
Google Assistant is really good and quite useful, mostly because Google is constantly adding new features to make it better. Today, Google announced a slew of new features for Assistant—but they really shine on Home Hub.

Google助手非常好,非常有用,主要是因为Google不断添加新功能以使其变得更好。 今天,Google宣布了助手的一系列新功能-但它们确实在Home Hub上大放异彩。

(Deeper Nest Hello Integration with Smart Displays)

If you’re a Nest Hello user, you can already see on your smart display (like Google Home Hub) when someone rings your doorbell. But soon you’ll also be able to talk to them before going to the door. When someone hits you up on the ol’ doorbell, just tap the “Talk” button on your smart display to find out exactly what they want. The only downside is that it’ll be harder to ignore them when someone knows you’re home.

如果您是Nest Hello用户,当有人按门铃时,您就已经可以在智能显示屏(例如Google Home Hub)上看到了。 但是很快,您也可以在上门之前与他们交谈。 当有人在门铃上打您时,只需点按智能显示屏上的“通话”按钮,即可准确找到他们想要的东西。 唯一的缺点是,当有人知道您在家时,很难忽略它们。


(Broadcast Replies for an Always-On Intercom that Works from Anywhere)

Assistant’s “Broadcast” feature is neat—just say “Hey Google, Broadcast <some words>” and it will send a recording of your voice saying those words to all the Google Homes in your house. The issue is that this is one-way communication, at least until now.

Assistant的“广播”功能很简洁-只需说“嘿Google,广播<某些单词>”,它就会向您家中的所有Google Homes发送您的语音录音。 问题在于,这至少是到目前为止,是单向通信。

With Broadcast Replies, users will be able to respond to these broadcasts from smart displays, Android phones, and even other Google Home speakers. It’s like an intercom that works anywhere.

通过广播回复,用户将能够从智能显示器,Android手机甚至其他Google Home扬声器响应这些广播。 就像对讲机可以在任何地方工作。

(Google Photo Enhancements and Better Alarms on Smart Displays)

One of the best features of the Google Home Hub is Google Photos’ integration so it’s a digital picture frame when it’s not doing something more productive. Regardless of how well you curate your Google Photos collections, however, there’s always one or two pictures that slip through the cracks and show up when you don’t want them to. Starting now, you’ll be able to dismiss those photos and never see them on your Home Hub (or other Smart Display) again. Cool.

Google Home Hub的最佳功能之一是Google Photos的集成,因此当它无法提高工作效率时,它就是数码相框。 无论您对Google相册收藏的管理水平如何,总会有一两张照片在裂缝中溜走,并在您不希望出现时显示出来。 从现在开始,您将能够关闭这些照片,并且再也不会在Home Hub(或其他Smart Display)上看到它们。 凉。

Along the same lines, you’ll also be able to “favorite” photos that you really like. Also cool.

同样,您也可以“收藏”您真正喜欢的照片。 也很酷。

Finally, touch alarms will make their way to the Quick Settings panel on Smart Display. Pretty useful for quick timers and whatnot.

最后,触摸警报将进入Smart Display的“快速设置”面板。 对于快速计时器等功能非常有用。

(Pretty Please will Teach Your Rude-Ass Some Manners)

You’ve long been able to say “thanks” to Google Assistant after it executes a command—and it even get a cheeky response in return—but the new Pretty Please feature encourages you to be more polite to your little robot helper.

长期以来,您已经能够对Google Assistant执行命令后说“谢谢”-甚至得到厚颜无耻的响应-但新的Pretty Please功能鼓励您对小型机器人助手更加礼貌。

For example, if you say “Hey Google, please set a timer for 10 minutes” it will give you some sort of pleasant nod in return—“Thanks for asking so nicely!” or whatever—before running your command. It’s just a cute way to get people to be nice, especially when it comes to teaching your kids not to grow up to be like their rude Uncle Tony. What a jerk.

例如,如果您说“嘿Google,请设置一个10分钟的计时器”,它会给您带来一些愉快的点头,以示感谢-“谢谢您这么好!” 或其他任何操作-在运行命令之前。 这只是让人们变得友善的一种可爱方式,尤其是在教孩子不要长得像他们粗鲁的托尼叔叔时。 真是个混蛋。

The good news is that you don’t have to use this feature. Everything will continue to work as normal if you don’t throw a “please” or “thank you” into the mix. Plus, that avoid the extra time it takes to say/hear all those added words.

好消息是,你不必使用此功能。 如果您不向其中添加“请”或“谢谢”,一切将继续正常进行。 另外,这样可以避免说/听到所有添加的单词所需的额外时间。

(Gift Lists (That Still Don’t Use Google Keep))

You never know when you’re going to think of the perfect gift for someone on your list, and you can’t always jot it down so you don’t forget. Soon you’ll be able to tell your Assistant and let it keep a running list for you, however—just say “Hey Google, create a gift list” and start adding things to it.

您永远不知道什么时候想到清单上的某人的完美礼物,而且您总是无法记下它,所以您不会忘记。 很快,您将能够告诉您的助理并让其为您保留运行清单,只需说“嘿Google,创建礼物清单”并开始向其中添加内容即可。

The biggest issue is that it keeps this list within the Home app on Android and iOS—not any one of the dozens of note-taking apps out there. The good news is that Google realizes this is a huge shortcoming, so support for Keep, Any.do, Bring!, and Todoist is coming…at some point.

最大的问题是,此列表将其保留在Android和iOS上的Home应用程序中,而不是数十种笔记应用程序中的任何一个。 好消息是Google意识到这是一个巨大的缺点,因此对Keep,Any.do,Bring!和Todoist的支持即将到来……

(Sing Along, Talk to Santa, or Read Stories)

Lastly, Assistant is getting some fun new feature for families. You’ll be able to sing along to your favorite songs with on-screen lyrics on a Smart Display, get into a story with the Read Along feature, or even get a call in to the big man himself at the North Pole to see what he’s up to.

最后,助手为家庭提供了一些有趣的新功能。 您将能够在智能显示器上通过屏幕上的歌词与自己喜欢的歌曲一起唱歌,使用“继续阅读”功能来讲述故事,甚至可以打电话给自己在北极的大个子自己看看他决定。

via Google


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/google-assistants-new-features-make-home-hub-even-better/