 示例:查找字符串中的数字
        print("Unsupported type for module loading.")
load_module_based_on_type(9)  # 输出: 3.0(平方根)
load_module_based_on_type("abc123")  # 输出: <re.Match object; span=(3, 6), match='123'>
# 3.0
# <re.Match object; span=(3, 6), match='123'>

# 示例2:使用type()和自定义类型
class Person:
    def __init__(self, name, age):
        self.name = name
        self.age = age
def greet(entity):
    if type(entity) is Person:
        print(f"Hello, {entity.name}. You are {entity.age} years old.")
        print(f"Hello, but I don't know how to greet a {type(entity)}.")
p = Person("Myelsa", 18)
greet("Not a person")
# Hello, Myelsa. You are 18 years old.
# Hello, but I don't know how to greet a <class 'str'>.